Fabris protiv Francuske

Država na koju se presuda odnosi
Evropski sud za ljudska prava
Broj predstavke
Stepen važnosti
Referentni slučaj
nije relevantno
Ključne reči po HUDOC/UN
(Čl. 14) Zabrana diskriminacije
(Čl. 14 / CEDAW-2) Diskriminacija
(Čl. 41) Pravično zadovoljenje - opšte
(Čl. 46) Obaveznost i izvršenje presuda
(Čl. 46-1) Povinovanje presudi
(Čl. 46-2) Izvršenje presude
(Čl. 46-2) Mere opšteg karaktera
(P1-1) Zaštita imovine
(P1-1-1) Neometano uživanje imovine
Tematske ključne reči
VS deskriptori
Sudska praksa
Presuda ESLJP
Veliko veće
Predmet je formiran na osnovu predstavke (br. 16574/08) Francuske Republike a čiji se jedan državljanin, (Henry Fabris, «podnosilac predstavke»), obratio Sudu 1. aprila 2008. Podnosilac predstavke g. Anri Fabris, dete iz «preljubničke veze», tvrdio je da je bio žrtva, u okviru ostavinskog postupka nakon smrti majke, diskriminacije po osnovu rođenja koja je u suprotnosti sa članom 14 Konvencije kombinovanim sa članom 1 Protokola br. 1 i sa članom 8 Konvencije.

Majka je napravila podelu svoje imovine (u skladu sa francuskim zakonom), koji je podnosilac želeo da ospori 1984. godine, međutim, advokat ga je savetovao da se takav akt ne može osporiti za života donatora i da se može podneti samo tužba za redukciju donacije u roku od pet godina od smrti donatora. Majka podnosioca predstavke preminula je 194. godine. Pismom od 7. septembra 1994, beležnik zadužen za nasledstvo podsetio je podnosioca predstavke da on kao dete «iz preljubničke veze» ima pravo samo na polovinu onoga na šta bi imao pravo da je bio zakonski priznat (tada primenljivo zakonodavstvo predviđalo je nasledno pravo umanjeno za polovinu u odnosu na zakonito dete). Naznačio mu je da su njegova polubraća i polusestre spremni da mu isplate u gotovini izvestan novčani iznos ističući da se «u slučaju redukcije donacije zbog naknadne pojave deteta, može govoriti samo o redukciji u novcu, a ni u kom slučaju u naturi». Nikakav sporazum nije sklopljen između to troje dece. Zahtevom od 7. januara 1998, podnosilac predstavke je pozvao svog polubrata J.-L. i svoju polusestru A. na umanjenje donacije-podele u skladu sa članom 1077-1 Građanskog zakonika. Zahtevao je nužni deo jednak njihovim delovima u naslednoj masi njihove majke. U međuvremenu, Francuska je 3. decembra 2001.godine izmenila Građanski zakonik i priznala je deci «iz preljubničkih veza» nasledna prava identična s pravima zakonite dece.

Presudom od 6. septembra 2004, viši sud u Bezjeu udovoljio je zahtevu podnosioca predstavke, presudivši da podnosilac ima ista prava u pogledu nasleđivanja kao i njegov polubrat i njegova polusestra, međutim, oni su se na presudu žalili. Presudom od 14. februara 2006, apelacioni sud iz Monpeljea osporio je presudu i proglasio da podnosilac predstavke ne može osporitu dogoverenu donaciju-podelu imovine primenom novog člana zakona. Podnosilac predstavke je uložio žalbu Kasacionom sudu. U svojoj argumentaciji, zasnovanu na kršenju člana 1 Protokola br. 1 i člana 14 Konvencije, tvrdio je da mir u porodičnim odnosima ne može imati veći legitimitet od legitimiteta jednakosti u pogledu prava u građanskim stvarima, između dece rođene u zakonitom braku i dece rođene izvan braka. Rešenjem od 14. novembra 2007. Kasacioni sud je odbacio uz obrazloženje da se primenom prelaznih odredbi zakona iz 2001, nova nasledna prava vanbračne dece čiji su otac ili majka u vreme začeća bili vezani svako svojim bračnim obavezama, odnose samo na nasledstva otvorena i još nepodeljena pre 4. decembra 2001., kao i da, s obzirom da je podela nasledstva realizovana smrću gđe M, preminule jula 1994, dakle pre 4. decembra 2001, navedene odredbe nisu primenljive.

U svojoj predstavci Evropskom sudu za ljudska prava, podnosilac se žali na nemogućnost da ostvari svoja prava na nasleđivanje kao dete proisteklo iz «preljubničke veze» i ukazuje na upornu neopravdanu diskriminaciju i pored usvajanja zakona iz 2001.godine, kojim se ova deca izjednačajavu sa bračnom.

ESLJP u presudi Velikog veća od 7.2.2013 godine ističe da smatra da legitimni cilj zaštite prava na nasleđivanje polubrata i polusestre podnosioca predstavke nije imao dovoljnu težinu da bi prevagnuo nad zahtevom podnosioca predstavke da dobije deo nasledstva svoje majke.

Takođe, Sud zaključuje da nije bilo razumnog odnosa proporcionalnosti između upotrebljenih sredstava i legitimnog cilja kome se teži. Razlika u tretmanu kojom je podnosilac predstavke bio pogođen nije dakle imala objektivno i razumno opravdanje. Stoga je došlo do kršenja člana 14 Konvencije u kombinaciji sa članom 1 Protokola br. 1.

Preuzmite presudu u pdf formatu




(Predstavka br. 16574/08) 




7. februar 2013.

Presuda je konačna. Moguće su redaktorske izmene.

U slučaju Fabris protiv Francuske, Evropski sud za ljudska prava, u Velikom veću sastavljenom od:

Josep Kasadeval (Josep Casadevall), predsednik,
Fransoaz Tilkens (Françoise Tulkens),
Nina Vajić,
Leh Garlicki (Lech Garlicki),
Karel Jungvirt (Karel Jungwiert),
Elizabet Štajner (Elisabeth Steiner),
Alvina Đilumjan (Alvina Gyulumyan),
Ekbert Majer (Egbert Myjer),
Dragoljub Popović,
Žorž Nikolau (George Nicolaou),
Andraš Šajo (András Sajó),
Ledi Bianku,
Nona Cocoria (Nona Tsotsoria),
Išil Karakaš (Işil Karakaş)
Gvido Rajmondi (Guido Raimondi),
Paolo Pinto de Albukerke (Paulo Pinto de Albuquerque),
Andre Potocki (André Potocki), sudije,
i Johan Kalvert (Johan Callewaert), pomoćnik sekretara Velikog veća,

Posle većanja na zatvorenoj sednici od 4. aprila i 24. oktobra 2012, Izriče sledeću presudu usvojenu tog potonjeg datuma:


  1. Predmet je formiran na osnovu predstavke (br. 16574/08) Francuske Republike a čiji se jedan državljanin, g. Anri Fabris (Henry Fabris, «podnosilac predstavke»), obratio Sudu 1. aprila 2008. na osnovu člana 34 Konvencije o zaštiti ljudskih prava i osnovnih sloboda («Konvencija»).
  2. Podnosioca predstavke zastupa g. A. Otan (A. Ottan), advokat u Linelu. Francuski vladu («Vlada») zastupa njen agent, gđa. Beljar (E. Belliard), direktorka pravnih poslova u Minisratstvu inostranih poslova.
  3. Podnosilac predstavke, dete iz «preljubničke veze», tvrdio je da je bio žrtva, u okviru ostavinskog postupka nakon smrti majke, diskriminacije po osnovu rođenja koja je u suprotnosti sa članom 14 Konvencije kombinovanim sa članom 1 Protokola br. 1 i sa članom 8 Konvencije.
  4. Predstavka je dodeljena Petom odeljenju Suda (pravilo 52 § 1 Pravilnika Suda). 10. februara 2010, predsednik veća je odlučio da je dostavi Vladi. U skladu s ranijim članom 29 § 3 Konvencije (sadašnji član 29 § 1) i s pravilom 54 A Pravilnika, odlučio je da će istovremeno biti razmatrani prihvatljivost i meritum slučaja. 21. jula 2011, veće Petog odeljenja u sledećem sastavu sudija: Din Spilman (Dean Spielmann), Predsednik, Žan-Pol Kosta (Jean-Paul Costa), Boštjan M. Zupančič, Mark Filiger (Mark Villiger), Izabel Bero-Lefevr (Isabelle Berro-Lefèvre), En Pauer (Ann Power) i Angelika Nusberger (Angelika Nußberger), sudije, kao i Klaudija Vesterdik (Claudia Westerdiek), sekretarice odeljenja, proglasilo je predstavku prihvatljivom. Zaključilo je, s pet glasova za i dva glasa protiv, da nije bilo kršenja člana 14 Konvencije u kombinaciji s članom 1 Protokola br. 1 i, jednoglasno, da nije potrebno razmatrati odvojeno optužbu iznesenu na osnovu člana 14 Konvencije u kombinaciji sa članom 8.
  5. septembra 2011, podnosilac predstavke je zatražio da slučaj bude upućen na Veliko veće u skladu sa članom 43 Konvencije i pravila 73 Pravilnika Suda. 28. novembra 2011, kolegijum Velikog veća udovoljio je tom zahtevu.
  6. O sastavu Velikog veća odlučeno je u skladu sa članovima 26 §§ 4 i 5 Konvencije i 24 Pravilnika Suda.
  7. I podnosilac predstavke i Vlada podneli su Velikom veću pismenu argumentaciju svojih stavova.
  8. Javni pretres je održan u Palati ljudskih prava, u Strazburu, 4. aprila 2012. (pravilo 59 § 3 Pravilnika Suda).

Pred Sudom su se pojavili :

- ispred Vlade

Gđe A.-F. Tisje (A.-F. TISSIER), koagent,
Topen (E. TOPIN), Ministarstvo inostranih i evropskih poslova, 
M.-A. Reše (M.-A. RECHER), Ministarstvo pravde,
K.Azar (C. AZAR), Ministarstvo pravde, savetnice;  

- ispred podnosioca predstavke

Gg. A.Otan (A. OTTAN), advokat,
M.Otan (M. OTTAN), advokatica,  savetnici.

Sud je saslušao izjave g. Ottan-a i Gđe Tissier.




  1. Podnosilac predstavke je rođen 1943. i ima boravište u Orleanu.

A.  Kontekst slučaja

  1. Podnosioca predstavke je na rođenju priznao njegov otac. U vreme njegovog začeća, njegova majka, Gđa udata M., bila je u bračnoj vezi i iz tog braka je rođeno dvoje dece, A. rođen 1923. i J.-L. rođen 1941. Presudom od 28. februara 1967, izrečena je fizička rastava između majke podnosioca predstavke i njenog supruga, Gospodina M.
  2. Jednim aktom od 24. januara 1970, supružnici M. izvršili su donaciju-podelu svoje imovine između njihovo dvoje zakonite dece. Taj akt, zaključen pred beležnikom, sadržao je jednu rezervu plodouživanja i jednu mogućnost opoziva kojom su garantovani obaveze i uslovi donacije. Prilikom zaključivanja tog akta, supružnici su izjavili da nemaju druge dece osim ta dva dobitnika donacije.
  3. Presudom od 24. novembra 1983, Viši sud u Monpeljeu je podnosioca predstavke proglasio vanbračnim detetom Gđe M, pošto je konstatovao da je svojstvo vanbračnog deteta u dovoljnoj meri utvrđeno.
  4. Podnosilac predstavke je 1984. izrazio želju da ospori donacijupodelu dodeljenu 1970. U to vreme njegov advokat mu je naznačio da se taj akt ne može osporavati za života donatora i da se može podneti samo tužba za redukciju donacije u roku od pet godina od smrti donatora.
  5. Jula 1994, preminula je majka podnosioca predstavke. Pismom od 7. septembra 1994, beležnik zadužen za nasledstvo podsetio je podnosioca predstavke da on kao dete «iz preljubničke veze» ima pravo samo na polovinu onoga na šta bi imao pravo da je bio zakonski priznat (tada primenljivo zakonodavstvo predviđalo je nasledno pravo umanjeno za polovinu u odnosu na zakonito dete – videti donje stavove 26 i 27). Naznačio mu je da su njegova polubraća i polusestre spremni da mu isplate u gotovini iznos od 298 311 francuskih franaka (FRF) (oko 45 477 evra (EUR)) ističući da se «u slučaju redukcije donacije zbog naknadne pojave deteta, može govoriti samo o redukciji u novcu, a ni u kom slučaju u naturi». Nikakav sporazum nije sklopljen između to troje dece.

B.  Zahtev za umanjenje donacije koju je podneo podnosilac predstavke

  1. Zahtevom od 7. januara 1998, podnosilac predstavke je pozvao svog polubrata J.-L. i svoju polusestru A. na umanjenje donacije-podele u skladu sa članom 1077-1 Građanskog zakonika (donji stav 25). Zahtevao je nužni deo jednak njihovim delovima u naslednoj masi njihove majke.
  2. Nakon što ju je Sud osudio u predmetu Mazurek c. France (br. 34406/97, 1. februar 2000, CEDH 2000-II), Francuska je izmenila taj zakon, zakonom br. 2001-1135 od 3. decembra 2001 (u daljem tekstu «zakon iz 2001»), i priznala je deci «iz preljubničkih veza» nasledna prava identična s pravima zakonite dece (donji stav 28). Taj novi zakon je stupio na snagu pre nego što je izrečena presuda u sporu koji je bio u toku. U skladu s njegovim prelaznim odredbama, uz rezervu već postignutih sporazuma i neopozivih sudskih odluka, odredbe u vezi s novim naslednim pravima vanbračne dece čiji su otac ili majka, u vreme začeća, bili vezani bračnim obavezama, bile primenljive na ostavinske postupke koji su bili otvoreni na dan objavljivanja zakona u Službenom list (4. decembra 2001), a koji nisu imali za ishod podelu pre tog datuma (član 25-II zakona iz 2001, donji stav 30).
  3. U svojim rekapitulativnom zaključcima od 20. februara 2003, podnosilac predstavke se pozvao na odredbe zakona iz 2001. Tvrdio je da se ovima ukida član 14 zakona od 3. januara 1972. o priznavanju vanbračne dece (u daljem tekstu «zakon iz 1972», donji stavovi 27 i 29), prelaznom odredbom kojom je predviđeno da se prava na nužni deo nasledstva koja uvodi ovaj zakon ne mogu vršiti na štetu donacija između živih lica koje su date pre njegovog stupanja na snagu. Prema podnosiocu predstavke, ukidanjem te odredbe omogućeno mu je da podnese zahtev za redukciju donacije predviđenu članom 1077-1 Građanskog zakonika, iako je donacijapodela imovine učinjena 24. januara 1970.

