(Aplikacija br. 44080/16 i 37 drugih - vidi listu u dodatku)
27.06.2019. godine
Ova presuda je konačna ali su u njoj moguće uredničke izmjene.
Stéphanie Mourou-Vikström, predsjednica,
Georges Ravarani,
Jolien Schukking, suci,
i Liv Tigerstedt v.d. zamjenik registrara Odjela,
nakon vijećanja zatvorenog za javnost održanog 6.06.2019. godine, donio je sljedeću presudu koja je usvojena navedenog datuma:
Ĉlan 6. stav 1.
„Prilikom odluĉivanja o njegovim graĊanskim pravima i obavezama ... svako ima pravo na ...suĊenje u razumnom roku....pred ...sudom...“
Ĉlan 1. Protokola br. 1
„Svaka fiziĉka i pravna osoba ima pravo na neometano uživanje svoje imovine. Niko ne može biti lišen njegove imovine osim kada je to u javnom interesu i u skladu s uvjetima propisanim zakonom i općim naĉelima meĊunarodnog prava.
Prethodne odredbe, meĊutim, ni na koji naĉin ne umanjuju pravo države da primijeni zakone koje smatra potrebnim kako bi regulirala korištenje imovine u skladu s općim interesom ili kako bi osigurala plaćanje poreza ili drugih doprinosa ili kazni.“
„Ukoliko Sud utvrdi da je došlo do povrede Konvencije ili njenih Protokola, te ukoliko zakonodavstvo visoke ugovorne strane o kojoj je rijeĉ omogućuje samo djelomiĉno obeštećenje, Sud će, po potrebi, odrediti praviĉnu naknadu oštećenoj strani.“
Saĉinjeno na engleskom jeziku i dostavljeno u pisanoj formi dana 27.06.2019. godine, u skladu s pravilom 77. stavovi 2. i 3. Pravila Suda.
Liv Tigerstedt Stéphanie Mourou-Vikström
vršitelj dužnosti zamjenika registrara predsjednica
Lista aplikacija sa pritužbama prema ĉlanu 6. stav 1. Konvencije i ĉlanu 1. Protokola br. 1 (neizvršavanje ili kašnjenje u izvršenju domaćih odluka)
Br. |
Aplikacija br. Datum podnošenja |
Ime i prezime aplikanta Datum roĊenja |
Relevantna domaća odluka |
Poĉetak perioda neizvršavanja |
Kraj perioda neizvršavanja Duţina postupka izvršenja |
Iznos dosuĊen na ime nematerijalne štete po aplikantu (u eurima)1 |
Iznos dosuĊen na ime troškova i izdataka po aplikaciji (u eurima)2 |
1. |
44080/16 20/07/2016 |
Izet Balić 05/01/1970 |
Prvostepeni sud u Mostaru, 14/06/2012 |
17/01/2014 |
neizvršena Više od 5 godina i 3 mjeseca i 13 dana |
1.000 |
350 |
2. |
44091/16 20/07/2016 |
Hasnija Kisić 30/05/1970 |
Kantonalni sud u Mostaru, 14/10/2010 |
03/02/2011 |
neizvršena Više od 8 godina i 2 mjeseca i 27 dana |
1.000 |
350 |
3. |
44107/16 20/07/2016 |
Alija Baljić 24/02/1965 |
Kantonalni sud u Mostaru. 28/02/2011 |
28/04/2011 |
neizvršena Više od 8 godina i2 dana |
1.000 |
350 |
4. |
44133/16 20/07/2016 |
Armin Demić 02/12/1970 Ivan Zovko 20/10/1964 |
Kantonalni sud u Mostaru, 11/08/2010 |
28/10/2010 |
neizvršena Više od 8 godina i 6 mjeseci i 2 dana |
