(Zahtjev br. 21753/02)
19. listopada 2006.
Ova će presuda postati konačnom pod okolnostima utvrđenim u članku 44. stavku 2. Konvencije. Može biti podvrgnuta uredničkim izmjenama.
nakon vijećanja zatvorenog za javnost 28. rujna 2006. godine donosi sljedeću presudu koja je usvojena tog datuma:
1. Postupak u ovome predmetu pokrenut je na temelju zahtjeva (br. 21753/02) protiv Republike Hrvatske kojeg je 18. svibnja 2002. godine hrvatski državljanin g. Nenad Tomašić („podnositelj zahtjeva“) podnio Sudu na temelju članka 34. Konvencije za zaštitu ljudskih prava i temeljnih sloboda („Konvencija“) .
2. Hrvatsku Vladu („Vlada“) zastupale su njene zastupnice, prvo gđa L. Lukina- Karajković i nakon toga gđa Š. Stažnik.
3. Dana 11. prosinca 2003. godine Sud je utvrdio da je zahtjev djelomično nedopušten i odlučio Vladu obavijestiti o prigovorima koji se odnose na pristup sudu i djelotvorno pravno sredstvo. Na temelju članka 29. stavka 3. Konvencije odlučio je istovremeno odlučiti o osnovanosti i dopuštenosti zahtjeva.
4. Podnositelj zahtjeva je rođen 1950. godine i živi u Bjelovaru.
5. Dana 26. veljače 1992. godine nepoznati počinitelji digli su u zrak vikendicu podnositelja zahtjeva u Velikoj Pisanici.
6. Dana 24. veljače 1995. godine podnositelj zahtjeva je zajedno sa svojom ženom pokrenuo građanski postupak protiv države pred Općinskim sudom u Zagrebu, tražeći naknadu štete. Pozvali su se na članak 180. Zakona o obveznim odnosima.
7. Dana 3. veljače 1996. godine stupio je na snagu Zakon o izmjeni Zakona o obveznim odnosima („Izmjena iz 1996.“). Propisao je da se prekidaju svi postupci po tužbama za naknadu štete nastale uslijed terorističkih akata ili akata nasilja do donošenja novoga zakona o tom pitanju.
8. Dana 23. veljače 1996. godine općinski sud je prekinuo postupak na temelju Izmjene iz 1996. godine.
9. Dana 31. srpnja 2003. godine stupio je na snagu Zakon o odgovornosti za štetu nastalu uslijed terorističkih akata i javnih demonstracija („Zakon o odgovornosti iz 2003.“).
10. Na temelju Zakona o odgovornosti iz 2003. općinski sud je nastavio postupak 17. veljače 2004. godine. Dana 26. travnja 2004. godine utvrdio je da je tužba podnositelja zahtjeva nedopuštena i proglasio se nenadležnim u toj stvari.
Članak 212
“Postupak se prekida: ...
6) kad je to drugim zakonom određeno.”.
16. Mjerodavni dio Zakona o obnovi (Narodne novine br. 24/96, 54/96, 87/96 i 57/00) propisuje, inter alia, da će država pod određenim uvjetima dodijeliti pomoć u obnovi vlasnicima imovine (samo stanova i obiteljskih kuća) koja je bila oštećena tijekom rata. Zahtjev se podnosi nadležnome ministarstvu.
17. Zakon o odgovornosti za štetu nastalu uslijed terorističkih akata i javnih demonstracija (Narodne novine br. 117/2003 – “Zakon o odgovornost iz 2003.“) propisuje, inter alia, da država treba naknaditi samo štetu koja je posljeica tjelesne povrede, oštećenja zdravlja ili smrti. Svu naknadu štete na imovini treba tražiti na temelju Zakona o obnovi. Članak 10. propisuje da se nastavljaju svi postupci prekinuti na temelju Izmjene iz 1996. godine.
18. Članak 29., stavak 1. Ustava Republike Hrvatske (Narodne novine br. 41/2001 od 7. svibnja 2001.) glasi kako slijedi:
„Svatko ima pravo da zakonom ustanovljeni neovisni i nepristrani sud pravično i u razumnom roku odluči o njegovim pravima i obvezama, ili o sumnji ili optužbi zbog kažnjivog djela.“
19. Mjerodavni dio Ustavnog zakona o Ustavnom sudu Republike Hrvatske (Narodne novine br. 49/2002 od 3. svibnja 2002. godine – u daljnjem tekstu „Zakon o Ustavnom sudu“) glasi kako slijedi:
„1) Ustavni sud će pokrenuti postupak po ustavnoj tužbi i prije no što je iscrpljen pravni put, u slučaju kad o pravima i obvezama stranke ili o sumnji ili optužbi zbog kažnjivog djela nije u razumnom roku odlučio sud ili u slučaju kad se osporenim pojedinačnim aktom grubo vrijeđaju ustavna prava, a potpuno je razvidno da bi nepokretanjem ustavnosudskog postupka za podnositelja ustavne tužbe mogle nastati teške i nepopravljive posljedice.
(2) U odluci kojom usvaja ustavnu tužbu zbog nedonošenja akta u razumnom roku iz stavka 1. ovoga članka, Ustavni sud će nadležnom sudu odrediti rok za donošenje akta kojim će taj sud meritorno odlučiti o pravima i obvezama ili o sumnji ili optužbi zbog kažnjivog djela podnositelja. Rok za donošenje akta počinje teći idućeg dana od dana objave odluke Ustavnog suda u "Narodnim novinama".