1. Prvostepena presuda

  1. Presudom od 6. septembra 2004, viši sud u Bezjeu udovoljio je zahtevu podnosioca predstavke. Smatrao je da je član 14 zakona iz 1972. u suprotnosti sa članovima 8 i 14 Konvencije. U tom smislu pozvao se na slučaj Marckx c. Belgique (13. jun 1979, serija A no 31) u kome je prihvaćeno «da porodični život podrazumeva i materijalne interese», kao i na više presuda Suda «u kojima se i dalje navodio diskriminatorni karakter razlika u tretmanu u oblasti nasleđivanja između zakonite i vanbračne dece (presude Mazurek, Inze i Vermeire) ». Sud je takođe smatrao da je taj član u suprotnosti s novim zakonom iz 2001. Presudio je da zainteresovani ima ista prava u pogledu nasleđivanja kao i njegov polubrat i njegova polusestra obrazlažući svoju presudu na sledeći način :

«Da je članom 25-1 zakona od 3. decembra 2001. određeno da se taj zakon primenjuje na ostavinske postupke koji su pokrenuti računajući od dana početka njegove primene ; da se, uz rezervu već postignutih sporazumnih rešenja i neopozivih sudskih odluka, odredbe ovog zakona primenjuju na ostavisnske postupke koji su pokrenuti od dana objavljivanja zakona u Službenom listu Francuske Republike ukoliko ta nasledstva nisu podeljena pre tog datuma;

Da u konkretnom slučaju nasledstvo gospođe M. još nije podeljeno i da se stoga na njega primenjuju odredbe koje se odnose na nova nasledna prava dece čiji su otac ili majka u vreme začeća bili vezani bračnim obavezama. (...)

Da je naime neozbiljno tvrditi da je zakonodavac, usvajanjem zakona od 3. decembra 2001. želeo da zadrži odredbu koja je u suprotnosti duhu i cilju novog zakona.»

2. Presuda po žalbi

  1. U oktobru i decembru 2004, J.-L. i naslednici A., koja je preminula tokom postupka, žalili su se na tu presudu.
  2. Presudom od 14. februara 2006, apelacioni sud iz Monpeljea osporio je presudu i proglasio da podnosilac predstavke ne može podnositi zahtev za redukciju donacije-podele primenom člana 14 stav 2 zakona iz 1972. Istakao je da:

« (...) u smislu [tog člana], prava na nužni deo ustanovljena ovim zakonom odnosno koja proističu iz novih pravila o priznavanju očinstva, ne mogu se primenjivati na štetu donacija među živim licima koje su date pre stupanja na snagu tog zakona.

Taj tekst, kojim se ustanovljava jedno opšte pravilo, konkretno u vezi sa retroaktivnim dejstvom novih pravila o priznavanju očinstva koja su proistekla iz zakona od 3. januara 1972, nije izričito ukinut zakonom od 3. decembra 2001, a njegovo prećutno ukidanje ne proističe iz izreke tog zakona, s jedne strane zato što nije u suprotnosti s njim, a s druge zato što on nije bio ograničen samo na primenu člana 915 Građanskog zakonika koji je ukinut tim zakonom.»

Apelacioni sud je ocenio da takav zaključak nije nespojiv s opštim načelom jednakosti prava nezavisno od statusa pri rođenju, kako ono proističe iz članova 1 Protokola br. 1, 8i i 14 Konvencije:

«Pre svega, jedini cilj odredaba člana 14r zakona iz 1972. jeste zabrana vršenja prava na nužni deo ustanovljenog tim zakonom i proširenih zakonom od 3. decembra 2001. na štetu donacija među živim licima datim pre 1. avgusta 1972, ne lišavajući pri tom nosioce prava na nužni deo njihovih prava na nasledstvo. Zatim, te odredbe predstavljaju objektivno i razumno opravdanje u pogledu cilja kome se teži, odnosno garanciju izvesnog mira u porodičnim odnosima, obezbeđujući prava stečena u tom okviru, ponekad odavno stečena, a da se time ne stvaraju prevelike distorzije između naslednika, s obzirom da [te odredbe] imaju ograničen domet kako u vremenu tako i u pogledu predmeta nasleđivanja.»

3. Rešenje Kasacionog suda

  1. Podnosilac predstavke je uložio žalbu Kasacionom sudu. U svojoj argumentaciji za kasaciju, zasnovanu na kršenju člana 1 Protokola br. 1 i člana 14 Konvencije, tvrdio je da mir u porodičnim odnosima ne može imati veći legitimitet od legitimiteta jednakosti u pogledu prava u građanskim stvarima, između dece rođene u zakonitom braku i dece rođene izvan braka.
  2. U svom mišljenju dostavljenom strankama, pravobranilac Kasacionog suda je predložio da žalba bude odbačena. Sudijama prvog građanskog veća Kasacionog suda obratio se ovim rečima:

« (...) zar ne treba smatrati da otvoren ostavinski postupak nije rezultirao podelom nasledstva pre datuma objavljivanja zakona, samim tim što je postupak po zahtevu za redukciju donacije-podele tog datuma bio još u toku ?

Naime, upravo iz različitog pristupa koji nude prelazne odredbe zakona iz 1972. i 2001. proističe teškoća koja vam je predočena. Dok ni otvoreni ostavinski postupci, ni donacije između živih lica date pre stupanja na snagu zakona iz 1972, nisu mogle biti tim zakonom dovedeni u pitanje, zakon iz 2001. omogućava vanbračnoj deci čiji su otac ili majka, u vreme začeća, bili vezani svako svojim bračnim obavezama, imaju nasledna prava u ostavinskim postupcima pokrenutim pre objavljivanja tog potonjeg zakona.

Ta razlika opravdava potrebu da se odredbe zakona iz 2001. ne primenjuju restriktivno. Samo već realizovana podela, neko već postignuto sporazumno rešenje, ili neka neopoziva sudska odluka omogućavaju da se isključe nova prava te dece iz već pokrenutih istavinskih postupaka. Korišćenjem zahteva za redukciju, ne može se smatrati da je ostavinski postupak pokrenut na dan objavljivanja zakona iz 2001 «rezultirao podelom» na dan objavljivanja zakona. Stoga bi mi bilo teško da tvrdim da zakon od 3. decembra 2001. nije primenljiv. Zauzvrat, u izreci člana 14 zakona od 13. januara 1972. nema ničeg dvosmislenog. Prava na nužni deo uvedena tim zakonom ne mogu se realizovati «na štetu donacija među živim licima datim pre njegovog stupanja na snagu». Treba li onda prihvatiti da su te odredbe prećutno ukinute ?

Ako apstrahujemo vreme, u opširnoj pismenoj argumentaciji tvrdi se da očigledna protivrečnost između prelaznih odredbi ta dva zakona rezultira prećutnim ukidanjem prelaznih odredbi zakona iz 1972. Iako je pristup različit između prelaznog režima uvedenog 1972. i onog iz 2001, ipak ne bih rekao da postoji među njima protivrečnost.

Isključujući dovođenje u pitanje donacija između živih lica datih pre stupanja na snagu zakona iz 1972, zakonodavac je nameravao da garantuje pravnu sigurnost tih donacija. Ničim se ne može pravdati da se ta pravna sigurnost dovodi u pitanje 2002. s obzirom da su prethodne prelazne odredbe komplementarne s prelaznim odredbama zakona iz 2001.

To me navodi da vam predložim da odbacite prvi deo argumentacije, budući da donacija između živih lica data 24. januara 1970. ne može da bude dovedena u pitanje naslednim pravima nastalim iz novih pravila u vezi s uspostavljanjem svojstva roditelja. U tom pogledu, ako realnost podele pre datuma stupanja na snagu zakona od 3. decembra 2001 i jeste diskutabilna, o postojanju donacije između živih lica pre stupanja na snagu zakona od 3. januara se ne može diskutovati. (...) »

  1. Rešenjem od 14. novembra 2007. Kasacioni sud je odbacio žalbu uz jedno čisto pravno obrazloženje. On je podsetio da se primenom prelaznih odredbi zakona iz 2001, nova nasledna prava vanbračne dece čiji su otac ili majka u vreme začeća bili vezani svako svojim bračnim obavezama, odnose samo na nasledstva otvorena i još nepodeljena pre 4. decembra 2001 (gornji stav 16). Istakao je da, s obzirom da je podela nasledstva realizovana smrću gđe M, preminule jula 1994, dakle pre 4. decembra 2001, navedene odredbe nisu primenljive.


A.  Donacija-podela i zahtev za redukciju

  1. Francuski zakon omogućava svakom da sopstveno nasledstvo podeli između naslednika. U okviru donacije-podele, donator odlučuje da svoju imovinu odmah podeli (prenos između živih lica). Ta podela je anticipirana, konačna i dogovorena. Vlasništvo nad predmetnom imovinom prenosi se u trenutku doniranja koja predstavlja istovremeno i prvi (anticipirani) čin ostavinskog postupka koji treba da bude pokrenut kasnije. Prema praksi Kasacionog suda, donacija-podela postaje, smrću donatora, podela nasledstva. Ostavina je istovremeno otvorena i konačno likvidirana ili podeljena na dan smrti ostavioca (Cass. Civ. 7 mars 1876 ; 1re Civ, 5 octobre 1994, Bull. 1994, I, no 27).
  2. Potomak koji nije bio uključen u podelu treba da ustanovi svoj nužni deo postojeće imovine prilikom otvaranja ostavinskog postupka. Ukoliko ta imovina nije dovoljna, ima na raspolaganju zahtev za redukciju koji treba da podnese u roku od pet godina od dana smrti donatora. To je pravni lek koji je upotrebio podnosilac predstavke u skladu sa članovima 1077-1 i 1077-2 Građanskog zakonika, koji su ovako glasili u vreme predmetnih činjenica:

Član 1077-1

«Potomak koji nije bio uvršten u donaciju-podelu, ili koji je dobio deo manji od njegovog nužnog dela, može podneti zahtev za redukciju ukoliko u trenutku pokretanja ostavinskog postupka nema imovine koja nije obuhvaćena podelom ili ako je ova nedovoljna za konstituisanje ili dopunu njegovog nužnog dela, imajući u vidu imovinu koju je mogao da dobije.»

Član 1077-2

«Donacije-podele prate pravila donacija između Živih lica u svemu što se odnosi na pripisivanje, proračun nužnog dela i redukciju.

Zahtev za redukciju može se podnositi tek posle smrti ostavioca koji je izvršio podelu ili preživelog od ostavilaca u slučaju zajedničke podele. On zastareva u roku od pet godina od spomenute smrti.

Dete koje još nije bilo začeto u trenutku donacije-podele ima na raspolaganju sličnu mogućnost ustanovljenja ili dopune svog naslednog dela.»

  1. Članovi 913 i 915 Građanskog zakonika u vezi s «raspoloživim delom imovine» u slučajevima donacije između živih lica i u slučaju testamenta, koji su u međuvremenu ukinuti, glasili su:

Član 913

«Imovina koja se prenosi, bilo aktom između živih lica, bilo testamentom, ne može biti veća od polovine imovine ostavioca, ako po njegovoj smrti ostaje samo jedno dete; od trećine ako za njim ostane dvoje dece, četvrtine, ako za njim ostaje troje ili više dece; s tim što se ne pravi razlika između zakonite i vanbračne dece, osim u slučaju iz člana 915.»

Član 915

«Kad neko vanbračno dete čiji su otac ili majka u vreme začeća bili vezani obavezama braka s nekim drugim licem, bude pozvano na postupak ostavine svog roditelja zajedno sa zakonitom decom iz tog braka, ono svojim prisustvom ulazi u obračun raspoložive kvote ; međutim njegov deo u nužnom delu odgovara samo polovini dela koji bi mu pripadao da su sva deca, uključujući i njega bila zakonita.

Deo za koji je njegov deo u nužnom delu na taj način umanjen uvećaće deo samo one dece koja su proistekla iz braka koji je bio ugrožen preljubom, i biće podeljen na jednake delove među tom decom.»

B.  Evolucija prava dece proistekle iz «preljubničkih veza»

  1. Nasledni režim vanbračne dece izmenjen je zakonom iz 1972. o roditeljskom svojstvu kojim je ustanovljena njihova jednakost uz izuzetak koji predstavlja situacija deteta proisteklog iz «preljubničke veze» (već navođeni slučaj Mazurek, § 17), čije je pravo ograničeno na «polovinu dela na koji [bi ono] imalo pravo da su sva deca preminulog, uključujući i njega, bila zakonita» (videti nekadašnje članove 757 i 760 Građanskog zakonika, ibidem ; videti takođe, u vezi s donacijama, gornji stav 26).
  2. U zakonu usvojenom 2001. nakon presude Mazurek, nestale su restrikcije naslednih prava dece proistekle iz «preljubničkih veza» i ustanovljava se nasledna jednakost između sve dece, zakonite, obične vanbračne dece i dece proistekle iz «preljubničke veze». U njegovom članu 1 stoji da on ne pravi razliku između zakonite i prirodne filijacije da bi se odredili roditelji koje treba naslediti» (član 733 Građanskog zakonika) i da «deca ili njihovi potomci nasleđuju oca ili majku ili druge pretke, bez ograničenja u pogledu roda, niti primogeniture, čak i ako su proistekla iz različitih zajednica» (član 735 Građanskog zakonika). Tekstovi kojima se regulišu restrikcija nužnog naslednog dela deteta proisteklog iz «preljubničke veze» i njegova sposobnost da besplatno stiče – ukinuti su. Najzad, naredbom br. 2005-759 od 4. jula 2005. koja se odnosi na reformu filijacije ustanovljava se načelo jednakosti filijacija, čime nestaju i sami pojmovi zakonitog i vanbračnog deteta.