1.000 |
350 |
5. |
44199/16 19/07/2016 (4 aplikanta) |
Adis Ĉomor 06/03/1977 Zuhra Elezović 01/01/1953 Almira Šuta 06/06/1979 Esad Aliĉić 12/01/1968 |
Kantonalni sud u Mostaru, 21/10/2010
Vrhovni sud Federacije BiH, 12/07/2011 |
05/03/2012 |
neizvršena Više od 8 godina i1 mjesec i 22 dana
neizvršena Više od 7 godina i 1 mjesec i 25 dana |
1.000 |
350 |
6. |
44201/16 |
Sedin Budim |
Kantonalni sud u |
18/01/2011 |
neizvršena |
1.000 |
350 |
19/07/2016 |
30/11/1973 |
Mostaru, 30/09/2010 |
Više od 8 godina i 3 mjeseca i 12 |
(4 aplikanta) |
Alija Makan |
dana |
11/02/1951 |
Vladimir Boltar |
30/12/1967 |
Nermin Hondo |
19/09/1966 |
7. |
44288/16 |
Semir Balta |
Kantonalni sud u |
11/08/2010 |
neizvršena |
1.000 |
350 |
20/07/2016 |
24/03/1962 |
Mostaru, 13/05/2010 |
Više od 8 godina i 8 mjeseci i 19 |
(3 aplikanta) |
Evelina Hasandedić |
dana |
29/10/1962 |
Razija Tanović |
20/08/1946 |
8. |
44290/16 |
SlaĊan Goluţa |
Kantonalni sud u |
21/04/2010 |
neizvršena |
1.000 |
350 |
19/07/2016 |
27/10/1966 |
Mostaru, 13/01/2010 |
Više od 9 godina i 9 dana |
(4 aplikanta) |
Ilija Rozić |
07/10/1958 |
Miloš Vuković |
22/12/1983 |
Nikica Šimunović |
06/10/1968 |
9. |
44335/16 |
Miralem Ĉopelj |
Kantonalni sud u |
30/08/2010 |
neizvršena |
1.000 |
350 |
19/07/2016 |
12/11/1969 |
Mostaru, 19/05/2010 |
Više od 8 godina i 8 mjeseci |
(3 aplikanta) |
Aleksandar Ruţiĉić |
30/06/1981 |
Dţevad Maksumić |
06/06/1978 |
10. |
44338/16 |
Ivica Arapović |
Kantonalni sud u |
08/02/2011 |
neizvršena |
1.000 |
350 |
19/07/2016 |
21/01/1957 |
Mostaru, 12/11/2010 |
Više od 8 godina i 2 mjeseca i 22 |
(4 aplikanta) |
Salem Mehić |
dana |
22/07/1953 |
Mustafa Gakić 02/11/1967 Almir Karkelja 20/05/1974 |
11. |
44340/16 19/07/2016 (4 aplikanta) |
Emin Bilal 03/01/1971 Semir Tojaga 16/08/1968 Ţivko Janjić 11/08/1981 Admir Kaplan 22/06/1967 |
Kantonalni sud u Mostaru, 01/10/2010 |
22/04/2011 |
neizvršena Više od 8 godina i 8 dana |
1.000 |
350 |
12. |
44451/16 20/07/2016 |
Darko Bebek 16/06/1973 Edin Mujić 14/11/1974 |
Prvostepeni sud u Mostaru, 17/09/2010 |
06/12/2011 |
neizvršena Više od 7 godina i 4 mjeseca i 24 dana |
1.000 |
350 |
13. |
44498/16 20/07/2016 |
Kemal Veledar 23/11/1975 |
Kantonalni sud u Mostaru, 18/08/2010 |
10/02/2011 |
neizvršena Više od 8 godina i 2 mjeseca i 20 dana |
1.000 |
350 |
14. |
44510/16 20/07/2016 (3 aplikanta) |
Asim Maksumić 01/02/1970 Mustafa Šemić 14/05/1965 Osman Tule 17/05/1968 |
Kantonalni sud u Mostaru, 12/11/2010 |
29/03/2011 |
neizvršena Više od 8 godina i 1 mjesec i 1 dan |
1.000 |
350 |
15. |
44559/16 20/07/2016 |
Belmin Šunje 14/10/1971 |
Kantonalni sud u Mostaru, 17/06/2010 |
18/01/2011 |