(3) U odluci iz stavka 2. ovoga članka Ustavni sud će odrediti primjerenu naknadu koja pripada podnositelju zbog povrede njegova ustavnog prava koju je sud učinio kada o pravima i obvezama podnositelja ili o sumnji ili optužbi zbog njegova kažnjivog djela nije odlučio u razumnom roku. Naknada se isplaćuje iz državnog proračuna u roku od tri mjeseca od dana podnošenja zahtjeva stranke za njezinu isplatu.“
Članak 23. propisuje da u postupku pred Ustavnim sudom svaki sudionik plaća svoje troškove, osim ako sud ne odluči drugačije. Izraz „troškovi postupka“ ne uključuje sudske pristojbe, jer se u postupku pred Ustavnim sudom takve pristojbe ne plaćaju. Prema sudskoj praksi Ustavnoga suda o pitanju naknade troškova postupka treba odlučiti taj sud ako sudionik to zatraži. Na primjer, u predmetu br. U-III-1384/2000 od 30. studenog 2000. godine Ustavni sud je odbio zahtjev podnositelja ustavne tužbe za naknadu troškova budući je odbacio ustavnu tužbu.
20. Tarifa o nagradama i naknadi troškova za rad odvjetnika (Narodne novine, br. 69/93, 87/93, 16/94, 11/96), koja je bila na snazi u relevantno vrijeme (tj. kad je podnositelj zahtjeva podnio svoju ustavnu tužbu) propisivala je da naknada za sastavljanje ustavne tužbe iznosi 400 HRK
21. Prema Tarifi o nagradama i naknadi troškova za rad odvjetnika (Narodne novine, br 91/04, 37/05), naknada za sastav ustavne tužbe iznosi 5.000 HRK.
“Radi utvrđivanja svojih prava i obveza građanske naravi....svatko ima pravo...da sud...u razumnom roku ispita njegov slučaj...“
A. Dopuštenost
1. Tvrdnje stranaka
23. Vlada je ustvrdila da podnositelj zahtjeva više ne može tvrditi da je žrtva u smislu članka 34. Konvencije budući je 31. srpnja 2003. godine stupio na snagu Zakon o odgovornosti iz 2003., koji je propisao da se nastavljaju postupci prekinuti Izmjenom iz 1996. Štoviše, Ustavni sud je prihvatio ustavnu tužbu podnositelja zahtjeva, utvrdio povredu njegovoga ustavnoga prava na pristup sudu i dosudio mu naknadu. Prigovorena povreda je stoga bila ispravljena pred domaćim vlastima i podnositelj zahtjeva je izgubio status žrtve.
24. Podnositelj zahtjeva je ustvrdio da je usprkos odluke Ustavnoga suda od 7. srpnja 2004. godine on još uvijek „žrtva“ u smislu članka 34. Konvencije. Tvrdio je da je iznos naknade nedostatan i značajno niži od iznosa koje dosuđuje Sud u slični predmetima (vidi predmet Kutić v. Croatia, br. 48778/99, stavak 39., ECHR 2002-II).
25. Nadalje je tvrdio da prema Tarifi o nagradama odvjetnika iz 2004. godine nagrada za sastav ustavne tužbe iznosi 5.000 HRK. Zakon o Ustavnom sudu nije predvidio naknadu te nagrade u slučaju povoljnoga ishoda postupka koji se vodi pred njim. Stoga naknada koja mu je bila dosuđena nije bila dovoljna da pokrije makar troškove zastupanja po odvjetniku, a da ne govorimo o naknadi nematerijalne štete uzrokovane povredom.
2. Ocjena Suda
26. Sud podsjeća da je u predmetima u kojima su se postavljala slična pitanja o osnovanosti kao i u ovome predmetu utvrdio da su duga razdoblja u kojima su podnositelji zahtjeva bili spriječeni da bude odlučeno o njihovim građanskim zahtjevima kao posljedica Izmjene iz 1996. godine predstavljali povrede članka 6., stavka 1. Konvencije (vidi, na primjer, naprijed citirani predmet Kutić v. Croatia, stavak 33., i Freimann v. Croatia, br. 5266/02, stavak 28., 24. lipanj 2004.). Presudio je i da su čak i nakon stupanja na snagu Zakona o odgovornosti iz 2003. i nastavka postupka kao njegove posljedice, podnositelji zahtjeva još uvijek mogli tvrditi da su žrtve povreda njihovoga prava na pristup sudu jer je postupak bio dugo vremena prekinut, time da navodne povrede nisu bile priznate niti jednom odlukom domaćih vlasti, niti im je bila dosuđena bilo kakva naknada (vid, na primjer, predmete Urukalo and Nemet v. Croatia, br. 26886/02, stavci 23.-27., 28. travnja 2005.; i Lulić and Becker v. Croatia, br. 22857/02, stavci 30.-34., 24. ožujka 2005.).
27. Međutim, u ovome je predmetu prigovor podnositelja zahtjeva koji se odnosi na pristup sudu ispitao Ustavni sud koji je o njemu presudio u svojoj odluci od 7. srpnja 2004. godine. Dajući svoju ocjenu na pravičnoj osnovi, osigurao zadovoljštinu koja ima narav naknade, dosudivši podnositelju zahtjeva pravičnu naknadu za nematerijalnu štetu u iznosu od 4.400 HRK. Isto je tako naložio općinskom sudu da donese odluku u predmetu podnositelja zahtjeva u roku od godinu dana. Međutim, u trenutku kad je Ustavni sud donio odluku o ustavnoj tužbi podnositelja zahtjeva, općinski sud je to već učinio.