C.  Prelazne odredbe

1. Prelazne odredbe zakona iz 1972.

  1. Njima je ograničavan domet reforme uvedene zakonom iz 1972. Njegovim članom 14 bila je isključena bilo kakva neposredna primena novih naslednih prava običnog vanbračnog deteta ili deteta proisteklog iz «preljubničke veze», u okviru ostavinskih postupaka pokrenutih pre njegovog stupanja na snagu, i onemogućeno je da takvo dete dovede u pitanje donacije između živih lica date pre stupanja na snagu zakona, 1. avgusta 1972. Upravo na osnovu te odredbe je apelacioni sud u Monpeljeu odbacio tužbu podnosioca predstavke (gornji stav 20).

2. Član 25 zakona iz 2001.

  1. Prema članu 25-I zakona iz 2001, stupanje na snagu tog zakona odloženo je u načelu do 1. jula 2002. Međutim, kad je reč o ukidanju odredaba Građanskog zakonika u vezi s pravima dece proistekle iz «preljubničke veze», zakonodavac je doneo, izuzetno, pravilo o stupanju na snagu na dan objavljivanja zakona u Službenom listu odnosno 4. decembra 2001. Tako je članom 25-II određeno da:

«Ovaj zakon će se primenjivati na ostavinske postupke pokrenute računajući [od 1. jula 2002.], uz sledeće izuzetke: (...)

2o  Uz rezervu prethodno postignutih sporazumnih rešenja i neopozivih sudskih odluka, primenjivaće se na ostavinske postupke pokrenute na dan objavljivanja ovog zakona u Službenom listu Francuske Republike a koji nisu rezultirali podelom ostavine pre tog datuma:

-  odredbe koje se odnose na nova nasledna prava vanbračne dece čiji su otac ili majka bili, u vreme začeća, vezani obavezama braka; (...) »

  1. U meri u kojoj se odnosi na prava dece proistekle iz «preljubničke veze», zakon iz 2001. treba dakle da se primenjuje na sve ostavinske postupke pokrenute do 4. decembra 2001, pod uslovom da do tog datuma nisu rezultirali podelom.

3. Zakon od 23. juna 2006. o reformi nasleđivanja i poklona

  1. Ovim zakonom izmenjen je član 25-II zakona iz 2001 ukidanjem izraza «čiji su otac ili majka bili, u vreme začeća, vezani obavezama braka». U članu 25-II 2o nema više nikakvom pominjanja preljubničkog karaktera filijacije.

4. Relevantna praksa Kasacionog suda

  1. Rešenjem od 6. januara 2004 (1re Civ, Bull. 2004, I, no 10), Kasacioni sud je primenio prelazne odredbe zakona iz 2001, bez pozivanja na odredbe Konvencije, da bi ukinuo presudu po žalbi iz 2002. kojom su poništene donacije date detetu proisteklom iz «preljubničke veze» primenom starih tekstova dok nasledstvo još nije bilo podeljeno. Rešenjem od 7. juna 2006, (1re Civ, Bull. 2006, I, no 297), takođe primenom prelaznih odredbi. Kasacioni sud je odbacio žalbu jednog deteta proisteklog iz «preljubničke veze» koje je bilo dobilo deo u visini polovine dela koji b i bilo dobilo da je zakonito dete, s obzirom da je podela izvršena pre 4. decembra 2001. (konkretno 13. marta 1996). U rešenju od 15. maja 2008, Kasacioni sud je ocenio da su odredbe zakona iz 2001. u vezi s novim pravima dece proistekle iz «preljubničke veze» primenljive na jedan ostavinski postupak pokrenut pre 1. avgusta 1972. (konkretno 1962.) s obzirom da taj postupak nije bio predmet neke podele pre 4. decembra 2001 (1re Civ, Bull. 2008, I, no 139).


  1. U velikoj većini posmatranih zemalja (u četrdeset od četrdeset dve države), status deteta u naslednoj materiji nezavisan je od bračnog stanja njegovih roditelja. U dvadeset jednoj zemlji isti status imaju sva deca, dok u devetnaest drugih zemalja (Albanija, Azerbejdžan, Bosna i Hercegovina, Kipar, Španija, Grčka, Italija, Letonija, Luksemburg, Moldavska Republika, Monako, Crna Gora, San Marino, Srbija Slovačka, Slovenija, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo, Turska i Ukrajina) prave razliku između zakonite dece i vanbračne/nezakonite dece, ali tako što im ipak izričito priznaju jednakost u nasleđivanju. pojam deteta «proisteklog iz preljubničke veze» vrlo je malo rasprostranjen a ta deca su uglavnom izjednačena s vanbračnom decom. Neke razlike između zakonite dece i vanbračne/nezakonite dece opstaju na Malti. Jedina zemlja ugovornica koja i dalje pravi jasnu razliku u naslednoj materiji u odnosu na decu rođenu izvan braka jeste Andora, gde su ta deca u manje povoljnom položaju od zakonite dece.


  1. Grupa izvestilaca Komiteta ministara (GR-J) nastavlja s razmatranjem nacrta preporuke [CM/Rec (2012)] državama članicama o pravima i pravnom statusu dece i o roditeljskim odgovornostima (s obrazloženjem) koji je predstavljen Komitetu ministara. Cilj tog nacrta preporuke je da se zamene zastarele norme Evropske konvencije iz 1975. o pravnom statusu dece rođene izvan braka (Konvencija koju Francuska nije ratifikovala) koje više nisu u skladu s praksom Suda. U sada aktuelnom tekstu nalazi se jedan centralni element, načelo nediskriminacije izraženo u načelu broj 1 a koje glasi:

«Deca ne smeju biti predmet bilo kakve diskriminacije po osnovu kao što je (...) rođenje (...)

Deca posebno ne bi smela da budu predmet bilo kakve diskriminacije po osnovu bračnog stanja svojih roditelja.»

Osim toga, načelo broj 5 «pravo nasleđivanja» kaže da bi, uz rezervu definicije roditelja date u okviru načela broj 2 i načela broj 17.2 (prokreacija post mortem), «deca morala, nezavisno od okolnosti njihovog rođenja, da imaju ista prava na nasleđivanje imovine svakog od svojih roditelja i porodica ovih potonjih».

Relevantna alineja obrazloženja glasi:

« 22.  Imajući u vidu opšte načelo nediskriminacije kako je izraženo u načelu broj 1 i u presudama Suda u slučajevima Mazurek c. France, Camp i Bourimi c. Pays-Bas i Marckx c. Belgique, u kojima se zaključuje da diskriminacija dece rođene iz preljubničkih veza odnosno dece rođene izvan braka u oblasti prava na nasleđivanje predstavlja kršenje člana 14 EKLjP, u kombinaciji sa članom ! Prvog protokola u prvom slučaju i člana 8 u drugom, princip broj 5 ističe da bi uopšte deca morala da imaju jednaka prava na nasleđivanje nezavisno od okolnosti njihovog rođenja. U tom pogledu, to načelo ima širu primenu od člana 9 Evropske konvencije iz 1975. o pravnom statusu dece rođene izvan braka, kojim se toj deci priznaju ista prava na nasleđivanje kao i deci rođenoj u braku. Načelo broj 5 je potčinjeno definiciji roditelja datoj u načelu broj 2.»



  1. Podnosilac predstavke se žali na nemogućnost da ostvari svoja prava na nasleđivanje kao dete proisteklo iz «preljubničke veze» i ukazuje na upornu neopravdanu diskriminaciju nakon presude Mazurek i pored usvajanja zakona iz 2001.

On navodi kršenje člana 14 Konvencije u kombinaciji sa članom 1 Protokola br. 1, koji glase :

Član 14

«Uživanje prava i sloboda priznatih u (...) Konvenciji mora biti obezbeđeno, bez ikakve razlike, posebno one koja se zasniva na (...) rođenju (...) »

Član 1 Protokola br. 1

«Svako fizičko i pravno lice ima pravo na poštovanje  svoje imovine. Niko ne može biti lišen svoje imovine osim iz razloga opšte koristi i pod uslovima predviđenim zakonom i opštim načelima međunarodnog prava.

Prethodnim odredbama se ne ugrožava pravo država da stave na snagu zakone koje smatraju nužnim za regulisanje korišćenja imovine u skladu s opštim interesom ili radi obezbeđenja naplate poreza ili drugih doprinosa ili novčanih kazni.»

A.  Presuda veća

  1. U svojoj presudi od 21. jula 2011, veće je ocenilo da optužba koju je izneo podnosilac predstavke ulazi u polje primene člana 1 Protokola br. 1, što je bilo dovoljno da bi se član 14 Konvencije učinio primenljivim. Naime, priznavanjem njegove filijacije s majkom 1983, podnosilac predstavke je imao interes, koji se mogao sankcionisati pred domaćim sudovima, da realizuje svoja prava na ostavinu svoje majke na način kompatibilan sa članom 14 Konvencije (stavovi 38-42 presude veća).
  2. O meritumu je veće istaklo da su zakoni iz 1972. i 2001. uspostavili precizne prelazne odredbe u vezi s primenom novih prava nasleđivanja uvedenih tim zakonima. Istaklo je da su domaći sudovi smatrali da podnosilac predstavke nije mogao koristi ta prava u trenutku podnošenja zahteva za redukciju donacije-podele iz 1970. Naime, prema apelacionom sudu, prelazna odredba zakona iz 1972. isključivala je preispitivanje donacija između živih lica datih pre stupanja na snagu tog zakona. Kasacioni sud je pak smatrao da je realizacija podele ostav ine prilikom smrti majke 1994. godine predstavljala situaciju koja je bila prepreka za primenu novih odredaba o nasledničkoj jednakosti na osnovu člana 25-II zakona iz 2001. Ta tumačenja domaćeg prava težila su legitimnom cilju garantovanja načela pravne sigurnosti i davno stečenih prava od strane zakonite dece ; osim toga, ta tumačenja ne deluju nerazumno, samovoljno niti kao da su u očiglednoj protivrečnosti sa zabranom diskriminacije. Veće je ovde napravilo razliku između konkretnog slučaja i onih slučajeva u kojima podela nasledstva još nije bila realizovana (već navođeni slučaj Mazurek, i Merger et Cros c. France, no 68864/01, 22. decembar 2004.), da bi došlo do zaključka da je sporna razlika u tretmanu srazmerna cilju kome se teži i da nije bilo kršenja člana 14 Konvencije u kombinaciji sa članom 1 Protokola br. 1 (stavovi 50-59 presude veća).

B.  Argumenti strana

1. Vlada

a)  O primenljivosti člana 14 Konvencije

  1. Vlada tvrdi da činjenice na koje se poziva podnosilac predstavke ne spadaju u domen člana 1 Protokola br. 1, što član 14 Konvencije čini neprimenljivim. Ona u tom smislu primećuje da je donacijom-podelom iz 1970. izvršen prenos vlasništva nad imovinom na oba zakonita deteta i da je uspostavljena pravna situacija koja je sprečila podnosioca predstavke da dobije deo nasledstva. Ni zakon iz 1972, niti onaj iz 2001. nisu mogli dovesti do realizacije naslednog dela na koji bi imao pravo da nije postojao akt iz 1970. Za razliku od slučajeva Mazurek i Merger et Cros, u kojima su podnosioci predstavki automatski stekli nasledna prava nakon smrti roditelja, nasledstvo je u konkretnom slučaju regulisano 1970. pre smrti majke podnosioca predstavke. Šta više, ta podela imovine je za nekoliko godina prethodila njegovom uspostavljanju filijacije 1983. Stoga, prema Vladi, podnosilac predstavke nije imao nikakvo nasledno pravo na nasledstvo (videti, mutatis mutandis, Alboize-Barthes et Alboize-Montezume c. France (pres.), no 44421/04, 21. oktobar 2008).

b)  O suštini

  1. Kao što je istakla i pred većem, Vlada tvrdi da podnosilac predstavke nije bio «isključen» iz nasledstva svoje majke već da, s obzirom da je raspolaganje njenom imovinom već bilo realizovano u okviru donacijepodele iz 1970, on nije mogao da realizuje nasledni deo koji bi mu pripao po osnovu zakona iz 1972. i 2001, da nije bilo tog akta donacije-podele. Stoga nisu sporne sudske presude onemogućile podnosioca predstavke da dobije deo nasledstva svoje majke, već je to prethodni akt prenosa vlasništva kojim je uspostavljena stečena pravna situacija.
  2. Upravo je o tim pravima stečenim od strane ostalih naslednika zakonodavac iz 2001, koji je usput u potpunosti odgovorio obavezama opšteg karaktera u cilju izvršenja presude Mazurek, morao voditi računa uređujući stupanje na snagu zakona. Primena novog zakona na ranije situacije morala je nužno imati u vidu načela pravne sigurnosti i predvidljivosti zakona, načela potvrđena praksom Suda. Članom 25 zakona iz 2001. je dakle isključio primenu novih prava na ostavinske postupke pokrenute na dan njegovog objavljivanja a koji su rezultirali podelom pre tog datuma. Po mišljenju Vlade, u takvim okolnostima, tumačenje koje je dao Kasacioni sud nije u protivrečnosti sa slučajem Mazurek. Z arazliku od tog slučaja i od slučaja Merger et Cros, u kojima su podnosioci predstavke osporavali situacije koje još nisu bile stečene u trenutku njihovih domaćih pravnih lekova, zahtev za redukciju koji je podneo podnosilac predstavke 1998. imao je za cilj da se dovede u pitanje jedna već realizovana situacija podele.
  3. Vlada ističe da presuda kojom bi se utvrdilo kršenje Konvencije može da dovede do nekih opštih mera u tuženoj državi i da ima dalekosežniji domašaj od spora između strana pred Sudom. Stoga Vlada tvrdi da Sud nikad nije priznavao retroaktivni efekat svojim presudama. Tvrditi da je slučaj Mazurek trebalo da se primeni na ovaj slučaj, to jest na jednu konačno stečenu pravnu situaciju pre izricanja presude, i da je trebalo da ima retroaktivno dejstvo, poništilo bi domet člana 46 Konvencije.