neizvršena Više od 8 godina i 3 mjeseci i 12 dana |
1.000 |
350 |
16. |
44574/16 20/07/2016 |
Sead Ĉobić 15/04/1968 Enes Maksumić 11/08/1969 |
Kantonalni sud u Mostaru, 27/05/2010 |
30/08/2010 |
neizvršena Više od 8 godina i 8 mjeseci |
1.000 |
350 |
17. |
44587/16 |
Boţidar Rozić |
Kantonalni sud u |
08/12/2010 |
neizvršena |
1.000 |
350 |
20/07/2016 |
25/11/1965 |
Mostaru, 13/05/2010 |
Više od 8 godina i 4 mjeseca i 22 dana |
18. |
45271/16 |
Senad Elezović |
Kantonalni sud u |
24/02/2011 |
neizvršena |
1.000 |
350 |
19/07/2016 |
27/02/1964 |
Mostaru, 02/09/2010 |
Više od 8 godina i 2 mjeseca i 6 dana |
(3 aplikanta) |
Ramiz Hasić |
25/02/1961 |
Nermin Salĉin |
06/01/1975 |
19. |
45394/16 |
Osman Bobar |
Kantonalni sud u |
09/09/2010 |
neizvršena |
1.000 |
350 |
19/07/2016 |
17/07/1959 |
Mostaru, 06/05/2010 |
Više od 8 godina i 7 mjeseci i 21 dan |
(3 aplikanta) |
Semir Bašinac |
03/01/1972 |
Fahrudin Sabitović |
10/03/1971 |
20. |
45455/16 |
Ferdo Buntić |
Kantonalni sud u |
27/09/2010 |
neizvršena |
1.000 |
350 |
19/07/2016 |
23/09/1962 |
Mostaru, 01/04/2010 |
Više od 8 godina i 7 mjeseci i 3 |
(4 aplikanta) |
Mirsad Miĉijević |
dana |
08/05/1966 |
Ćamil Šahinagić |
07/08/1975 |
Petar Golemac |
10/11/1958 |
21. |
45661/16 |
Asim Dţafić |
Kantonalni sud u |
24/09/2010 |
neizvršena |
1.000 |
350 |
19/07/2016 |
10/04/1967 |
Mostaru, 27/05/2010 |
Više od 8 godina i 7 mjeseci i 6 |
(4 aplikanta) |
Sulejman Ćorić |
dana |
25/03/1962 |
Vaso Kisić |
12/10/1968 |
Gordan Zovko |
22/10/1970 |
22. |
46998/16 |
Omer Stiglić |
Prvostepeni sud u |
22/02/2011 |
neizvršena |
1.000 |
350 |
19/07/2016 |
14/10/1953 |
Mostaru, 20/09/2010 |
Više od 8 godina i 2 mjeseca i 8 |
(3 aplikanta) |
Armin Sjekirica |
dana |
08/05/1988 |
Zdravko Martinović |
21/03/1961 |
23. |
47001/16 |
Ismet Đipa |
Prvostepeni sud u |
21/12/2011 |
neizvršena |
1.000 |
350 |
19/07/2016 |
11/10/1969 |
Mostaru, 18/11/2010 |
Više od 7 godina i 4 mjeseca i 9dana |
24. |
47018/16 |
Hamid Teletović |
Kantonalni sud u |
15/12/2010 |
neizvršena |
1.000 |
350 |
18/07/2016 |
01/01/1997 |
Mostaru, 08/09/2010 |
Više od 8 godina i 4 mjeseca i 15 dana |
Nusret Maksumić |
01/11/1966 |
25. |
47024/16 |
Sanela Krhan |
Prvostepeni sud u |
24/12/2010 |
neizvršena |
1.000 |
350 |
18/07/2016 |
14/09/1969 |
Mostaru, 30/12/2009 |
Više od 8 godina i 4 mjeseca i 6 |
dana |
26. |
47026/16 |
Ivanka Prusina |
Prvostepeni sud u |
10/06/2015 |
neizvršena |
1.000 |
350 |
18/07/2016 |
11/02/1963 |
Mostaru, 24/02/2014 |
Više od 3 godine i 10 mjeseci i |
20 dana |
27. |
47069/16 |
Ibrahim Nikšić |
Kantonalni sud u |
24/05/2011 |
neizvršena |
1.000 |
350 |
19/07/2016 |
06/06/1970 |
Mostaru, 12/11/2010 |
Više od 7 godina i 11 mjeseci i 6 |