28. Sud ponavlja da odluka ili mjera koja je povoljna za podnositelja zahtjeva nije u načelu dovoljna da ga liši status „žrtve“, osim ako nacionalne vlasti nisu priznale, bilo izričito ili u biti, a onda i pružile zadovoljštinu za povredu Konvencije (vidi, kao jedan od najnovijih izvora prava predmet Cocchiarella v. Italy [GC], br. 64886/01, stavak 71., koja će biti objavljena u ECHR 2006).
29. Sud primijećuje da je Ustavni sud, izričito se pozivajući na sudsku praksu Suda, priznao da je došlo do povrede ustavnog prava podnositelja zahtjeva na pristup sudu. Sud smatra da takvo priznanje zadovoljava u biti prvi uvjet naveden u sudskoj praksi Suda.
30. Položaj podnositelja zahtjeva kao „žrtve“ tada ovisi o tome je li dosuđena zadovoljština bila odgovarajuća i dostatna, s obzirom na pravičnu naknadu kako je propisana u članku 41. Konvencije (vidi, mutatis mutandis, predmet Dubjaková v. Slovakia (dec.), br. 67299/01, 19. listopada 2004.).
31. Sud primijećuje da je u ovome predmetu dosuđena naknada bila bitno niža onoga što je sud dosudio u sličnim predmetima (vidi, na primjer, predmete Kastelic v. Croatia, br. 60533/00, stavak 41., 10. srpnja 2003.; Crnojević v. Croatia, br. 71614/01, stavak 29., 21. listopada 2004.). Međutim, je li zadovoljština bila odgovarajuća treba razmotriti u svjetlu svih okolnosti predmeta (vidi, mutatis mutandis, naprijed citirani predmet Dubjaková v. Slovakia (dec.)).
32. S tim u vezi, Sud podsjeća da se u predmetima radi duljine postupka jedna od značajki dovoljne zadovoljštine koja može ukloniti položaj parnične stranke kao žrtve odnosi na dosuđeni iznos. Taj iznos ovisi, osobito, o značajkama i djelotvornosti pravnoga sredstva. Tako su države koje su se, kao Hrvatska, odlučile za pravno sredstvo koje je namijenjeno i za ubrzanje postupka i za dosudu naknade, slobodne dosuditi iznose koji – iako su niži od iznosa koje dosuđuje Sud – nisu nerazumni (vidi naprijed citirani predmet Cocchiarella v. Italy, [GC], stavci 96. i 97.). To nije tako samo zato što je to pravno sredstvo bliže i dostupnije podnositelju zahtjeva nego što je to zahtjev Sudu, nego i zato što je brže i po njemu se postupa na jeziku podnositelja zahtjeva. Ono tako pruža prednosti koje treba uzeti u obzir (vidi citirani predmet Cocchiarella v. Italy [GC], stavak 139.).
Po mišljenju Suda, ova se načela primjenjuju mutatis mutandis na navodne povrede prava na pristup sudu u okolnostima sličnima okolnostima ovoga predmeta
33. Sud primijećuje da je u ovome predmetu Sabor donio zakon predviđen u Izmjeni iz 1996. – Zakon o odgovornosti iz 2003. – koji sada uređuje sva pitanja koja se odnose na naknadu štete od terorističkih akata. Novi zakon je isto tako okončao pobijanu pravnu situaciju, propisavši da se nastavljaju svi postupci prekinuti na temelju Izmjene iz 1996. Štoviše, na temelju novoga zakona, općinski sud je donio odluku u predmetu podnositelja zahtjeva. Sud također primijećuje da je, osim što je podnositelju zahtjeva dosudio naknadu, Ustavni sud u svojoj odluci isto tako htio naložiti općinskom sudu za ubrza postupak. Ispostavilo se je da je dio njegove odluke kojim je naložio općinskom sudu da donese odluku u predmetu podnositelja zahtjeva u roku od godinu dana bio neoperativan jer je taj sud već donio odluku u predmetu podnositelja zahtjeva.
34. Glede pitanja nagrade za rad odvjetnika, Sud ponavlja da prekomjerni troškovi postupka (uključujući nagrade za rad odvjetnika) mogu značajno kočiti napore podnositelja zahtjeva da dobije naknadu (vidi citirani predmet Cocchiarella v. Italy [GC], stavak 102.). Budući da u postupku pred Ustavnim sudom svaki sudionik u načelu plaća svoje troškove (vidi stavak 19. ove presude), bitno povećanje nagrada za rad odvjetnika (vidi stavak 21. ove presude) čimbenik je koji treba uzeti u obzir pri utvrđivanju iznosa naknade. Inače se domaće vlasti izlažu riziku da postignu paradoksalni rezultat da s jednom rukom oduzmu ono što su drugom dosudile (vidi, mutatis mutandis, predmet Cocchiarella v. Italy [GC], stavak 92.). Međutim, Sud primijećuje da u ovome predmetu nagrada za rad odvjetnika nije premašila 400 HRK u trenutku kad je podnositelj zahtjeva podnio svoju ustavnu tužbu. Nadalje, podnositelj zahtjeva nije dostavio nikakve dokaze kojima bi dokazao da je ikada od Ustavnoga suda zatraži da mu naknadi troškove postupka, a to je mogućnost koja postoji na temelju članka 23. Zakona o Ustavnom sudu.