2. Podnosilac predstavke

a)  O primenljivosti člana 14 Konvencije

  1. Podnosilac predstavke ne iznosi dodatne primedbe pred Velikim većem u odnosu na one koje je izneo pred većem a kojima se ističe njegovo neslaganje s Vladom po toj tački (stav 37 presude veća). On smatra da mu je uspostavljanje filijacije s majkom 1983. davalo prava nasleđivanja prilikom pokretanja ostavinskog postupka nakon smrti majke – postupka koji je bio u toku na dan podnošenja njegove predstavke – a koja prava ulaze u polje primene člana 1 Protokola br. 1.

b)  O suštini

  1. Prema podnosiocu predstavke, efektivnost člana 14 Konvencije mora biti garantovana i samo neki « vrlo jaki » razlozi mogu dovesti do toga da se neko razlikovanje po osnovu rođenja može smatrati kompatibilnim s Konvencijom. Pravna sigurnost nije ni neko pravo garantovano Konvencijom niti neki razlog javne koristi kojima bi se moglo pravdati ugrožavanje poštovanja imovine sa stanovišta člana 1 Protokola br. 1.
  2. Ono što se moglo tolerisati 1972, u ime koncepta pravne sigurnosti, da bi se obesnažilo načelo nediskriminacije garantovano članom 14, ne može se više tolerisati nakon presude Mazurek. Naprotiv, podnosilac predstavke ističe da se nepravedno stečena prava nisu smela obezbeđivati prelaznim odredbama zakona iz 2001, kojima je trebalo da budu okončana kršenja utvrđena u toj presudi. On smatra da je nadoknađivanjem štete nanete g. Mazureku Sud odbio da obezbedi pravne situacije nastale pre njegove presude. Podnosilac predstavke smatra da se prenebregavanje obavezujuće snage presude Mazurek mora konstatovati i sankcionisati u konkretnom slučaju. Drugačiji zaključak bi značio da se prihvata da neka država, usvajajući zakon od koga se očekuje da se drži prakse Suda, raspolaže neodređenim rokom za preuzimanje njegovih presuda, da bi se bavila, u takvim okolnostima, samo budućim ostavinskim postupcima, i da bi tako mogla da validuje a posteriori očigledna kršenja Konvencije. Podnosilac predstavke ukazuje na održavanje diskriminacije kojom se konzerviraju efekti zakona iz 1972. a koju je sankcionisao Sud a dezavuisao zakonodavac 2001.
  3. On takođe ističe da je postupanje po zahtevu za redukciju koji je podneo 1998. bilo u toku prilikom objavljivanja zakona iz 2001, što je, u odnosu na njega, trebalo da dovede do ostvarenja novih prava priznatih deci proistekloj iz « preljubničke veze ». On smatra, sledstveno tome, da tom causae pendentiae, nasledstvo njegove majke nije moglo biti konačno podeljeno osim ako se zahtev za redukciju donacije-podele ne pretvori u neefikasan pravni lek.

C.  Ocena Suda

1. O primenljivosti člana 14 Konvencije

a)  Opšta načela

  1. Prema stalnoj praksi Suda, član 14 Konvencije upotpunjuje ostale normativne klauzule Konvencije i Protokola. On nema nikakvu nezavisnu egzistenciju jer važi samo za «uživanje prava i sloboda» garantovanih tim klauzulama. Svakako, on može biti u igri čak i bez neispunjavanja zahteva tih klauzula i, u tom smislu, ima određen autonoman domet, ali se ne može primenjivati ukoliko činjenice iz spora ne potpadaju najmanje pod jednu od pomenutih klauzula (videti, između mnogih drugih, slučajeve Van Raalte c. Pays-Bas, 21. februar 1997, § 33, Recueil des arrêts et décisions 1997-I ; Petrovic c. Autriche, 27. mart 1998, § 22, Recueil 1998-II ; Zarb Adami c. Malte, no 17209/02, § 42, CEDH 2006-VIII, i Konstantin Markin c. Russie [Veliko veće], no 30078/06, § 124, CEDH 2012 (odlomci)).

b)  O pitanju da li činjenice iz konkretnog slučaja potpadaju pod član 1 Protokola br. 1

  1. U konkretnom slučaju, treba utvrditi da li optužba koju iznosi podnosilac predstavke koja se odnosi na nemogućnost da ostvari svoje pravo nasleđivanja putem zahteva za redukciju donacije-podele koju je učinila njegova majka prenebregavajući njegov nužni deo, spada u polje primene člana 1 Protokola br. 1.
  2. Sud podseća da pojam «imovine» koji se pominje u prvom delu te odredbe ima autonomni domet koji se ne ograničava na vlasništvo materijalnih dobara i da je nezavisan od formalnih kvalifikacija iz domaćeg prava: neka druga prava i interesi koji ulaze u aktive takođe se mogu smatrati «imovinskim pravima» dakle «imovinom» za potrebe ove odredbe (Beyeler c. Italie [Veliko veće], no 33202/96, § 100, CEDH 2000-I).
  3. Članom 1 Protokola br. 1 ne garantuje se pravo na sticanje imovine (Slivenko et autres c. Lettonie (déc.) [Veliko veće], no 48321/99, § 121, CEDH 2002-II (odlomci), i Ališić et autres c. Bosnie-Herzégovine, Croatie, Serbie, Slovénie et l’ex République yougoslave de Macédoine (pres.), no60642/08, § 52, 17. oktobar 2011), posebno putem nasleđivanja ab intestat ili poklona (videti, mutatis mutandis, već navođeni slučaj Marckx, § 50, i već navođeni slučaj Merger et Cros, § 37). Međutim, pojam«imovine» može pokrivati kako «sadašnju imovinu» tako i imovinske vrednosti, uključujući i potraživanja, na osnovu kojih podnosilac predstavke može pretendovati na «legitimno očekivanje» da će dobiti efektivno uživanje nekog vlasničkog prava (videti, između ostalih, Pressos Companía Naviera S.A. et autres c. Belgique, 20. novembar 1995, § 31, serija A no 332 ; Kopecký c. Slovaquie [Veliko veće], no 44912/98, § 35, CEDH 2004-IX, i Association nationale des pupilles de la Nation c. France (pres.), no22718/08, 6. oktobar 2009). Legitimno očekivanje mora počivati na jednoj «dovoljnoj osnovi u domaćem pravu» (videti već navođeni slučaj Kopecký,  § 52 ; Depalle c. France [Veliko veće], no 34044/02, § 63, CEDH 2010, i Saghinadze et autres c. Géorgie, no 18768/05, § 103, 27. maj 2010). Isto tako, pojam «imovine» može se proširiti na neku uslugu koje su zainteresovana lica bila lišena zbog nekog diskriminatornog uslova dodeljivanja (Andrejeva c. Lettonie [Veliko veće], no 55707/00, § 79, CEDH 2009). Naprotiv, očekivanje priznavanja opstanka nekog starog prava svojine koje već odavno nije moguće efektivno ostvarivati ne može se smatrati « imovinom » u smislu člana 1 Protokola br. 1, a isto važi i za neko uslovno potraživanje koje se gasi činjenicom neispunjavanja uslova (videti navođenje relevantnih načela u Malhous c. République tchèque (pres.) [Veliko veće], no 33071/96, CEDH 2000-XII, s kasnijim referencama na praksu Komisije; videti takođe Prince Hans-Adam II de Liechtenstein c. Allemagne [Veliko veće], no 42527/98, § 85, CEDH 2001-VIII ; Nerva et autres c. Royaume-Uni, no 42295/98, § 43, CEDH 2002-VIII ; Stretch c. Royaume-Uni, no 44277/98, § 32, 24. jun 2003).
  4. U svakom od slučajeva važno je razmotriti da li su okolnosti posmatrane u njihovoj ukupnosti, učinile od podnosioca predstavke titularom nekog suštinskog interesa zaštićenog članom 1 Protokola br. 1 (Bozcaada Kimisis Teodoku Rum Ortodoks Kilisesi Vakfi c. Turquie, nos 37639/03, 37655/03, 26736/04 i 42670/04, § 41, 3 mars 2009 ; već navođeni slučaj Depalle, § 62 ; Plalam S.P.A. c. Italie (fond), no 16021/02, § 37, 18. maj 2010, i Di Marco c. Italie (fond), no 32521/05, § 50, 26. april 2011). Sa tog stanovišta Sud smatra da treba imati u vidu sledeće pravne i činjenične elemente.
  5. U konkretnom slučaju, Sud ističe da je podnosiocu predstavke samo zbog « preljubničkog » karaktera njegove filijacije odbijeno pravo da zahteva redukciju donacije-podele koju je učinila njegova majka, budući da je zbog takve filijacije Kasacioni sud izrekao svoju presudu – tumačeći prelazne odredbe zakona iz 2001 – da u njegovom slučaju isključi primenu odredbi o novim pravima na nasleđivanje koje priznaje taj zakon. A u slučajevima, kakav je ovaj konkretan slučaj, kad podnosilac predstavke na terenu člana 14 kombinovanog sa članom 1 Protokola br. 1 formuliše optužbu da je bio lišen, u celini ili delimično i zbog diskriminatornih motiva koji su na udaru člana 14, neke imovinske vrednosti, relevantni kriterijum se sastoji u tome da se istraži da li bi zainteresovani, da taj motiv nije bio diskriminatoran, imao neko pravo, koje bi mogli sankcionisati domaći sudovi, na tu imovinsku vrednost (videti, mutatis mutandis, Stec et autres c. Royaume-Uni (pres.) [Veliko veće], br. 65731/01 i 65900/01, § 55, CEDH 2005-X ; već navođeni slučaj Andrejeva, § 79). Takav je konkretan slučaj.
  6. Vlada tvrdi da podnosilac predstavke nije mogao da pretenduje na bilo kakvo nasledno pravo na donaciju-podelu iz 1970. jer je efekat te donacije-podele bio podela, trenutna i neopoziva, imovine njegove majke i to pre nego što je sudski ustanovljena njegova filijacija s majkom (gornji stav 39). Sud se međutim ne slaže s tom tezom. Sud smatra da iako donacija-podela ima za neposredan efekat realizaciju nekog prenosa imovine, prema praksi Kasacionog suda, ta donacija-podela postaje ostavinska podela tek po smrti donatora. Ostavina se istovremeno otvara i konačno likvidirana ili podeljena na dan smrti pretka (gornji stav 24), do koje je došlo tek 1994. A tog datuma je filijacija podnosioca predstavke već bila ustanovljena. Dakle zaista je zbog « preljubničkog » karaktera te filijacije podnosilac predstavke bio isključen iz nasledstva svoje majke.
  7. U tom pogledu se ovaj slučaj približava već navođenim slučajevima Mazurek i Merger et Cros, a razlikuje se od slučaja Alboize-Barthes et Alboize-Montezume c. France (već navođen), u kome je presuđeno da ih regulisano nasledstvo ostalo iza njihovog oca, a regulisano je 1955, dakle znatno pre ustanovljenja njihove filijacije, onemogućava da raspolažu pravima nasleđivanja ostavine ostavioca i da pretenduju da su titulari neke « imovine ».
  8. Iz toga proističe da imovinski interesi podnosioca predstavke ulaze u polje primene člana 1 Protokola br. 1 i prava na poštovanje imovine koje se njime garantuje, što je dovoljno da bi član 14 Konvencije bio primenljiv.

2. O suštini

a)  Opšta načela

  1. Sud podseća da u okviru uživanja prava i sloboda koji se priznaju Konvencijom, članom 14 se zabranjuje različit tretman, osim iz opravdanih i razumnih razloga, lica koja se nalaze u uporedivim situacijama. U smislu te odredbe, neko razlikovanje je diskriminatorno ako mu « nedostaje objektivno i razumno opravdanje », odnosno ako se njime ne teži nekom « legitimnom cilju » ili pak ako nema « razumnog odnosa proporcionalnosti između upotrebljenih sredstava i cilja kome se teži » (već navođeni slučaj Mazurek, §§ 46 i 48). Osim toga, države ugovornice imaju izvestan prostor za procenu da bi odredile da li se i u kojoj meri razlikama između situacija koje su u nekim drugim pogledima analogne mogu pravdati razlike u tretmanu (Stec et autres c. Royaume-Uni [Veliko veće], br. 65731/01 i 65900/01, §§ 51 i 52, CEDH 2006-VI). Veličina tog prostora za procenjivanje različita je u zavisnosti od okolnosti, oblasti i konteksta, ali je na Sudu da se u poslednjoj instanci izjašnjava o poštovanju zahteva Konvencije. Budući da je ovaj Sud pre svega mehanizam zaštite ljudskih prava, Sud ipak mora imati u vidu razvoj situacije u državama ugovornicama i da reaguje, na primer, na konsenzus do koga bi moglo doći u vezi s normama koje treba dosegnuti (navođeni slučaj Konstantin Markin, § 126).
  2. Prema jednoj stalno prisutnoj praksi od već navođene presude Marckx, razlika uspostavljena u oblasti nasleđivanja između « vanbračne » i « zakonite » dece postavlja problem iz ugla člana 8 Konvencije posmatranog izolovano (Johnston et autres c. Irlande, 18. decembar 1986, serija A br. 112) kao i iz ugla člana 14 Konvencije kombinovanog sa članovima 8 (Vermeire c. Belgique, 29. novembar 1991, serija A br. 214-C ; Brauer c. Allemagne, br. 3545/04, 28. maj 2009) i 1 Protokola br.1 (Inze c. Autriche, 28. oktobar 1987, serija A br. 126 ; navođeni slučaj Mazurek, i već navođeni slučaj Merger et Cros). Sud je tu praksu proširio na poklone potvrđujući zabranu diskriminacije u oblasti zaveštavanja (Pla et Puncernau c. Andorre, br. 69498/01, CEDH 2004-VIII). Tako je Sud, još od 1979, u presudi Marckx, potvrđivao nekompatibilnost s Konvencijom ograničavanja prava na nasleđivanje zasnovano na okolnostima rođenja. Sud je stalno potvrđivao to osnovno načelo uzdižući zabranu diskriminacije po osnovu « vanbračnog » karakteran roditeljske veze do norme zaštite evropskog javnog poretka.
  3. Sud takođe podseća da je zajedništvo pogleda država članica Saveta Evrope na značaj jednakosti tretmana dece proistekle iz braka i dece rođene izvan braka odavno uspostavljeno, što je uostalom i dovelo danas do jednoobraznosti nacionalnih zakonodavstava u toj oblasti – budući da je načelo jednakosti učinilo da nestanu i sami pojmovi zakonite i vanbračne dece – kao i do društvene i pravne evolucije kojom se konačno ustanovljava cilj jednakosti između dece (gornji stavovi28, 34 i 35).
  4. Stoga, samo veoma jaki razlozi mogu dovesti do toga da se smatra kompatibilnim sa Konvencijom razlikovanje zasnovano na rođenju deteta izvan braka (već navođeni slučaj Inze, § 41 ; već navođeni slučaj Camp et Bourimi c. Pays-Bas, br. 28369/95, § 38, CEDH 2000-X, ‘ Brauer, 40).
  5. U načelu, Sud nije pozvan da rešava čisto privatne sporove. Ipak, u vršenju evropske kontrole koja mu pripada, Sud ne može ostati inertan kad se ispostavi da je tumačenje nekog pravnog akta od strane nekog domaćeg suda, bilo da je reč o nekoj ostavinskoj klauzuli, o nekom privatnom ugovoru, o nekom javnom dokumentu, nekoj zakonskoj odredbi, ili pak o nekoj administrativnoj praksi, nerazumno, proizvoljno ili u očiglednoj protivrečnosti sa zabranom diskriminacije ustanovljenom članom 14 i šire s načelima koja proističu iz Konvencije (Larkos c. Chypre [GC], br. 29515/95, §§ 30-31, CEDH 1999-I ; već navođeni slučajevi Pla et Puncernau, § 59, i Karaman c. Turquie, no 6489/03, § 30, 15. januar 2008).