dana |
28. |
47084/16 |
Pavo Burić |
Kantonalni sud u |
09/11/2011 |
neizvršena |
1.000 |
350 |
19/07/2016 |
05/09/1961 |
Mostaru, 22/06/2011 |
Više od 7 godina i 5 mjeseci i 21 |
(4 aplikanta) |
Adnan Padalović |
dana |
01/07/1973 |
Ibro Bubalo |
27/10/1971 |
Anto Miliĉević |
16/08/1955 |
29. |
47087/16 |
Almir Cokoja |
Kantonalni sud u |
06/04/2011 |
neizvršena |
1.000 |
350 |
19/07/2016 |
13/01/1965 |
Mostaru, 02/02/2011 |
Više od 8 godina i 24 dana |
Ismail Kadić |
11/05/1973 |
30. |
47180/16 |
Kemal Đono |
Kantonalni sud u |
20/12/2010 |
neizvršena |
1.000 |
350 |
18/07/2016 |
11/02/1961 |
Mostaru, 11/08/2010 |
Više od 8 godina i 4 mjeseca i 10 |
(4 aplikanta) |
Omer Hebib |
dana |
27/07/1959 |
Senad Grizović |
26/09/1972 |
Alen Omanić |
14/01/1977 |
31. |
47231/16 |
Milenko Drinovac |
Kantonalni sud u |
11/11/2010 |
neizvršena |
1.000 |
350 |
18/07/2016 |
19/04/1972 |
Mostaru, 12/08/2010 |
Više od 8 godina i 5 mjeseci i 19 |
Fahrudin Gusić |
dana |
22/11/1967 |
32. |
47246/16 |
Zaim Ćorić |
Kantonalni sud u |
29/03/2011 |
neizvršena |
1.000 |
350 |
18/07/2016 |
10/04/1971 |
Mostaru, 26/01/2011 |
Više od 8 godina i 1 mjesec i 1 |
dan |
33. |
47354/16 |
Mate Primorac |
Kantonalni sud u |
12/07/2011 |
neizvršena |
1.000 |
350 |
18/07/2016 |
28/12/1969 |
Mostaru, 09/02/2011 |
Više od 7 godina i 9 mjeseci i 18 |
dana |
34. |
47357/16 |
Safet Puce |
Kantonalni sud u |
07/03/2011 |
neizvršena |
1.000 |
350 |
18/07/2016 |
01/10/1965 |
Mostaru, 16/09/2010 |
Više od 8 godina i 1 mjesec i 23 |
dana |
35. |
47361/16 |
Miralem Brajević |
Kantonalni sud u |
26/08/2010 |
neizvršena |
1.000 |
350 |
18/07/2016 |
16/08/1968 |
Mostaru, 12/05/2010 |
Više od 8 godina i 8 mjeseci i 4 |
Vido Marić |
dana |
31/10/1975 |
36. |
47729/16 |
Karmela Petković |
Prvostepeni sud u |
30/11/2011 |
neizvršena |
1.000 |
350 |
18/07/2016 |
21/11/1963 |
Mostaru, 07/07/2011 |
Više od 7 godina i 5 mjeseci |
(5 aplikanata) |
Slavka Krtalić |
15/10/1956 |
Irena Zadro |
01/09/1965 |
Branka Vidaĉak |
09/01/1962 |
Ivka Pravidur |
15/10/1956 |
37. |
47759/16 |
Miro Boras |
Kantonalni sud u |
28/09/2010 |
neizvršena |
1.000 |
350 |
18/07/2016 |
25/09/1979 |
Mostaru, 13/05/2010 |
Više od 8 godina i 7 mjeseci i 2 |
(3 aplikanata) |
Nermin Kuko |
dana |
02/04/1972 |
Zijo Đulić |
15/03/1962 |
38. |
47760/16 |
Devleta Bećirspahić |
Kantonalni sud u |
23/08/2010 |
neizvršena |
1.000 |
350 |
18/07/2016 |
09/12/1981 |
Mostaru, 06/04/2010 |
Više od 8 godina i 8 mjeseci i 7 dana |
Prevod presude preuzet sa https://hudoc.echr.coe.int/
(Application no. 44080/16 and 37 others -
see appended list)
27 June 2019
This judgment is final but it may be subject to editorial revision.