35. Ipak, uzimajući u obzir okolnosti predmeta, Sud smatra kako je iznos naknade koji iznosi oko 15% iznosa koji općenito dosuđuje Sud u sličnim hrvatskim predmetima očigledno nerazuman s obzirom na njegovu sudsku praksu.
36. Slijedi da se zadovoljština dosuđena podnositelju zahtjeva ne može smatrati odgovarajućom i dostatnom. Stoga podnositelj zahtjeva još uvijek može tvrditi da je „žrtva“ povrede svoga prava na pristup sudu, i da stoga Vladin prigovor treba odbiti.
37. Sud nadalje primijećuje da kako ovaj prigovor nije očigledno neosnovan, u smislu članka 35., stavka 3. Konvencije. Isto tako primijećuje da nije nedopušten ni po kojoj drugoj osnovi. Stoga treba utvrditi da je dopušten.
B. Osnovanost
38. Sud je često utvrdio povrede prava podnositelja zahtjeva na pristup sudu na temelju članka 6. stavka 1. Konvencije u predmetima u kojima su se postavljala pitanja slična pitanju u ovome predmetu (vidi naprijed citirani predmet Kutić v. Croatia, i Multiplex v. Croatia, br. 58112/00, 10. srpnja 2003.).
39. Ispitavši sav materijal koji mu je predočen, Sud smatra da Vlada nije podnijela niti jednu činjenicu ili tvrdnju koja bi ga mogla uvjeriti da dođe do drugačijega zaključka u ovome predmetu.
Stoga je došlo do povrede članka 6. stavka 1.
40. Podnositelj zahtjeva je također prigovorio da nije imao na raspolaganju nikakvo djelotvorno pravno sredstvo kako je zajamčeno člankom 13. Konvencije, koji glasi kako slijedi:
„Svatko čija su prava i slobode koje su priznate u ovoj Konvenciji povrijeđene ima pravo na djelotvorna pravna sredstva pred domaćim državnim tijelom čak i u slučaju kad su povredu počinile osobe koje su djelovale u službenom svojstvu.“
41. Vlada je osporila tu tvrdnju.
42. Sud primijećuje da je ovaj prigovor povezan s prigovorom kojeg je ispitao u ovoj presudi, te da stoga na isti način treba utvrditi da je dopušten.
43. S obzirom na utvrđenje koje se odnosi na članak 6., stavak 1. (vidi stavak 39. ove presude) Sud smatra kako nije potrebno ispitati je li u ovome predmetu došlo i do povrede članka 13. budući da su njegovi zahtjevi manje strogi te ih apsorbiraju oni iz članka 6., stavka 1. (vidi, na primjer, predmet Dražić v. Croatia, br. 11044/03, stavak 43., 6. listopada 2005.).
44. Članak 41. Konvencije predviđa:
„Ako Sud utvrdi da je došlo do povrede Konvencije i dodatnih protokola, a unutarnje pravo zainteresirane visoke ugovorne stranke omogućava samo djelomičnu odštetu, Sud će, prema potrebi, dodijeliti pravednu naknadu povrijeđenoj stranci.“
A. Šteta
45. Podnositelj zahtjeva potražuje 22.880 EUR na ime materijalne štete i 74.000 EUR na ime nematerijalne štete.
46. Vlada je smatrala da su iznosi koje podnositelj zahtjeva potražuje prekomjerni.
47. Sud ne nalazi nikakvu uzročnu vezu između utvrđene povrede i navodne materijalne štete; stoga odbija taj zahtjev.
48. U odnosu na potraživanu naknadu nematerijalne štete, Sud ponavlja da kada je podnositelj zahtjeva iskoristio dostupno domaće pravno sredstvo i time ishodio utvrđenje povrede te mu je dosuđena naknada, no ipak još uvijek može tvrditi da je „žrtva“, iznos dosuđen na temelju članka 41. može biti manji od iznosa koje Sud dosuđuje u sličnim predmetima. U takvom predmetu podnositelju zahtjeva treba biti dosuđena razlika između iznosa koji je dobio od Ustavnoga suda i iznosa koji ne bi bio smatran očito nerazumnim u usporedbi s iznosima koje dosuđuje Sud (vidi, mutatins mutandis, naprijed navedeni predmet Cocchiarella v. Italy [GC], stavci 139.-140.).
49. Sud smatra da bi, kad ne bi postojala domaća pravna sredstva, u ovome predmetu dosudio iznos od 4.000 EUR. Već je utvrdio (vidi stavak 35. ove presude) da je podnositelju zahtjeva Ustavni sud dosudio 600 EUR, a što je oko 15% of onoga što bi mu dosudio Sud.
50. S obzirom na okolnosti ovoga predmeta, značajke ustavne tužbe kao i činjenice da je bez obzira na domaće pravno sredstvo Sud utvrdio postojanje povrede, Sud smatra, donoseći odluku na pravičnoj osnovi, da podnositelju zahtjeva treba dosuditi 1.200 EUR na ime nematerijalne štete uz sve poreze koji bi mogli biti zaračunati na taj iznos.