b)  Primena u konkretnom slučaju

i. O postojanju razlike u tretmanu zasnovane na vanbračnom rođenju

  1. U konkretnom slučaju niko ne osporava činjenicu da je podnosilac predstavke bio lišen jednog dela nužnog naslednog dela i konačno stavljen u različit položaj u odnosu na zakonitu decu u pogledu nasledstva njihove majke. On je, naime, bio sprečen da dobije zahtevanu redukciju donacijepodele iz koje je bio isključen kao i određen nužni deo zbog svog statusa « preljubničkog » deteta.
  2. Ta razlika u tretmanu između podnosioca predstavke i njegovog polubrata i njegove polusestre proističe iz člana 25-II zakona iz 2001. kojim se primena novih prava na nasleđivanje od strane « preljubničke » dece ostavina pokrenutih pre 4. decembra 2001. uslovljava time da ti ostavinski postupci nisu rezultirali podelom pre tog datuma (gornji stav 30). A Sud je, tumačeći predmetnu prelaznu odredbu, ocenio da je podela ostavine nastupila 1994, u trenutku smrti majke podnosioca predstavke (gornji stav 23), držeći se u tom pogledu ranije sudske prakse po kojoj je, kad je reč o donaciji-podeli, ostavina istovremeno pokrenuta i podeljena smrću donatora (gornji stav 24). Neko zakonito dete, koje je bilo izostavljeno iz donacijepodele, ili koje još nije bilo začeto u trenutku donacije-podele, ne bi se bilo našlo pred preprekom da dobije svoj nužni deo ili svoj nasledni deo u skladu sa članovima 1077-1 i 1077-2 Građanskog zakonika (gornji stav 25). Stoga je nesporno da je jedini motiv razlike u tretmanu podnosioca predstavke njegovo rođenje izvan braka.
  3. Sud podseća da se njegova uloga nije da se izjašnjava o najpravilnijem tumačenju domaćeg zakonodavstva, već da istražuje da li je način na koji se to zakonodavstvo primenjuje ugrozio prava koja su podnosiocu predstavke garantovana članom 14 Konvencije (videti, među mnogim drugim i mutatis mutandis, slučajeve Padovani c. Italie, 26. februar 1993, § 24, serija A br. 257-B, i već navođeni slučaj Pla et Puncernau, 46). U konkretnom slučaju Sud je pozvan da ustanovi da li je sporna razlika u tretmanu, čiji je izvor u jednoj odredbi domaćeg prava, imala objektivno i razumno opravdanje

ii. O opravdanosti razlike u tretmanu

α)  O težnji legitimnom cilju

  1. Vlada više ne iznosi nikakva opravdanja za diskriminaciju između zakonite i « preljubničke » dece. Sud naime konstatuje da je francuska država prihvatila da izmeni svoje zakonodavstvo nakon već navođene presude Mazurek, i da je reformisala pravo nasleđivanja ukidanjem svih diskriminatornih odredbi o « preljubničkom » detetu manje od dve godine nakon izricanja te presude. Sud tim povodom izražava svoje zadovoljstvo tim usklađivanjem francuskog prava s načelom nediskriminacije iz Konvencije.
  2. Međutim, prema Vladi, nije bilo moguće ugroziti stečena prava trećih lica, konkretno ostalih naslednika, što je opravdalo ograničavanje retroaktivnog efekta zakona iz 2001. samo na one ostavine koje su bile u toku na dan njegovog objavljivanja a do tog datuma nisu rezultirale podelom. Prelazne odredbe su navodno bile tako uređene da bi garantovale mir porodica obezbeđujući stečena prava korisnika već podeljenih ostavina.
  3. Sud nije uveren da se negiranjem prava nasleđivanja jednog ili više članova neke porodice može doprinositi miru te porodice. Ali prihvata da zaštita stečenih prava može služiti interesima pravne sigurnosti, podrazumevanoj vrednosti Konvencije (Brumărescu c. Roumanie [Veliko veće], br. 28342/95, § 61, CEDH 1999-VII ; Beian c. Roumanie (no 1), br. 30658/05, § 39, CEDH 2007-V (odlomci) ; Nejdet Şahin et Perihan Şahin c. Turquie [Veliko veće], br. 13279/05, §§ 56-57, 20. oktobar 2011 ; Albu et autres c. Roumanie, br. 34796/09 i naredni, § 34, 10. maj 2012). Tako je, u vezi s jednom ostavinom koju je bilo prihvaćeno od strane jednog « preljubničkog » deteta prilikom njenog otvaranja 1993, a koja je likvidirana 1996, Sud već presudio da je neprihvatljivost tužbe koju je izrekao Kasacioni sud s obrazloženjem da je predmetna ostavina već bila predmet podele – što tužitelju nije omogućavalo da uživa nova prava primenom prelaznih odredbi zakona iz 2001 – bila u skladu s načelom pravne sigurnosti na koju se poziva i presuda u slučaju Marckx. Naime, «ne može se zahtevati od pravosudne institucije da poništi jednu slobodno prihvaćenu podelu na osnovu jedne presude koju je Sud izrekao posle spomenute podele» (S. c. France (pres.), br. 49714/06, 10. februar 2009). Sud na osnovu toga zaključuje da je briga za obezbeđenje stabilnosti završenih naslednih poravnanja, koja je bila odlučujuća za zakonodavca i za sudiju u konkretnom slučaju, predstavlja legitiman cilj kojim bi se mogla pravdati razlika u tretmanu o kojoj je konkretno reč. S tim što je to razlikovanje trebalo da bude u srazmeri s tim ciljem.

β) O srazmeri korišćenih sredstava i cilja kome se teži

  1. Sud primećuje da su, uz rezervu zahteva za redukciju predviđenu zakonom, polubrat i polusestra podnosioca predstavke dobili imovinska prava efektom donacije-podele iz 1970, a kojom se operacionalizuje ostavinska podela prilikom smrti gđe M. koja je nastupila u julu 1994. Ta okolnost omogućava razlikovanje ovog slučaja od već navođenih slučajeva Mazurek i Merger et Cros, u kojima podela ostavine još nije bila realizovana.
  2. Međutim, Sud podseća da «zaštita «poverenja» ostavioca i njegove porodice mora da uzmakne pred imperativom jednakosti tretmana između vanbračne dece i dece rođene u braku» (već navođeni slučaj Brauer, § 43). U tom smislu, Sud smatra da su polubrat i polusestra podnosioca predstavke znali – ili su morali znati – da bi se njihova prava mogla preispitivati. Naime, u trenutku smrti njihove majke 1994, zakon je predviđao rok od pet godina za podnošenje zahteva za redukciju donacije-podele. Zakoniti naslednici su dakle morali znati da njihov polubrat može zahtevati svoj nasledni deo do 1999 i da bi se tim zahtevom moglo da dovede u pitanje ne podela kao takva, već obuhvat prava svakog od potomaka. Osim toga, zahtev za redukciju koji je podnosilac predstavke najzad i podneo 1998. bio je u toku pred domaćim sudovima u trenutku izricanja presude u slučaju Mazurek, kojom je proglašena za nekompatibilnu s Konvencijom nejednakost u nasleđivanju zasnovana na vanbračnom rođenju, kao i u trenutku objavljivanja zakona iz 2001. kojim je data izvršnost toj presudi unošenjem u francusko pravo načela koja su u tom zakonu afirmisana. Najzad, podnosilac predstavke nije bio potomak čije bi im postojanje bilo nepoznato, jer je bio priznat kao vanbračno dete njihove majke presudom iz 1983. (gornji stav 12; videti, mutatis mutandis, već navođeni slučaj Camp et Bourimi, § 39). To je bilo dovoljno za rađanje opravdane sumnje u stvarno stanje ostavinske podele realizovane smrću gđe M. 1994. (videti zaključke pravobranioca, gornji stav 22).
  3. U vezi s tom poslednjom tačkom Sud ističe da je, prema Vladi, specifičnost donacije-podele onemogućavala bilo kakvo dovođenje u pitanje postojeće pravne situacije, konkretno podele imovine izvršene 1970. a koja je postala konačna smrću ostavioca, bez obzira na sudski pravni lek koji je bio u toku (gornji stavovi 40 i 41). Podnosilac predstavke se suprotstavlja toj tezi (gornji stav 46). U posebnim okolnostima konkretnog slučaja, gde su evropska sudska praksa i nacionalne zakonodavne reforme pokazivale jasnu tendenciju ka ukidanju svih oblika diskriminacije vanbračne dece kad je reč o njihovim pravima nasleđivanja, Sud smatra da pravni lek koji je podnosilac predstavke 1998. preduzeo pred domaćim sudijom a koji je ovaj odbacio 2007, ima veliku težinu u razmatranju proporcionalnosti razlike u tretmanu (videti gornje stavove 22 i 68, i donji stav 72). Činjenica da je taj pravni lek još bio u toku 2001. mogla je, naime, samo da relativizuje očekivanja ostalih naslednika gđe M. da im se priznaju nesporna prava na njenu ostavinu.
  4. Stoga, a u svetlu prethodno iznetog, Sud smatra da legitimni cilj zaštite prava na nasleđivanje polubrata i polusestre podnosioca predstavke nije imao dovoljnu težinu da bi prevagnuo nad zahtevom podnosioca predstavke da dobije deo nasledstva svoje majke.
  5. Sve u svemu, čini se da, čak i u očima domaćih državnih organa, očekivanja naslednika koji su dobili donaciju-podelu, ne moraju biti zaštićena u svim okolnostima. Naime da je isti zahtev za redukciju donacijepodele u istom trenutku podnelo neko drugo zakonito dete, rođeno posle te donacije-podele ili namerno isključeno iz nasledstva, njegov zahtev ne bi bio odbačen kao neprihvatljiv.
  6. U tom pogledu, Sud ocenjuje da je sporno što je 2007. godine, godinama nakon izricanja već navođenih presuda Marckx i Mazurek, domaći sudija mogao da različito moduliše zaštitu pravne sigurnosti u zavisnosti od toga da li je suprotstavljena nekom zakonitom ili nekom « preljubničkom » detetu. Sud takođe ističe da Kasacioni sud nije odgovorio na glavno sredstvo na koje se pozvao podnosilac predstavke a zasnovano na prenebregavanju načela nediskriminacije kako ga garantuje član 14 Konvencije. A već je ocenio da sudovi moraju da strogo razmatraju sredstva koja su u vezi s « pravima i slobodama » garantovanih Konvencijom a zbog kojih se zainteresovana lica i obraćaju sudovima i da ju tu reč o logičnom nastavku načela supsidijarnosti (Wagner et J.M.W.L. c. Luxembourg, br. 76240/01, § 96, 28. jun 2007, i Magnin c. France (pres.), br. 26219/08, 10. maj 2012).

γ)  Zaključak

  1. U svetlu svega prethodno iznetog, Sud zaključuje da nije bilo razumnog odnosa proporcionalnosti između upotrebljenih sredstava i legitimnog cilja kome se teži. Razlika u tretmanu kojom je podnosilac predstavke bio pogođen nije dakle imala objektivno i razumno opravdanje. Stoga je došlo do kršenja člana 14 Konvencije u kombinaciji sa članom 1 Protokola br. 1.
  2. Ovim zaključkom se ne dovodi u pitanje pravo država da predvide prelazne odredbe prilikom usvajanja zakonodavnih reformi da bi odgovorili obavezama koje proističu iz člana 46 § 1 Konvencije (videti, na primer, slučajeve Antoni c. République tchèque, br. 18010/06, 25. novembar 2010 ; Compagnie des gaz de pétrole Primagaz c. France, br. 29613/08, § 18, 21. decembar 2010 ; Mork c. Allemagne, br. 31047/04 i 43386/08, §§ 28 do 30 i 54, 9. jun 2011, i Taron c. Allemagne (pres.), br. 53126/07, 29. maj 2012).
  3. Ipak, iako suštinski deklarativan karakter presuda Suda ostavlja državama izbor sredstava za poništenje posledica kršenja (već navođeni slučajevi Marckx, § 58, i Verein gegen Tierfabriken Schweiz (VgT) c. Suisse (br. 2) [Veliko veće], br. 32772/02, § 61, CEDH 2009), treba podsetiti istovremeno da usvajanje opštih mera podrazumeva obavezu država da blagovremeno predupredi nova kršenja, slična onima koja su konstatovana u presudama Suda (videti, na primer, Salah c. Pays-Bas, br. 8196/02, § 77, CEDH 2006-IX (odlomci)). To povlači i obavezu domaćeg sudije da obezbedi, u skladu s njegovim ustavnim poretkom i uz poštovanje načela pravne sigurnosti, pun učinak normi Konvencije, onako kako ih Sud tumači. A to nije bio slučaj u konkretnom predmetu.


  1. Podnosilac predstavke se žali, iz istih onih razloga koji su prethodno navedeni sa stanovišta prava na poštovanje njegove imovine, na neopravdanu diskriminaciju kojom se ugrožava njegovo pravo na poštovanje njegove privatnosti i porodične intime garantovano članom 8 Konvencije, koji glasi:

« 1. Svako ima pravo na poštovanje svog privatnog i porodičnog života, doma i prepiske.