In the case of Balić and Others v. Bosnia and Herzegovina,
The European Court of Human Rights (Fourth Section), sitting as a Committee composed of:
Stéphanie Mourou-Vikström, President,
Georges Ravarani,
Jolien Schukking, judges,
and Liv Tigerstedt Acting Deputy Section Registrar,
Having deliberated in private on 6 June 2019,
Delivers the following judgment, which was adopted on that date:
1. The case originated in applications against Bosnia and Herzegovina lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) on the various dates indicated in the appended table.
2. The applicants were represented by Mr S. Zaklan, a lawyer practising in Mostar.
3. Notice of the applications was given to the Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina (“the Government”).
4. The list of applicants and the relevant details of the applications are set out in the appended table.
5. The applicants complained of the non-enforcement or delayed enforcement of domestic decisions.
6. Having regard to the similar subject matter of the applications, the Court finds it appropriate to examine them jointly in a single judgment.
7. The applicants complained of the non-enforcement or delayed enforcement of domestic decisions given in their favour. They relied, expressly or in substance, on Article 6 § 1of the Convention and on Article 1 of Protocol No. 1, which read as follows:
Article 6 § 1
“In the determination of his civil rights and obligations ... everyone is entitled to a fair ... hearing ... by [a] ... tribunal ...”
Article 1 of Protocol No. 1
“Every natural or legal person is entitled to the peaceful enjoyment of his possessions. No one shall be deprived of his possessions except in the public interest and subject to the conditions provided for by law and by the general principles of international law.
The preceding provisions shall not, however, in any way impair the right of a State to enforce such laws as it deems necessary to control the use of property in accordance with the general interest or to secure the payment of taxes or other contributions or penalties.”
8. The Court reiterates that the execution of a judgment given by any court must be regarded as an integral part of a “hearing” for the purposes of Article 6. It also refers to its case-law concerning the non-enforcement or delayed enforcement of final domestic judgments (see Hornsby v. Greece, no. 18357/91, § 40, Reports of Judgments and Decisions1997‑II).
9. In the leading cases of Spahić and Others v. Bosnia and Herzegovina, nos. 20514/15 and 15 others, §§ 25-31, 14 November 2017, and Kunić and Others v. Bosnia and Herzegovina, nos. 68955/12 and 15 others, §§ 26‑31, 14 November 2017, the Court already found a violation in respect of issues similar to those in the present case.
10. The Court further notes that the decisions in the present applications ordered specific action to be taken. The Court therefore considers that the decisions in question constitute “possessions” within the meaning of Article 1 of Protocol No. 1.
11. Having examined all the material submitted to it, the Court has not found any fact or argument capable of persuading it to reach a different conclusion on the admissibility and merits of these complaints. Having regard to its case-law on the subject, the Court considers that in the instant case the authorities did not deploy all necessary efforts to enforce fully and in due time the decisions in the applicants’ favour.
12. These complaints are therefore admissible and disclose a breach of Article 6 § 1 of the Convention and Article 1 of Protocol No. 1.
13. Article 41 of the Convention provides:
“If the Court finds that there has been a violation of the Convention or the Protocols thereto, and if the internal law of the High Contracting Party concerned allows only partial reparation to be made, the Court shall, if necessary, afford just satisfaction to the injured party.”
14. Regard being had to the documents in its possession and to its case‑law (see, in particular, Spahić and Others v. Bosnia and Herzegovina, nos. 20514/15 and 15 others, §§ 36-43, 14 November 2017, and Kunić and Others v. Bosnia and Herzegovina, nos. 68955/12 and 15 others, §§ 37‑46, 14 November 2017), the Court considers it reasonable to award the sums indicated in the appended table.