B. Troškovi i izdaci
51. Podnositelj zahtjeva također potražuje 2.620 EUR na ime troškova i izdataka nastalih pred domaćim vlastima.
52. Vlada je osporila taj zahtjev.
53. Prema sudskoj praksi Suda, podnositelj zahtjeva ima pravo na naknadu svojih troškova i izdataka samo ukoliko je dokazala da su oni stvarno i nužno nastali i da su bili razumni s obzirom na količinu. U ovome predmetu, uzevši u obzir informacije koje posjeduje i naprijed navedene kriterije, Sud smatra razumnim dosuditi iznos do 60 EUR na ime troškova i izdataka u domaćem postupku, uz ve poreze koji bi mogli biti zaračunati na taj iznos.
C. Zatezna kamata
54. Sud smatra odgovarajućim da se kamatna stopa temelji na najnižoj kreditnoj stopi Europske središnje banke kojoj treba dodati tri postotna boda;
1. proglašava ostatak zahtjeva dopuštenim;
2. presuđuje da je došlo do povrede članka 6. stavka 1. Konvencije;
3. presuđuje da nema potrebe ispitati prigovor na temelju članka 13. Konvencije;
4. presuđuje
(ii) 60 EUR (šezdeset eura) na ime troškova i izdataka;
(iii) svaki porez koji bi mogao biti zaračunat na te iznose;
(b) da se od proteka naprijed navedena tri mjeseca do namirenja na naprijed navedeni iznos plaća obična kamata prema stopi koja je jednaka najnižoj kreditnoj stopi Europske središnje banke tijekom razdoblja neplaćanja, uvećana za tri postotna boda;
5. Odbija ostatak zahtjeva podnositeljice zahtjeva za pravičnom naknadom. Sastavljeno na engleskome jeziku i otpravljeno u pisanom obliku dana 19. listopada 2006. godine u skladu s pravilom 77. stavcima 2. i 3. Poslovnika Suda.
Søren NIELSEN tajnik Odjela
Christos ROZAKIS Predsjednik
Prevod presude preuzet sa
(Application no. 21753/02)
19 October 2006
This judgment will become final in the circumstances set out in Article 44 § 2 of the Convention. It may be subject to editorial revision.
In the case of Tomašić v. Croatia,
The European Court of Human Rights (First Section), sitting as a Chamber composed of:
MrC.L. Rozakis, President,
MrL. Loucaides,
MrsF. Tulkens,
MrsN. Vajić,
MrA. Kovler,
MrsE. Steiner,
MrK. Hajiyev, judges,
and Mr S. Nielsen, Section Registrar,
Having deliberated in private on 28 September 2006,
Delivers the following judgment, which was adopted on that date:
1. The case originated in an application (no. 21753/02) against the Republic of Croatia lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a Croatian national, Mr Nenad Tomašić (“the applicant”), on 18 May 2002.
2. The Croatian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agents, first Mrs L. Lukina-Karajković and subsequently Mrs Š. Stažnik.
3. On 11 December 2003 the Court declared the application partly inadmissible and decided to communicate the complaints concerning access to a court and effective remedy to the Government. Under the provisions of Article 29 § 3 of the Convention, it decided to examine the merits of the application at the same time as its admissibility.
4. The applicant was born in 1950 and lives in Bjelovar.
5. On 26 February 1992 the applicant's summer house in Velika Pisanica was blown up by unknown perpetrators.
6. On 24 February 1995 the applicant together with his wife brought a civil action against the State in the Zagreb Municipal Court (Općinski sud u Zagrebu) seeking damages. They relied on section 180 of the Civil Obligations Act.
7. On 3 February 1996 the Amendment to the Civil Obligations Act (“the 1996 Amendment”) entered into force. It provided that all proceedings concerning actions for damages resulting from terrorist acts or acts of violence were to be stayed pending the enactment of new legislation on the subject.
8. On 23 February 1996 the Municipal Court stayed the proceedings pursuant to the 1996 Amendment.
9. On 31 July 2003 the Act on Liability for Damage Resulting from Terrorist Acts and Public Demonstrations (“the 2003 Liability Act”) entered into force.
10. Pursuant to the 2003 Liability Act, on 17 February 2004 the Municipal Court resumed the proceedings. On 26 April 2004 it declared the applicant's action inadmissible finding that it no longer had jurisdiction in the matter.
11. The applicant appealed to the Zagreb County Court (Županijski sud u Zagrebu). It appears that the proceedings are currently pending before that court.
12. Meanwhile, on 24 April 2002 the applicant, represented by an attorney, lodged a constitutional complaint about the length of proceedings under section 63 of the Constitutional Court Act. On 7 July 2004 the Constitutional Court accepted the applicant's complaint. Relying on the Court's case law (Kutić v. Croatia, no. 48778/99, ECHR 2002‑II), it found violations of the applicant's constitutional rights to a hearing within a reasonable time and of access to a court. It ordered the Zagreb Municipal Court to give a decision in the applicant's case within a year and awarded him compensation in the amount of 4,400 Croatian kunas (HRK).
13. The relevant part of the Civil Obligations Act (Zakon o obveznim odnosima, Official Gazette, nos. 53/91, 73/91, 3/94, 7/96 and 112/99) provided as follows:
Section 180(1)
“Liability for loss caused by death or bodily injury or by damage or destruction of another's property, when it results from acts of violence or terrorist acts or from public demonstrations or manifestations, lies with the ... authority whose officers were under a duty, according to the laws in force, to prevent such loss.”