2. Javne vlasti neće se mešati u vršenje ovog prava sem ako to nije u skladu sa zakonom i neophodno u demokratskom društvu u interesu nacionalne bezbednosti, javne bezbednosti ili ekonomske dobrobiti zemlje, radi sprečavanja nereda ili kriminala, zaštite zdravlja ili morala, ili radi zaštite prava i sloboda drugih».

A.  Presuda veća

  1. Kao i u presudi Mazurek, veće nije smatralo nužnim da se o tom pitanju izjašnjava posebno u odsustvo jasnih argumenata (stav 60 presude veća).

B.  Argumenti strana

  1. Podnosilac predstavke ne stavlja nikakvu primedbu u vezi sa članom 8 Konvencije.
  2. Vlada smatra pre svega da u konkretnom slučaju nema mešanja. Pitanja u vezi s nasleđivanjem mogu ab intestat da se nađu u polju primene člana 8, međutim njime se ne garantuje pravo na nasleđivanje. Odsustvo dovođenja u pitanje pravne situacije stečene 1979. nije mešanje u pravo podnosioca predstavke na poštovanje njegovog porodičnog života.
  3. Ako bi međutim Sud smatrao Sa je bilo mešanja, ono je bilo predviđeno zakonom, konkretno zakonom iz 1972. kojim se zabranjuje vršenje prava naslednika nužnog dela na štetu donacija datih pre 1972. Ono je težilo legitimnom cilju, odnosno garantovanju izvestan mir u porodičnim odnosima, tako što će obezbediti odavno stečena prava. Oslanjajući se na presudu u slučaju Marckx, Vlada smatra da bi bilo protivno načelu pravne sigurnosti poništavanje podele realizovane više godina (zakon iz 1972.) ili čak više decenija pre izmena zakona i sudske prakse kojima su izmenjena pravila nasleđivanja od strane « preljubničke » dece. To mešanje je najzad bilo srazmerno jer sprovođenje spornih odredbi od strane domaćih sudova ima ograničen domet u vremenu i u pogledu predmetne donirane imovine. Vlada zaključuje da su prelazne odredbe kako ih tumače domaći sudovi u saglasnosti s presudom Mazurek i s Konvencijom. Zakonom iz 2001.posebno je predviđena primena u vremenu novih odredaba imajući u vidu stečene situacije čije se dovođenje u pitanje ne čini poželjnim na društvenom planu i neizvodljivim u nekim slučajevim. Ona ističe prostor za procenu koji je na raspolaganju državama radi ponderisanja suprotstavljenih interesa.

C.  Ocena Suda

  1. S obzirom na zaključke do kojih je došao sa stanovišta člana 14 Konvencije u kombinaciji sa članom 1 Protokola br. 1 (gornji stav73), Sud smatra da nije nužno posebno razmatrati da li je bilo kršenja te iste odredbe tumačene u sticaju sa članom 8 Konvencije.


  1. U smislu člana 41 Konvencije,

« Kada Sud utvrdi prekršaj Konvencije ili protokola uz nju, a unutrašnje pravo Visoke strane ugovornice u pitanju omogućava samo delimičnu odštetu, Sud će, ako je to potrebno, pružiti pravično zadovoljenje oštećenoj stranci».

  1. Podnosilac predstavke zahteva iznos od 128 550,75 EUR koji odgovara iznosu naslednog dela koji bi mu bio pripao da je bio ravnopravno tretiran sa svojim polubratom i svojom polusestrom, uvećanom za zakonsku kamatu. Podnosilac predstavke takođe zahteva nadoknadu nematerijalne štete koja po njemu iznosi 30 000 EUR. Najzad, podnosilac predstavke procenjuje na 20 946 EUR iznos troškova koje je imao pred domaćim sudovima i pred Sudom.
  2. Vlada smatra da bi konstatovanje kršenja predstavljalo adekvatnu naknadu nematerijalne štete koju je pretrpeo podnosilac predstavke. U pogledu nematerijalne štete, neka novčana naknada mogla bi da bude samo simbolična. Što se tiče troškova, Vlada smatra da bi se podnosiocu predstavke mogao odobriti jedan globalan iznos od 10 000 EUR.
  3. U okolnostima ovog slučaja Sud ocenjuje da pitanje primene člana 41 nije spremno za razmatranje. Stoga ga treba zadržati u potpunosti i utvrditi naknadni postupak imajući u vidu mogućnost sporazuma između tužene države i podnosioca predstavke (pravilo 75 § 1 Pravilnika Suda). U tom cilju Sud daje stranama rok od tri meseca.



  1. Izriče da je bilo kršenja člana 14 Konvencije u kombinaciji sa članom 1 Protokola br. 1; 
  1. Izriče da nije potrebno razmatrati odvojeno optužbu iznesenu na osnovu člana 14 Konvencije u kombinaciji sa članom 8; 
  1. Izriče da pitanje primene člana Konvencije nije spremno za razmatranje; stoga,

a) pridržava to pitanje u potpunosti;

b) poziva Vladu i podnosioca predstavke da mu dostave pismenim putem, u roku od tri meseca od dana pismene dostave ove presude, svoja zapažanja o tom pitanju i posebno da ga upoznaju sa svakim sporazumom do koga bi mogli doći;

c) pridržava naknadni postupak i delegira predsedniku Velikog veća brigu da ga po potrebi zakaže.

Sačinjeno na francuskom i na engleskom jeziku, a zatim saopšteno na javnoj raspravi u Palati ljudskih prava, u Strazburu, 7. februara.

Johan Kalevert (Johan Callewaert)          Josep Kasadeval (Josep Casadevall)

 Pomoćnik sekretara                               Predsednik 


Uz ovu presudu priložena su, u skladu sa članovima 45 § 2 Konvencije i 74 § 2 Pravilnika Suda, sledeća izdvojena mišljenja:

  • saglasno mišljenje sudije Popovića, kome se pridružuje sudija Đulumjan (Gyulumyan);
  • saglasno mišljenje sudije Pinto de Albukerke (Pinto de Albuquerque).

J.C.M. J.C..

Izdvojena mišljenja nisu prevedena, ali su navedena na engleskom i francuskom jeziku u zvaničnoj verziji ili verzijama presude. Zvanična verzija presude može se naći u bazi podataka HUDOC koja sadrži predmete iz sudske prakse Evropskog suda.



Ovaj prevod je nastao uz podršku Fiducijarnog fonda za ljudska prava Saveta Evrope (www.coe.int/humanrightstrustfund).

Prevod presude preuzet sa https://hudoc.echr.coe.int/






(Application no. 16574/08)




7 February 2013

This judgment is final but it may be subject to editorial revision.

In the case of Fabris v. France, The European Court of Human Rights, sitting as a Grand Chamber composed of:

Josep Casadevall, President,
Françoise Tulkens,
Nina Vajić,
Lech Garlicki,
Karel Jungwiert,
Elisabeth Steiner,
Alvina Gyulumyan,
Egbert Myjer,
Dragoljub Popović,
George Nicolaou,
András Sajó,
Ledi Bianku,
Nona Tsotsoria,
Işil Karakaş,
Guido Raimondi,
Paulo Pinto de Albuquerque,
André Potocki, judges,
and Johan Callewaert, Deputy Grand Chamber Registrar,

Having deliberated in private on 4 April and 24 October 2012, Delivers the following judgment, which was adopted on the last‑mentioned date:


1. The case originated in an application (no. 16574/08) against the French Republic lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a French national, Mr Henry Fabris (“the applicant”), on 1 April 2008.

2. The applicant was represented by Mr A. Ottan, a lawyer practising in Lunel. The French Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mrs E. Belliard, Director of Legal Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

3. Relying on Article 14 of the Convention taken in conjunction with Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 and Article 8 of the Convention, the applicant, a child “born of adultery”, alleged that he had suffered discrimination on grounds of birth regarding the division of his mother’s estate.

4. The application was allocated to the Fifth Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). On 10 February 2010 the President of the Section decided to communicate it to the Government. As provided for by former Article 29 § 3 of the Convention (current Article 29 § 1) and Rule 54A, it decided to examine the merits of the application at the same time as its admissibility. On 21 July 2011 it was declared admissible by a Chamber of the Fifth Section composed of the following judges: Dean Spielmann, President, Jean-Paul Costa, Boštjan M. Zupančič, Mark Villiger, Isabelle Berro‑Lefèvre, Ann Power and Angelika Nußberger, judges, and also of Claudia Westerdiek, Section Registrar. It held, by five votes to two, that there had been no violation of Article 14 of the Convention taken in conjunction with Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 and unanimously that there was no need to examine separately the complaint based on Article 14 of the Convention taken together with Article 8.

5. On 9 September 2011 the applicant requested that the case be referred to the Grand Chamber under Article 43 of the Convention and Rule 73. On 28 November 2011 a panel of the Grand Chamber granted the request.

6. The composition of the Grand Chamber was determined in accordance with the provisions of Article 26 §§ 4 and 5 of the Convention and Rule 24.

7. The applicant and the Government each filed a memorial before the Grand Chamber.

8. A hearing took place in public in the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on 4 April 2012 (Rule 59 § 3).

There appeared before the Court:

(a) for the Government
MrsA.-F. Tissier,Co-Agent,
MrsE. Topin, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs,
MrsM.-A. Recher, Ministry of Justice,
MrsC. Azar, Ministry of Justice,Advisers;

(b) for the applicant
MrA. Ottan, lawyer,
MrsM. Ottan, lawyer,Counsel.

The Court heard addresses by Mr Ottan and Mrs Tissier.



9. The applicant was born in 1943 and lives in Orléans.

A. Background to the case

10. The applicant was recognised by his father at birth. At the time of the applicant’s conception, his mother – Mrs M., née R. – was married and two children had been born of that marriage: A., born in 1923, and J.L., born in 1941. By a decree of 28 February 1967, the applicant’s mother and her husband, Mr M., were pronounced judicially separated.

11. By a deed of 24 January 1970, Mr and Mrs M. divided their property inter vivos (donation-partage) between their two legitimate children. The deed, which was signed before a notary, provided for a life interest in their favour and for revocation of the gift in the event of a breach of its terms and conditions. When signing the deed Mr and Mrs M. declared that the two donees were their only offspring.

12. In a judgment of 24 November 1983 the Montpellier tribunal de grande instance declared the applicant to be the “illegitimate” child of Mrs M., after finding that his status of “illegitimate” child had been fully established.

13. In 1984 the applicant expressed his intention to challenge the 1970 deed of inter vivos division. On that date his lawyer informed him that the deed could not be challenged during the donor’s lifetime and that his only option was to bring an action for abatement within five years of the donor’s death.

14. The applicant’s mother died in July 1994. The notary administering the estate informed the applicant by letter of 7 September 1994 that, as a child “born of adultery”, he was entitled to only half the share he would have received if he had been a legitimate child (at that time the applicable law provided that a child “born of adultery” could inherit only half the share of a legitimate child – see paragraphs 26 and 27 below). He added that the applicant’s half-brother and half-sister were willing to pay him 298,311 French francs (FRF) (approximately 45,477 euros (EUR)) in cash, while specifying that “in the event of a reduction following the subsequent birth of a child, only a monetary abatement [was] possible and in no circumstances an abatement in kind”. No agreement was reached between the three children.

B. Action for abatement brought by the applicant

15. By a writ of action dated 7 January 1998, the applicant brought proceedings against his half-brother J.L. and his half-sister A. seeking an abatement of the inter vivos division in accordance with Article 1077-1 of the Civil Code (see paragraph 25 below). He claimed a reserved portion equal to their share of his mother’s estate.

16. After the Court had found against France in the case of Mazurek v. France (no. 34406/97, 1 February 2000, ECHR 2000‑II), France passed Law no. 2001-1135 of 3 December 2001 (hereafter “the 2001 Law”), amending its legislation and granting children “born of adultery” identical inheritance rights to those of legitimate children (see paragraph 28 below). That new Law came into force before judgment was given in the proceedings instituted by the applicant. Its transitional provisions provided that, subject to any prior agreement between the parties or final court decision, the provisions relating to the new inheritance rights of children born outside marriage whose father or mother was, at the time of their conception, bound by marriage to another person were applicable to successions that were already open on the date of publication of the Law in the Official Gazette (4 December 2001) and had not given rise to division prior to that date (section 25(2) of the 2001 Law, see paragraph 30 below).

17. In his recapitulatory pleading of 20 February 2003, the applicant relied on the provisions of the 2001 Law. In his submission, that Law repealed section 14 of the Filiation Law of 3 January 1972 (hereafter “the 1972 Law”, see paragraphs 27 and 29 below), a transitional provision stipulating that the rights of heirs entitled under that Law to a reserved portion of the estate could not be exercised to the detriment of inter vivos gifts granted prior to the date on which it came into force. The applicant argued that as that provision had been repealed, he was entitled to bring an action for abatement under Article 1077-1 of the Civil Code even though the deed of inter vivos division had been signed on 24 January 1970.

1. Judgment at first instance

18. In a judgment of 6 September 2004, the Béziers tribunal de grande instance upheld the applicant’s claim. It found that section 14 of the 1972 Law was contrary to Articles 8 and 14 of the Convention. The court referred in that connection to the Marckx v. Belgium judgment (13 June 1979, Series A no. 31) which recognised “that family life also comprise[d] interests of a material kind”, and to several judgments of the Court “which ha[d] continued to rule that differences of treatment in inheritance matters between children born within and children born outside marriage were discriminatory (MazurekInze and Vermeire)”. It also found that the provision was contrary to the new 2001 Law. It held that the applicant had the same inheritance rights in respect of the estate as his half-brother and half-sister, for the following reasons:-

“Section 25(1) of the Law of 3 December 2001 provides that this Law is applicable from the date on which it comes into force to successions that are already open; subject to any prior agreement between the parties or final court decision, the provisions of this Law are applicable to successions already open on the date of publication of the Law in the Official Gazette of the French Republic where these have not given rise to division prior to that date.

In the present case there has not yet been division of Mrs M.’s estate; accordingly, the provisions relating to the new inheritance rights of children born outside marriage whose father or mother was, at the time of their conception, bound by marriage to another person will apply. ...

Indeed, it cannot reasonably be argued that the legislature, in enacting the Law of 3 December 2001, intended to maintain a provision contrary to the spirit and aim of the new Law.”

2. Judgment on appeal

19. In October and December 2004 J.L. and the heirs of A., who had died during the proceedings, appealed against the judgment.