15. The Court further notes that the respondent State has an outstanding obligation to enforce the judgments which remain enforceable.
16. The Court considers it appropriate that the default interest rate should be based on the marginal lending rate of the European Central Bank, to which should be added three percentage points.
1. Decides to join the applications;
2. Declares the applications admissible;
3. Holds that these applications disclose a breach of Article 6 § 1 of the Convention and Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 concerning the non-enforcement or delayed enforcement of domestic decisions;
4. Holds that the respondent State shall ensure, by appropriate means, within three months, the enforcement of the pending domestic decisions referred to in the appended table;
5. Holds
(a) that the respondent State is to pay the applicants, within three months, the amounts indicated in the appended table, to be converted into the currency of the respondent State at the rate applicable at the date of settlement;
(b) that from the expiry of the above-mentioned three months until settlement simple interest shall be payable on the above amounts at a rate equal to the marginal lending rate of the European Central Bank during the default period plus three percentage points.
Done in English, and notified in writing on 27 June 2019, pursuant to Rule 77 §§ 2 and 3 of the Rules of Court.
Liv Tigerstedt Stéphanie Mourou-Vikström
Acting Deputy Registrar President
List of applications raising complaints under Article 6 § 1 of the Convention and Article 1 of the Protocol No. 1
(non-enforcement or delayed enforcement of domestic decisions)
No. |
Application no. Date of introduction |
Applicant’s name Date of birth
Relevant domestic decision |
Start date of non-enforcement period |
End date of non‑enforcement period Length of enforcement proceedings |
Amount awarded for non-pecuniary damage per applicant (in euros)[1] |
Amount awarded for costs and expenses per application (in euros)[2] |
20/07/2016 |
Izet Balić 05/01/1970 |
Mostar First Instance Court, 14/06/2012
pending More than 5 year(s) and 3 month(s) and 13 day(s) |
1,000 |
350 |
20/07/2016 |
Hasnija Kisić 30/05/1970 |
Mostar Cantonal Court, 14/10/2010
pending More than 8 year(s) and 2 month(s) and 27 day(s) |
1,000 |
350 |
20/07/2016 |
Alija Baljić 24/02/1965 |
Mostar Cantonal Court, 28/02/2011
pending More than 8 year(s) and 2 day(s) |
1,000 |
350 |
20/07/2016 |
Armin Demić 02/12/1970 Ivan Zovko 20/10/1964 |
Mostar Cantonal Court, 11/08/2010
pending More than 8 year(s) and 6 month(s) and 2 day(s) |
1,000 |
350 |
19/07/2016 (4 applicants) |
Adis Čomor 06/03/1977 ZuhraElezović 01/01/1953 Almira Šuta 06/06/1979 Esad Aličić 12/01/1968 |
Mostar Cantonal Court, 21/10/2010
Supreme Court of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 12/07/2011 |
pending More than 8 year(s) and 1 month(s) and 22 day(s)
pending More than 7 year(s) and 1 month(s) and 25 day(s) |
1,000 |
350 |
19/07/2016 (4 applicants) |
Sedin Budim 30/11/1973 Alija Makan 11/02/1951 Vladimir Boltar 30/12/1967 NerminHondo 19/09/1966