14. The relevant part of the Act Amending the Civil Obligations Act (Zakon o izmjeni Zakona o obveznim odnosima, Official Gazette no. 7/1996 – “the 1996 Amendment”) reads as follows:
Section 1
“Section 180 of the Civil Obligations Act (the Official Gazette nos. 53/91, 73/91 and 3/94) shall be repealed.”
Section 2
“Proceedings for damages instituted under section 180 of the Civil Obligations Act shall be stayed.
The proceedings referred to in sub-section 1 of this section shall be resumed after the enactment of special legislation governing liability for damage resulting from terrorist acts.”
15. The relevant part of the Civil Procedure Act (Zakon o parničnom postupku, Official Gazette nos. 53/91, 91/92, 58/93, 112/99, 88/01 and 117/03) provides:
Section 212
“Proceedings shall be stayed:
(6) where another statute so prescribes.”
16. The relevant part of the Reconstruction Act (Zakon o obnovi, Official Gazette nos. 24/96, 54/96, 87/96 and 57/00) provides, inter alia, that the State shall grant, under certain conditions, reconstruction assistance to owners of property (flats and family houses only) which has been damaged during the war. The request is to be submitted to the competent ministry.
17. The Act on Liability for Damage Resulting from Terrorist Acts and Public Demonstrations (Zakon o odgovornosti za štetu nastalu uslijed terorističkih akata i javnih demonstracija, Official Gazette no. 117/2003 – “the 2003 Liability Act”) provides, inter alia, that the State is to compensate only damage resulting from bodily injuries, impairment of health or death. All compensation for damage to property is to be sought under the Reconstruction Act. Section 10 provides that all proceedings stayed pursuant to the 1996 Amendment are to be resumed.
18. Article 29 § 1 of the Constitution (Ustav Republike Hrvatske, Official Gazette no. 41/2001 of 7 May 2001) reads as follows:
“In the determination of his rights and obligations or of any criminal charge against him, everyone is entitled to a fair hearing within a reasonable time by an independent and impartial court established by law.”
19. The relevant part of the Constitutional Act on the Constitutional Court (Ustavni zakon o Ustavnom sudu Republike Hrvatske, Official Gazette no. 49/2002 of 3 May 2002 – “the Constitutional Court Act”) reads as follows:
Section 63
“(1) The Constitutional Court shall examine a constitutional complaint whether or not all legal remedies have been exhausted if the competent court fails to decide a claim concerning the applicant's rights and obligations or a criminal charge against him or her within a reasonable time ...
(2) If a constitutional complaint ... under paragraph 1 of this section is upheld, the Constitutional Court shall set a time-limit within which the competent court must decide the case on the merits...
(3) In a decision issued under paragraph 2 of this section, the Constitutional Court shall assess appropriate compensation for the applicant for the violation of his or her constitutional rights ... The compensation shall be paid out of the State budget within three months from the date a request for payment is lodged.”
Section 23 provides that, in proceedings before the Constitutional Court, each participant shall pay its own costs unless the court decides otherwise. The term “costs of proceedings” does not include the court fees since no such fees are payable in the proceedings before the Constitutional Court. Under the case-law of the Constitutional Court the issue of the recovery of the costs of proceedings is to be decided by that court if a participant makes a request to that end. For example, in case no. U-III-1384/2000 of 30 November 2000 the Constitutional Court denied the complainant's request for recovery of costs since the constitutional complaint had been dismissed.
20. The 1993 Tariff for Attorneys' Fees (Tarifa o nagradama i naknadi troškova za rad odvjetnika, Official Gazette nos. 69/93, 87/93, 16/94, 11/96), as in force at the material time (i.e. when the applicant lodged his constitutional complaint), provided that the fee for drafting a constitutional complaint amounted to HRK 400.
21. According to the 2004 Tariff for Attorneys' Fees (Tarifa o nagradama i naknadi troškova za rad odvjetnika, Official Gazette nos. 91/04, 37/05), the fee for drafting a constitutional complaint amounts to HRK 5,000.
22. The applicant complained that Parliament's enactment of the 1996 Amendment violated his right of access to a court as provided in Article 6 § 1 of the Convention, which reads as follows:
“In the determination of his civil rights and obligations ..., everyone is entitled to a ... hearing ... by [a] ... tribunal...”
A. Admissibility
1. The parties' arguments
23. The Government submitted that the applicant could no longer claim to be a victim within the meaning of Article 34 of the Convention since on 31 July 2003 the Liability Act entered into force, which provided that the proceedings stayed under the 1996 Amendment were to be resumed. Moreover, the Constitutional Court had accepted the applicant's constitutional complaint, found a violation of his constitutional right of access to a court, and awarded him compensation. The violation complained of had, therefore, been remedied before the domestic authorities and the applicant had lost his victim status.
24. The applicant submitted that, in spite of the Constitutional Court's decision of 7 July 2004, he was still a “victim” within the meaning of Article 34 of the Convention. He argued that the amount of compensation was insufficient and significantly lower than amounts awarded by the Court in similar cases (see Kutić v. Croatia, no. 48778/99, § 39, ECHR 2002‑II).