20. In a judgment of 14 February 2006, the Montpellier Court of Appeal set aside the lower court’s judgment and declared that, under section 14(2) of the Law of 1972, the applicant was not entitled to bring an action for abatement of the inter vivos division. It held that

“... under [that section], the rights acquired to a reserved portion of the estate under the present Law or arising from the new rules regarding the establishment of filiation cannot be exercised to the detriment of inter vivos gifts granted before that Law came into force.

This provision, which lays down a general rule regarding, among other things, the retroactive effects of the new rules relating to the establishment of filiation deriving from the Law of 3 January 1972, has not been expressly repealed by the Law of 3 December 2001; neither can it be deduced from the terms of the later Law that it has been tacitly repealed, firstly because its provisions do not conflict with the later Law and secondly because it was not limited solely to application of Article 915 of the Civil Code, which was repealed by that Law.”

According to the Court of Appeal, that conclusion did not conflict with the general principle of equality of rights regardless of birth, as guaranteed by Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 and Articles 8 and 14 of the Convention:

“Firstly, the sole purpose of the provisions of section 14 of the Law of 1972 is to prohibit heirs who have acquired rights to a reserved portion of the estate under that Law – and extended by the Law of 3 December 2001 – from exercising them to the detriment of inter vivos gifts granted prior to 1 August 1972, without depriving the said heirs of their inheritance rights. Next, there is objective and reasonable justification for section 14 of the Law of 1972 in the light of the legitimate aim pursued, namely, ensuring peaceful family relations by securing rights acquired in that context – sometimes long-standing ones – without at the same time creating an excessive imbalance between heirs, it being observed that [these provisions] are of limited scope both in terms of time and the type of voluntary disposition concerned.”

3. Judgment of the Court of Cassation

21. The applicant lodged an appeal on points of law. In his grounds of appeal based on a violation of Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 and Article 14 of the Convention, he argued that peaceful family relations could not take precedence over equality, in terms of civil rights, between children born within marriage and children born outside marriage.

22. In his opinion, which was communicated to the parties, the advocate‑general at the Court of Cassation recommended dismissing the appeal. He made the following submissions to the judges of the First Civil Division of the Court of Cassation:

“... should the court not consider that the succession that had been opened did not give rise to division before the date of publication of the Law, seeing that an action for abatement was pending on that date?

The difficulty submitted for your examination does indeed arise from the different approach proposed by the transitional provisions of the 1972 and 2001 Laws. Whilst neither successions already open, nor inter vivos gifts granted prior to the coming into force of the Law of 1972, could be challenged under that Law, the Law of 2001 allows children born outside marriage whose father or mother was, at the time of conception, bound by marriage to another person to assert inheritance rights in respect of successions already open prior to publication of that Law.

That difference justifies a non-restrictive application of the provisions of the Law of 2001. Only where there has been actual division, or an agreement has been reached between the parties or a final court decision delivered can the new inheritance rights of such children be excluded where the succession has already been opened. On account of the action for an abatement, the succession already open on the date of publication of the Law of 2001 cannot have “given rise to division” on the date of publication of that Law.

I therefore find the submission that the Law of 3 December 2001 is not applicable difficult to sustain. The terms of section 14 of the Law of 3 January 1972, however, are entirely unambiguous. Heirs who have acquired rights under this Law to the reserved portion of the estate cannot exercise those rights “to the detriment of inter vivos gifts granted before the Law came into force”. Should, then, these provisions be deemed to have been tacitly repealed?

Without having regard to the time factor, the applicant maintains in his supplementary pleadings that it must be concluded from the clear contradiction between the transitional provisions of the two Laws that those governing the Law of 1972 have been tacitly repealed. Whilst the approach is different between the transitional provisions enacted in 1972 and those enacted in 2001, they do not, however, appear to me to conflict.

By excluding any challenge to inter vivos gifts granted prior to the coming into force of the Law of 1972, the legislature intended to guarantee the legal security required by such gifts. There is nothing to justify calling that legal security into question in 2002, since the earlier transitional provisions complement those laid down by the 2001 Law.

It is on those grounds that I invite you to dismiss the first ground of the appeal: the inter vivos gift made on 24 January 1970 cannot be called into question on account of inheritance rights arising from new rules concerning the establishment of filiation. In that connection, whilst it remains debatable whether there had actually been division prior to publication of the Law of 3 December 2001, the existence of an inter vivos gift granted prior to the coming into force of the Law of 3 January 1972 is not in dispute. ...”

23. The Court of Cassation dismissed the appeal in a judgment of 14 November 2007, substituting of its own motion a new legal ground. It found that the effect of the transitional provisions of the 2001 Law was that, subject to any prior agreement between the parties or a final court decision, the provisions relating to the new inheritance rights of children born outside marriage whose father or mother was, at the time of conception, bound by marriage to another person were applicable only to successions that were already open on 4 December 2001 and had not given rise to division before that date (see paragraph 16 above). It found that as division had been triggered by Mrs M.’s death – in July 1994, and thus prior to 4 December 2001 – the above-mentioned provisions were not applicable.


A. Inter vivos division of property and action for abatement

24. Under French law, estate-owners can divide their estate themselves between their heirs. An inter vivos division (donation-partage) is a deed by which the donor divides his or her property immediately among his or her heirs (inter vivos transfer). It is an anticipated, definitive and negotiated division. Title to the property is transferred at the time of the donation, which is also the first (anticipated) step in a succession that will be opened later. According to the case-law of the Court of Cassation, an inter vivos division becomes a division for the purposes of inheritance on the donor’s death. The succession is both opened and definitively liquidated or divided on the date of the ascendant’s death (Court of Cassation, 7 March 1876; First Civil Division, 5 October 1994, Bull. 1994, I, no. 27).

25. A descendant who has not received a share of the estate may claim his or her reserved portion from the assets existing when the succession is opened. If there are insufficient assets in the estate, he can bring an action for abatement within five years of the donor’s death. This was the remedy used by the applicant in accordance with Articles 1077-1 and 1077-2 of the Civil Code, which read as follows at the material time:-

Article 1077-1

“A descendant who has not participated in the inter vivos division of the estate, or has received a lower share than his or her reserved portion, may bring an action for abatement if, when the succession is opened, there are insufficient assets not included in the division of the estate to constitute or complete his or her reserved portion, regard being had to any voluntary dispositions from which he may have benefited.”

Article 1077-2

Inter vivos divisions are subject to the rules governing inter vivos gifts as regards determination of the amount, calculation of the reserved portion and reductions.

An action for abatement cannot be brought until after the death of the ascendant who has made the division or the surviving ascendant in the event of a division by the mother and father of their estate among all their issue. Such an action shall become time-barred five years after the death.

A child not yet conceived at the time of the inter vivos division may bring a similar action for the purpose of constituting or supplementing his or her reserved portion.”

26. Articles 913 and 915 of the Civil Code on “the disposable portion of assets” in inter vivos gifts and wills, which have since been repealed, provided as follows:

Article 913

“Voluntary dispositions, whether granted inter vivos or by will, shall not exceed half of the donor’s assets where he leaves only one child on his death; one third where he leaves two children; and one quarter where he leaves three or more children; no distinction shall be made between legitimate children and children born outside marriage, save in the case provided for in Article 915.”

Article 915

“A child born outside marriage whose father or mother was, at the time of his conception, bound by marriage to another person is entitled to inherit under his parent’s estate in competition with the legitimate children born of the marriage; account shall be taken of his presence when calculating the disposable portion; however, he shall receive only half the share to which he would have been entitled if all the children, including himself, had been legitimate.

The children born of the marriage injured by the adultery shall inherit in equal shares the portion by which the adulterine child’s share of the estate is thus reduced.”

B. Development of the law relating to children “born of adultery”

27. The inheritance laws relating to children born outside marriage were amended by the Filiation Law of 1972, which conferred equal status on them for inheritance purposes save for the case of children “born of adultery” (see Mazurek, cited above, § 17), whose rights were limited to “half the share to which they would have been entitled if all the children of the deceased, including themselves, had been legitimate” (see former Articles 757 and 760 of the Civil Code, ibid; see also, regarding gifts, paragraph 26 above).

28. The 2001 Law, which was enacted following the Court’s judgment in the case of Mazurek, eliminated the restrictions on inheritance rights of children “born of adultery” and conferred equal status for inheritance purposes on all children, be they legitimate, born to unmarried parents or “born of adultery”. Section 1 provides that “no distinction shall be made between birth within or birth outside marriage when determining which relatives are entitled to inherit” (Article 733 of the Civil Code) and that “children or their issue shall inherit from their father and mother or other ascendants, irrespective of sex or primogeniture, and even if they are born of different unions” (Article 735 of the Civil Code). The provisions governing the restriction on the reserved portion of children “born of adultery” and their ability to receive gifts have been repealed. Lastly, order no. 2005-759 of 4 July 2005 reforming the filiation rules establishes the principle of equal status regardless of birth, thus eliminating the very concepts of legitimate children and children born outside marriage.

C. Transitional provisions

1. Transitional provisions of the 1972 Law

29. These provisions limited the scope of the reform introduced by the 1972 Law. Section 14 had excluded any immediate application of the new inheritance rights of children born to unmarried parents or “of adultery”, in successions opened before it came into force, and had precluded such children from challenging inter vivos gifts granted before the Law came into force on 1 August 1972. It was on the basis of that provision that the Montpellier Court of Appeal dismissed the applicant’s action (see paragraph 20 above).

2. Section 25 of the 2001 Law

30. Under section 25(1) of the 2001 Law, entry into force of that Law was in principle deferred until 1 July 2002. However, regarding the repeal of the provisions of the Civil Code concerning the rights of children “born of adultery”, the legislature decided, exceptionally, that the Law would come into force immediately on the date of publication of the Law in the Official Gazette, that is, on 4 December 2001. Accordingly, section 25(2) provides:

“The present Law shall apply to successions that are already open from [1 July 2002], subject to the following exceptions: ...

(2) Subject to any prior agreement between the parties or final court decision, the following shall apply to successions already open on the date of publication of the present Law in the Official Gazette of the French Republic and not having given rise to division prior to that date:

(a) the provisions relating to the new inheritance rights of children born outside marriage whose father or mother was, at the time of conception, bound by marriage to another person; ...”

31. In so far as it concerns the rights of children “born of adultery”, the 2001 Law is therefore applicable to all successions open on 4 December 2001, on condition that there has been no division prior to that date.

3. Law of 23 June 2006 reforming successions and voluntary dispositions

32. This Law amended section 25(2) of the 2001 Law by repealing the terms “whose father or mother was, at the time of their conception, bound by marriage to another person”. Section 25(2)(2) no longer mentions whether a child was born of adultery or not.

4. Relevant case-law of the Court of Cassation

33. In a judgment of 6 January 2004 (Court of Cassation, First Civil Division, Bull. 2004, I, no. 10) the Court of Cassation applied the transitional provisions of the 2001 Law, without referring to the provisions of the Convention, in quashing an appeal judgment of 2002 which had set aside gifts granted to a child “born of adultery” under the old provisions whereas there had not yet been division of the estate. In a judgment of 7 June 2006 (Court of Cassation, First Civil Division, Bull. 2006, I, no. 297), also applying the transitional provisions, the Court of Cassation dismissed an appeal by a child “born of adultery” who had received half the share that he would have received if he had been a legitimate child as division had been made before 4 December 2001 (on 13 March 1996 in that case). In a judgment of 15 May 2008, the Court of Cassation held that the provisions of the 2001 Law relating to the new rights of children “born of adultery” were applicable to a succession opened before 1 August 1972 (in 1962 in that case) where this had not given rise to a division prior to 4 December 2001 (Court of Cassation, First Civil Division, Bull. 2008, I, no. 139).


34. In the great majority of the countries studied (forty States out of forty-two) a child’s status for inheritance purposes is independent of the marital status of their parents. Twenty-one countries confer equal status on all children, while nineteen others (Albania, Azerbaijan, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Cyprus, Spain, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Republic of Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, the United Kingdom, Turkey and Ukraine) make a distinction between legitimate children and children born to unmarried parents/of adultery, but expressly grant them equal status for inheritance purposes. The concept of a child “born of adultery” is not at all common, such children generally being put in the same category as children born outside marriage. Some differences between legitimate children and children born outside marriage/ “of adultery” still exist, for inheritance purposes, in Malta. The only State Party that still makes a clear distinction, for inheritance purposes, regarding children born outside marriage is Andorra, where the latter are treated less favourably than legitimate children.


35. The Committee of Ministers Rapporteur Group (GR-J) is still examining the draft recommendation [CM/Rec (2012)] to member states on the rights and legal status of children and parental responsibilities (with the explanatory memorandum) which has been presented to the Committee of Ministers. The draft recommendation seeks to replace the obsolete standards of the European Convention of 1975 on the Legal Status of Children Born out of Wedlock (Convention which France has not ratified), which are no longer in conformity with the Court’s case-law. The text, as currently drafted, contains a central element which is the principle of non-discrimination laid down in Principle 1, which provides:

“Children should not be discriminated against on grounds such as ... birth ...

In particular, children should not be discriminated against on the basis of the civil status of their parents.”

Principle 5 – “Rights of succession” – provides that subject to the definition of parents given in Principle 2 and Principle 17(2) (posthumous conception), “children should regardless of the circumstances of their birth have equal rights of succession to the estate of each of their parents and of those parents’ family.”

The relevant paragraph of the explanatory memorandum is worded as follows:

“22. Having regard to the general principle of non-discrimination as set out in Principle 1 and to the Court’s rulings in Mazurek v. France, Camp and Bourimi v. the Netherlands and Marckx v. Belgium, that ruled respectively that discrimination against children of adulterous relationships and children born out of wedlock with regard to inheritance rights violated Article 14 of the ECHR, taken in conjunction with Article 1 of the first Protocol in the former case, and Article 8 in the latter case, Principle 5 states in broad terms that children should have equal rights of succession regardless of the circumstances of their birth. In this respect, it has a wider application than Article 9 of the 1975 European Convention on the Legal Status of Children born out of Wedlock which gives such children the same rights of succession as children born in wedlock. Principle 5 is subject to the definition of parents given in Principle 2.”



36. The applicant complained that, as a child “born of adultery”, he was unable to assert his inheritance rights and that such unjustified discrimination persisted after the Court’s judgment in Mazurek and despite the enactment of the 2001 Law.