Mostar Cantonal Court, 30/09/2010
pending More than 8 year(s) and 3 month(s) and 12 day(s)
1,000 |
350 |
20/07/2016 (3 applicants) |
Semir Balta 24/03/1962 Evelina Hasandedić 29/10/1962 RazijaTanović 20/08/1946 |
Mostar Cantonal Court, 13/05/2010
pending More than 8 year(s) and 8 month(s) and 19 day(s)
1,000 |
350 |
19/07/2016 (4 applicants) |
SlađanGoluža 27/10/1966 Ilija Rozić 07/10/1958 MilošVuković 22/12/1983 NikicaŠimunović 06/10/1968 |
Mostar Cantonal Court, 13/01/2010
pending More than 9 year(s) and 9 day(s)
1,000 |
350 |
19/07/2016 (3 applicants) |
Miralem Čopelj 12/11/1969 AleksandarRužičić 30/06/1981 DževadMaksumić 06/06/1978 |
Mostar Cantonal Court, 19/05/2010
pending More than 8 year(s) and 8 month(s)
1,000 |
350 |
19/07/2016 (4 applicants) |
Ivica Arapović 21/01/1957 Salem Mehić 22/07/1953 Mustafa Gakić 02/11/1967 AlmirKarkelja 20/05/1974 |
Mostar Cantonal Court, 12/11/2010
pending More than 8 year(s) and 2 month(s) and 22 day(s)
1,000 |
350 |
19/07/2016 (4 applicants) |
Emin Bilal 03/01/1971 Semir Tojaga 16/08/1968 Živko Janjić 11/08/1981 AdmirKaplan 22/06/1967 |
Mostar Cantonal Court, 01/10/2010
pending More than 8 year(s) and 8 day(s)
1,000 |
350 |
20/07/2016 |
Darko Bebek 16/06/1973 Edin Mujić 14/11/1974 |
Mostar First Instance Court, 17/09/2010
pending More than 7 year(s) and 4 month(s) and 24 day(s)
1,000 |
350 |
20/07/2016 |
Kemal Veledar 23/11/1975 |
Mostar Cantonal Court, 18/08/2010
pending More than 8 year(s) and 2 month(s) and 20 day(s) |
1,000 |
350 |
20/07/2016 (3 applicants) |
AsimMaksumić 01/02/1970 Mustafa Šemić 14/05/1965 Osman Tule 17/05/1968 |
Mostar Cantonal Court, 12/11/2010
pending More than 8 year(s) and 1 month(s) and 1 day(s)
1,000 |
350 |
20/07/2016 |
Belmin Šunje 14/10/1971 |
Mostar Cantonal Court, 17/06/2010 |
pending More than 8 year(s) and 3 month(s) and 12 day(s) |
1,000 |
350 |
20/07/2016 |
Sead Čobić 15/04/1968 EnesMaksumić 11/08/1969 |
Mostar Cantonal Court, 27/05/2010
pending More than 8 year(s) and 8 month(s)
1,000 |
350 |
20/07/2016 |
BožidarRozić 25/11/1965 |
Mostar Cantonal Court, 13/05/2010
pending More than 8 year(s) and 4 month(s) and 22 day(s) |
1,000 |
350 |
19/07/2016 (3 applicants) |
SenadElezović 27/02/1964 Ramiz Hasić 25/02/1961 NerminSalčin 06/01/1975 |
Mostar Cantonal Court, 02/09/2010
pending More than 8 year(s) and 2 month(s) and 6 day(s)
1,000 |
350 |
19/07/2016 (3 applicants) |
Osman Bobar 17/07/1959 SemirBašinac 03/01/1972 FahrudinSabitović 10/03/1971 |
Mostar Cantonal Court, 06/05/2010
pending More than 8 year(s) and 7 month(s) and 21 day(s)
1,000 |
350 |
19/07/2016 (4 applicants) |
Ferdo Buntić 23/09/1962 MirsadMičijević 08/05/1966 ĆamilŠahinagić 07/08/1975 PetarGolemac 10/11/1958 |
Mostar Cantonal Court, 01/04/2010
pending More than 8 year(s) and 7 month(s) and 3 day(s)
1,000 |
350 |
19/07/2016 (4 applicants) |
Asim Džafić 10/04/1967 SulejmanĆorić 25/03/1962 Vaso Kisić 12/10/1968 GordanZovko 22/10/1970
Mostar Cantonal Court, 27/05/2010
pending More than 8 year(s) and 7 month(s) and 6 day(s)
1,000 |
350 |
19/07/2016 (3 applicants) |