25. He further argued that, under the 2004 Tariff for Attorneys' Fees, the fee for drafting a constitutional complaint amounted to HRK 5,000. The Constitutional Court Act did not provide for the recovery of such fee in case of a favourable outcome of the proceedings before it. Accordingly, the compensation awarded to him had not been sufficient to cover even the costs of the legal representation, let alone the non-pecuniary damage incurred by the violation.
2. The Court's assessment
26. The Court recalls that in cases raising similar issues on the merits as the present case it found that long periods for which the applicants were prevented from having their civil claims determined as a consequence of the 1996 Amendment constituted violations of Article 6 § 1 of the Convention (see, for example, Kutić v. Croatia, cited above, § 33; and Freimann v. Croatia, no. 5266/02, § 28, 24 June 2004). It has also held that even after the entry into force of the 2003 Liability Act and the resultant resumption of the proceedings, the applicants could still claim to be victims of violations of their right of access to a court because their proceedings had been stayed for a long time whereas the alleged violations had not been recognised by any decision of the domestic authorities, nor had they been awarded any compensation (see, for example, Urukalo and Nemet v. Croatia, no. 26886/02, §§ 23-27, 28 April 2005; and Lulić and Becker v. Croatia, no. 22857/02, §§ 30-34, 24 March 2005).
27. However, in the present case, the applicant's complaint concerning access to a court was examined by the Constitutional Court which adjudicated on it in its decision of 7 July 2004. Making an assessment on an equitable basis, it provided for redress of compensatory nature by awarding the applicant just satisfaction in respect of non‑pecuniary damage in the amount of HRK 4,400. It also ordered the Municipal Court to decide the applicant's case within a year. However, at the time when the Constitutional Court ruled on the applicant's complaint, the Municipal Court had already done so.
28. The Court reiterates that a decision or measure favourable to the applicant is not in principle sufficient to deprive him of his status of a “victim” unless the national authorities have acknowledged, either expressly or in substance, and then afforded redress for, the breach of the Convention (see, as the most recent authority, Cocchiarella v. Italy [GC], no. 64886/01, § 71, to be published in ECHR 2006).
29. The Court observes that the Constitutional Court, expressly relying on the case-law of the Court, acknowledged that there had been a violation of the applicant's constitutional right of access to a court. The Court considers that such acknowledgment satisfies in substance the first condition laid down in the Court's case law.
30. The applicant's status of a victim then depends on whether the redress afforded was adequate and sufficient having regard to just satisfaction as provided for under Article 41 of the Convention (see, mutatis mutandis, Dubjaková v. Slovakia (dec.), no. 67299/01, 19 October 2004).
31. The Court notes that in the instant case the compensation awarded to the applicant was substantially lower than what the Court has awarded in similar cases (see, for example, Kastelic v. Croatia, no. 60533/00, § 41, 10 July 2003; Crnojević v. Croatia, no. 71614/01, § 29, 21 October 2004). However, adequacy of the redress falls to be assessed in the light of all the circumstances of the case (see, mutatis mutandis, Dubjaková v. Slovakia (dec.), cited above).
32. In this connection, the Court recalls that in the length-of-proceedings cases one of the characteristics of sufficient redress which may remove a litigant's victim status relates to the amount awarded. The amount depends, in particular, on the characteristics and effectiveness of the remedy. Thus, the States which, like Croatia, opted for a remedy designed both to expedite proceedings and afford compensation is free to award amounts which – while being lower than those awarded by the Court – are not unreasonable (see Cocchiarella v. Italy [GC], cited above, §§ 93 and 96-97). This is so not only because such a remedy is closer and more accessible to an applicant than an application to the Court, but also because it is faster and is processed in the applicant's own language. It thus offers advantages that need to be taken into consideration (see Cocchiarella v. Italy [GC], cited above, § 139).
In the Court's view, these principles apply mutatis mutandis to the alleged violations of the right of access to a court in the circumstances similar to those of the present case.
33. The Court notes that in the present case Parliament enacted the legislation envisaged in the 1996 Amendment – the 2003 Liability Act – which now regulates all issues concerning damages from terrorist acts. The new legislation also put an end to the impugned legal situation providing that all proceedings stayed pursuant to the 1996 Amendment were to be resumed. Moreover, pursuant to the new legislation, the Municipal Court delivered a decision in the applicant's case. The Court also observes that, apart from awarding compensation to the applicant, in its decision the Constitutional Court was also willing to order the Municipal Court to expedite the proceedings. The part of its decision ordering the Municipal Court to decide the applicant's case within a year proved to be inoperative only because that court had already delivered a decision in the applicant's case.
34. As to the issue of attorney's fees, the Court reiterates that excessive procedural costs (including the attorney's fees) may significantly hamper an applicant's efforts to obtain compensation (see Cocchiarella v. Italy [GC], cited above, § 102). Given that in the proceedings before the Constitutional Court each participant, in principle, pays its own costs (see paragraph 19 above), the substantial raise of attorneys' fees (see paragraph 21 above) is a factor that should be taken into consideration in determining the amount of compensation. Otherwise, the domestic authorities risk reaching a paradoxical result that they take away with one hand what they awarded with the other (see, mutatis mutandis, Cocchiarella v. Italy [GC], § 92). However, the Court notes that in the instant case the attorney's fees did not exceed HRK 400 at the time the applicant lodged his constitutional complaint. Furthermore, the applicant did not submit any evidence proving that he had ever requested the Constitutional Court to compensate him for the costs of the proceedings, an option existing under section 23 of the Constitutional Court Act.
35. Nevertheless, taking into account all circumstances of the case, the Court considers that the amount of compensation which is approximately 15 % of what it generally awards in similar Croatian cases is manifestly unreasonable having regard to its case-law.
36. It follows that the redress afforded to the applicant cannot be regarded as adequate and sufficient. Accordingly, the applicant can still claim to be a “victim” of a breach of his right of access to a court, and the Government's objection must therefore be dismissed.
37. The Court further notes that this complaint is not manifestly ill-founded within the meaning of Article 35 § 3 of the Convention. It also notes that it is not inadmissible on any other grounds. It must therefore be declared admissible.
B. Merits
38. The Court has frequently found violations of the applicants' right of access to a court under Article 6 § 1 of the Convention in cases raising issues similar to the one in the present case (see Kutić v. Croatia, cited above, and Multiplex v. Croatia, no. 58112/00, 10 July 2003).
39. Having examined all the material submitted to it, the Court considers that the Government have not put forward any fact or argument capable of persuading it to reach a different conclusion in the present case.
There has accordingly been a breach of Article 6 § 1.
40. The applicant also complained that they had no effective remedy at their disposal as guaranteed by Article 13 of the Convention which reads as follows:
“Everyone whose rights and freedoms as set forth in [the] Convention are violated shall have an effective remedy before a national authority notwithstanding that the violation has been committed by persons acting in an official capacity.”
41. The Government contested that argument.
42. The Court notes that this complaint is linked to the one examined above and must therefore likewise be declared admissible.
43. Having regard to the finding relating to Article 6 § 1 (see paragraph 39 above), the Court considers that it is not necessary to examine whether, in this case, there has also been a violation of Article 13 since its requirements are less strict than, and are here absorbed by, those of Article 6 § 1 (see, for example, Dražić v. Croatia, no. 11044/03, § 43, 6 October 2005).
44. Article 41 of the Convention provides:
“If the Court finds that there has been a violation of the Convention or the Protocols thereto, and if the internal law of the High Contracting Party concerned allows only partial reparation to be made, the Court shall, if necessary, afford just satisfaction to the injured party.”
A. Damage
45. The applicant claimed EUR 22,880 in respect of pecuniary damage and EUR 74,000 in respect of non-pecuniary damage.
46. The Government deemed the amounts claimed by the applicant excessive.
47. The Court does not discern any causal link between the violation found and the pecuniary damage alleged; it therefore rejects this claim.
48. As to the non-pecuniary damage sought, the Court reiterates that where an applicant had resorted to an available domestic remedy and thereby obtained a finding of a violation and was awarded compensation, but can nevertheless still claim to be a “victim”, the amount to be awarded under Article 41 may be less than the amounts the Court was awarding in similar cases. In that case an applicant must be awarded the difference between the amount obtained from the Constitutional Court and an amount that would not have been regarded as manifestly unreasonable compared with the amounts awarded by the Court (see, mutatis mutandis, Cocchiarella v. Italy [GC], cited above, §§ 139-140).
49. The Court considers that, in the absence of domestic remedies, in the present case it would have awarded the sum of EUR 4,000. It has already found (see paragraph 35 above) that the applicant was awarded EUR 600 by the Constitutional Court, which is approximately 15 % of what the Court would have awarded him.
50. Having regard to the circumstances of the present case, the characteristics of the constitutional complaint as well as the fact that, notwithstanding this domestic remedy, the Court has found a violation, it considers, ruling on an equitable basis, that the applicant should be awarded EUR 1,200 in respect of non-pecuniary damage, plus any tax that may be chargeable on that amount.
B. Costs and expenses
51. The applicant also claimed EUR 2,620 for the costs and expenses incurred before the domestic courts.
52. The Government contested the claim.
53. According to the Court's case-law, an applicant is entitled to reimbursement of his costs and expenses only in so far as it has been shown that these have been actually and necessarily incurred and were reasonable as to quantum. In the present case, regard being had to the information in its possession and the above criteria, the Court considers it reasonable to award the sum of EUR 60 for costs and expenses in the domestic proceedings, plus any tax that may be chargeable on that amount.
C. Default interest
54. The Court considers it appropriate that the default interest should be based on the marginal lending rate of the European Central Bank, to which should be added three percentage points.
1. Declares the remainder of the application admissible;
2. Holds that there has been a violation of Article 6 § 1 of the Convention;
3. Holds that there is no need to examine the complaint under Article 13 of the Convention;
4. Holds
(a) that the respondent State is to pay the applicant, within three months from the date on which the judgment becomes final according to Article 44 § 2 of the Convention, the following amounts which are to be converted into the national currency of the respondent State at a rate applicable at the date of settlement:
(i) EUR 1,200 (one thousand two hundred euros) in respect of non-pecuniary damage;
(ii) EUR 60 (sixty euros) in respect of costs and expenses;
(iii) any tax that may be chargeable on the above amounts;
(b) that from the expiry of the above-mentioned three months until settlement simple interest shall be payable on the above amounts at a rate equal to the marginal lending rate of the European Central Bank during the default period plus three percentage points;
5. Dismisses the remainder of the applicant's claim for just satisfaction.
Done in English, and notified in writing on19 October 2006, pursuant to Rule 77 §§ 2 and 3 of the Rules of Court.
Søren Nielsen Christos Rozakis
Registrar President