Omer Stiglić 14/10/1953 Armin Sjekirica 08/05/1988 ZdravkoMartinović 21/03/1961 |
Mostar First Instance Court, 20/09/2010
pending More than 8 year(s) and 2 month(s) and 8 day(s)
1,000 |
350 |
19/07/2016 |
Ismet Đipa 11/10/1969 |
Mostar First Instance Court, 18/11/2010
pending More than 7 year(s) and 4 month(s) and 9 day(s) |
1,000 |
350 |
18/07/2016 |
Hamid Teletović 01/01/1997 NusretMaksumić 01/11/1966 |
Mostar Cantonal Court, 08/09/2010
pending More than 8 year(s) and 4 month(s) and 15 day(s)
1,000 |
350 |
18/07/2016 |
Sanela Krhan 14/09/1969 |
Mostar First Instance Court, 30/12/2009
pending More than 8 year(s) and 4 month(s) and 6 day(s) |
1,000 |
350 |
18/07/2016 |
IvankaPrusina 11/02/1963 |
Mostar First Instance Court, 24/02/2014
pending More than 3 year(s) and 10 month(s) and 20 day(s) |
1,000 |
350 |
19/07/2016 |
Ibrahim Nikšić 06/06/1970 |
Mostar Cantonal Court, 12/11/2010
pending More than 7 year(s) and 11 month(s) and 6 day(s) |
1,000 |
350 |
19/07/2016 (4 applicants) |
Pavo Burić 05/09/1961 Adnan Padalović 01/07/1973 Ibro Bubalo 27/10/1971 AntoMiličević 16/08/1955 |
Mostar Cantonal Court, 22/06/2011
pending More than 7 year(s) and 5 month(s) and 21 day(s)
1,000 |
350 |
19/07/2016 |
Almir Cokoja 13/01/1965 Ismail Kadić 11/05/1973
Mostar Cantonal Court, 02/02/2011
pending More than 8 year(s) and 24 day(s)
1,000 |
350 |
18/07/2016 (4 applicants) |
Kemal Đono 11/02/1961 Omer Hebib 27/07/1959 SenadGrizović 26/09/1972 Alen Omanić 14/01/1977 |
Mostar Cantonal Court, 11/08/2010
pending More than 8 year(s) and 4 month(s) and 10 day(s)
1,000 |
350 |
18/07/2016 |
Milenko Drinovac 19/04/1972 FahrudinGusić 22/11/1967 |
Mostar Cantonal Court, 12/08/2010
pending More than 8 year(s) and 5 month(s) and 19 day(s)
1,000 |
350 |
18/07/2016 |
Zaim Ćorić 10/04/1971 |
Mostar Cantonal Court, 26/01/2011
pending More than 8 year(s) and 1 month(s) and 1 day(s) |
1,000 |
350 |
18/07/2016 |
Mate Primorac 28/12/1969 |
Mostar Cantonal Court, 09/02/2011
pending More than 7 year(s) and 9 month(s) and 18 day(s) |
1,000 |
350 |
18/07/2016 |
Safet Puce 01/10/1965 |
Mostar Cantonal Court, 16/09/2010
pending More than 8 year(s) and 1 month(s) and 23 day(s) |
1,000 |
350 |
18/07/2016 |
Miralem Brajević 16/08/1968 Vido Marić 31/10/1975
Mostar Cantonal Court, 12/05/2010
pending More than 8 year(s) and 8 month(s) and 4 day(s) |
1,000 |
350 |
18/07/2016 (5 applicants) |
KarmelaPetković 21/11/1963 SlavkaKrtalić 15/10/1956 Irena Zadro 01/09/1965 BrankaVidačak 09/01/1962 Ivka Pravidur 15/10/1956 |
Mostar First Instance Court, 07/07/2011
pending More than 7 year(s) and 5 month(s)
1,000 |
350 |
18/07/2016 (3 applicants) |
Miro Boras 25/09/1979 Nermin Kuko 02/04/1972 Zijo Đulić 15/03/1962 |
Mostar Cantonal Court, 13/05/2010
pending More than 8 year(s) and 7 month(s) and 2 day(s)
1,000 |
350 |
18/07/2016 |
DevletaBećirspahić 09/12/1981 |
Mostar Cantonal Court, 06/04/2010
pending More than 8 year(s) and 8 month(s) and 7 day(s) |
1,000 |
350 |
[1]. Plus any tax that may be chargeable to the applicants.
[2]. Plus any tax that may be chargeable to the applicants.