He alleged that there had been a violation of Article 14 of the Convention taken in conjunction with Article 1 of Protocol No. 1, which read respectively as follows:

Article 14

“The enjoyment of the rights and freedoms set forth in [the] Convention shall be secured without discrimination on any ground such as ... birth ...”

Article 1 of Protocol No. 1

“Every natural or legal person is entitled to the peaceful enjoyment of his possessions. No one shall be deprived of his possessions except in the public interest and subject to the conditions provided for by law and by the general principles of international law.

The preceding provisions shall not, however, in any way impair the right of a State to enforce such laws as it deems necessary to control the use of property in accordance with the general interest or to secure the payment of taxes or other contributions or penalties.”

A. The Chamber judgment

37. In its judgment of 21 July 2011 the Chamber held that the applicant’s complaint fell within the scope of Article 1 of Protocol No. 1, which sufficed to render Article 14 of the Convention applicable. As his maternal filiation had been recognised in 1983, the applicant had an interest, enforceable in the domestic courts, in asserting his right to receive a share of his mother’s estate in a manner compatible with Article 14 of the Convention (see paragraphs 38-42 of the Chamber judgment).

38. The Chamber observed, on the merits, that the 1972 and 2001 Laws had put in place specific transitional provisions in respect of the new inheritance rights enshrined in those Laws. It noted that the domestic courts had considered that the applicant could not benefit from those provisions at the time of lodging his action for abatement of the inter vivos gift of 1970. According to the Court of Appeal, the transitional provision of the 1972 Law precluded any challenge to inter vivos gifts granted before the Law came into force. The Court of Cassation had held that as division of the estate had taken place on the mother’s death in 1994, this precluded – under section 25(2) of the 2001 Law – application of the new provisions providing for equal inheritance rights. Those interpretations of domestic law pursued the legitimate aim of safeguarding the principle of legal certainty and the long-standing rights of the legitimate children. Moreover, they did not appear unreasonable, arbitrary or blatantly inconsistent with the prohibition of discrimination. The Chamber distinguished the specific situation in the present case from the cases in which there had not yet been division of the estate (Mazurek, cited above, and Merger and Cros v. France, no. 68864/01, 22 December 2004) in concluding that the difference in treatment in question was proportionate to the aim pursued and that there had been no violation of Article 14 of the Convention taken in conjunction with Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 (see paragraphs 50-59 of the Chamber judgment).

B. The parties’ submissions

1. The Government

(a) Applicability of Article 14 of the Convention

39. The Government submitted that the facts complained of by the applicant did not fall within the scope of Article 1 of Protocol No. 1, which rendered Article 14 of the Convention inapplicable. They observed in that connection that the inter vivos division of 1970 had vested title to the property in the two legitimate children and established an acquired legal situation which precluded the applicant from obtaining a share in his mother’s estate. Neither the 1972 Law nor the 2001 Law had had the effect of enabling him to acquire the share in the estate to which he would have been entitled if the deed of 1970 had not existed. Unlike the cases of Mazurek and Merger and Cros, in which the applicants had automatically acquired inheritance rights following the death of their parent, the succession in the present case had been settled in 1970 before the death of the applicant’s mother. Moreover, division of the property had taken effect several years before the applicant’s filiation had been established in 1983. Consequently, according to the Government, the applicant had no inheritance rights in respect of the estate (they referred, mutatis mutandis, to Alboize-Barthes and Alboize-Montezume v. France (dec.), no. 44421/04, 21 October 2008).

(b) Merits

40. As they had previously submitted before the Chamber, the Government maintained that the applicant had not been “excluded” from his mother’s succession but, in so far as the assets had already been disposed of under the terms of the deed of inter vivos division of 1970, he could not acquire the share to which he would have been entitled under the 1972 and 2001 Laws if that deed had not existed. Accordingly, it was not the judicial decisions in question which had prevented the applicant from inheriting under his mother’s estate, but a prior deed of transfer of property which had established an acquired legal situation.

41. It was to those rights acquired by the other heirs that the legislature in 2001 – having, moreover, fully satisfied the general obligations incumbent on it to execute the Mazurek judgment – had had to have regard when bringing the Law into force. Application of the new Law to pre-existing situations necessarily had to abide by the principles of legal certainty and foreseeability of the law established by the case-law of the Court. Section 25 of the 2001 Law thus excluded application of the new rights to successions already open on the date of its publication that had given rise to division before that date. In the Government’s view, the Court of Cassation’s interpretation did not therefore conflict with the Mazurek judgment. Unlike that judgment and the case of Merger and Cros, in which the applicants had challenged situations that were not yet established when they lodged their action in the domestic courts, the action for abatement brought by the applicant in 1998 had sought to challenge a situation in which there had already been division of the estate.

42. The Government acknowledged that a judgment finding a violation of the Convention could give rise to general measures in the respondent State and have an impact going beyond the dispute concerning the parties before the Court. Nevertheless, they stated that the Court had never recognised a retroactive effect of its judgments. To claim that the Mazurek judgment should apply to the present case, that is, to a legal situation that had been definitively established before it was delivered, and that it should have retroactive effect, would render Article 46 of the Convention nugatory.

2. The applicant

(a) Applicability of Article 14 of the Convention

43. The applicant did not file additional observations with the Grand Chamber to those produced before the Chamber in which he had expressed his disagreement with the Government on this point (paragraph 37 of the Chamber judgment). He submitted that the establishment of his maternal filiation in 1983 had vested inheritance rights in him at the opening of his mother’s succession – pending on the day he lodged his application – which fell within the scope of Article 1 of Protocol No. 1.

(b) Merits

44. According to the applicant, the effectiveness of Article 14 of the Convention had to be guaranteed and only “very weighty” reasons could lead to a difference in treatment on the ground of birth being regarded as compatible with the Convention. Legal certainty was neither a right guaranteed by the Convention nor a public-interest ground capable of justifying an infringement of the right to peaceful enjoyment of possessions under Article 1 of Protocol No. 1.

45. What might have been tolerable in 1972, on grounds of the concept of legal certainty, in frustrating the principle of non-discrimination guaranteed by Article 14 could no longer be so after Mazurek. However, the applicant stressed that rights unfairly acquired should not be made secure by the transitional provisions of the 2001 Law, which was meant to put an end to violations of the type found in that judgment. In his submission, in redressing the damage caused to Mr Mazurek the Court had refused to secure pre-existing legal situations obtaining prior to its judgment. The applicant considered that the Court should take note here of the failure to observe the binding force of Mazurek and find against France accordingly. To conclude otherwise would be tantamount to accepting that a State enacting legislation designed to draw the consequences of the Court’s case‑law had an indefinite period of time in which to transpose its decisions, and could be concerned, in the particular circumstance, only with future successions, and thus validate ex post facto recognised violations of the Convention. The applicant complained of continuing discrimination which perpetuated the effects of the 1972 Law that had been the subject of a finding against France by the Court and disavowed by the legislature in 2001.

46. He further submitted that the action for abatement that he had brought in 1998 had been pending when the 2001 Law was published, which should have resulted in his benefiting from the new rights granted to children “born of adultery”. Consequently, as his action had been pending, his mother’s estate could not have been definitively divided; to conclude otherwise would amount to making actions for abatement of inter vivos divisions an ineffective remedy.

C. The Court’s assessment

1. Applicability of Article 14 of the Convention

(a) General principles

47. According to the established case-law of the Court, Article 14 of the Convention complements the other substantive provisions of the Convention and its Protocols. It has no independent existence since it has effect solely in relation to “the enjoyment of the rights and freedoms” safeguarded by those provisions. Although the application of Article 14 does not presuppose a breach of those provisions – and to this extent it is autonomous – there can be no room for its application unless the facts in issue fall within the ambit of one or more of the latter (see, among many other authorities, Van Raalte v. the Netherlands, 21 February 1997, § 33, Reports of Judgments and Decisions 1997‑I; Petrovic v. Austria, 27 March 1998, § 22, Reports 1998‑II; Zarb Adami v. Malta, no. 17209/02, § 42, ECHR 2006‑VIII; and Konstantin Markin v. Russia [GC], no. 30078/06, § 124, ECHR 2012 (extracts)).

(b) Whether the facts of the case fall within the ambit of Article 1 of Protocol No. 1

48. In the present case it therefore needs to be determined whether the applicant’s complaint, regarding his inability to assert his inheritance rights by means of an action for abatement of the inter vivos division signed by his mother without regard for his reserved portion, falls within the ambit, that is, the scope of Article 1 of Protocol No. 1.

49. The Court reiterates that the concept of “possessions” referred to in the first part of Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 has an autonomous meaning which is not limited to ownership of physical goods and is independent from the formal classification in domestic law: certain other rights and interests constituting assets can also be regarded as “property rights”, and thus as “possessions” for the purposes of this provision (see Beyeler v. Italy [GC], no. 33202/96, § 100, ECHR 2000‑I).

50. Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 does not guarantee the right to acquire possessions (see Slivenko and Others v. Latvia (dec.) [GC], no. 48321/99, § 121, ECHR 2002‑II (extracts), and Ališić and Others v. Bosnia‑Herzegovina Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (dec.), no. 60642/08, § 52, 17 October 2011), in particular on intestacy or through voluntary dispositions (see, mutatis mutandisMarckx, cited above, § 50, and Merger and Cros, cited above, § 37). However, “possessions” can be either “existing possessions” or assets, including claims, in respect of which the applicant can argue that he or she has at least a “legitimate expectation” of obtaining effective enjoyment of a property right (see, among other authorities, Pressos Compania Naviera S.A. and Others v. Belgium, 20 November 1995, § 31, Series A no. 332; Kopecký v. Slovakia [GC], no. 44912/98, § 35, ECHR 2004‑IX; and Association nationale des pupilles de la Nation v. France (dec.), no. 22718/08, 6 October 2009). A legitimate expectation must have a “sufficient basis in national law” (see Kopecký, cited above, § 52; Depalle v. France [GC], no. 34044/02, § 63, ECHR 2010; and Saghinadze and Others v. Georgia, no. 18768/05, § 103, 27 May 2010). Likewise, the concept of “possessions” may extend to a particular benefit of which the persons concerned have been deprived on the basis of a discriminatory condition of entitlement (see Andrejeva v. Latvia [GC], no. 55707/00, § 79, ECHR 2009). However, the hope of recognition of the survival of an old property right which it has long been impossible to exercise effectively cannot be considered as a “possession” within the meaning of Article 1 of Protocol No. 1, nor can a conditional claim which lapses as a result of the non-fulfilment of the condition (see the recapitulation of the relevant principles in Malhous v. the Czech Republic (dec.) [GC], no. 33071/96, ECHR 2000‑XII, with further references to the Commission’s case-law; see also Prince Hans-Adam II of Liechtenstein v. Germany [GC], no. 42527/98, § 85, ECHR 2001‑VIII; Nerva and Others v. the United Kingdom, no. 42295/98, § 43, ECHR 2002‑VIII; and Stretch v. the United Kingdom, no. 44277/98, § 32, 24 June 2003).

51. The issue that needs to be examined in each case is whether the circumstances of the case, considered as a whole, conferred on the applicant title to a substantive interest protected by Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 (see Bozcaada Kimisis Teodoku Rum Ortodoks Kilisesi Vakfı v. Turkey, nos. 37639/0337655/0326736/04 and 42670/04, § 41, 3 March 2009; Depalle, cited above, § 62; Plalam S.P.A. v. Italy (merits), no. 16021/02, § 37, 18 May 2010; and Di Marco v. Italy (merits), no. 32521/05, § 50, 26 April 2011). The Court considers that that approach requires it to take account of the following points of law and of fact.

52. In the present case the Court observes that it is purely on account of his status as a child “born of adultery” that the applicant was refused the right to request an abatement of the inter vivos division signed by his mother, that status being the basis of the Court of Cassation’s decision – interpreting the transitional provisions of the 2001 Law – to exclude application in his case of the provisions relating to the new inheritance rights recognised by that Law. In cases, such as the present, concerning a complaint under Article 14 in conjunction with Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 that the applicant has been denied all or part of a particular asset on a discriminatory ground covered by Article 14, the relevant test is whether, but for the discriminatory ground about which the applicant complains, he or she would have had a right, enforceable under domestic law, in respect of the asset in question (see, mutatis mutandisStec and Others v. the United Kingdom (dec.) [GC], nos. 65731/01 and 65900/01, § 55, ECHR 2005‑X, and Andrejeva, cited above, § 79). That test is satisfied in the present case.

53. The Government argued that the applicant could not claim any inheritance rights in respect of the inter vivos gift of 1970 because this had had the effect of immediately and irrevocably distributing his mother’s assets, and had done so before his maternal filiation had been judicially established (see paragraph 39 above). The Court cannot accept that argument, however. It notes that whilst inter vivos gifts have the immediate effect of transferring ownership, according to the case-law of the Court of Cassation this does not become a division for inheritance purposes until the death of the donor. The succession is both opened and definitively liquidated or divided on the date of the ascendant’s death (see paragraph 24 above), which in this case was not until 1994. By that date the applicant’s filiation had been established. It was thus indeed on grounds of his status as a child “born of adultery” that the applicant was excluded from his mother’s estate.

54. In that connection the present case resembles those of Mazurek and Merger and Cros, cited above, and can be distinguished from the case of Alboize-Barthes and Alboize-Montezume v. France (dec.), cited above, in which it was decided that the liquidation of the applicants’ father’s estate – in 1955, and thus well before their filiation had been established – precluded them from asserting inheritance rights to their late father’s estate and claiming title to a “possession”.

55. It follows that the applicant’s pecuniary interests fall within the scope of Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 and the right to the peaceful enjoyment of possessions which it safeguards. This is sufficient to render Article 14 of the Convention applicable.

2. The merits

(a) General principles

56. The Court reiterates that in the enjoyment of the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Convention, Article 14 affords protection against different treatment, without an objective and reasonable justification, of persons in similar situations. For the purposes of Article 14, a difference of treatment is discriminatory if it “has no objective and reasonable justification”, that is, if it does not pursue a “legitimate aim” or if there is not a “reasonable relationship of proportionality between the means employed and the aim sought to be realised” (see Mazurek, cited above, §§ 46 and 48). Moreover, the Contracting States enjoy a certain margin of appreciation in assessing whether and to what extent differences in otherwise similar situations justify a different treatment (see Stec and Others, cited above, §§ 51 and 52, ECHR 2006‑VI). The scope of the margin of appreciation will vary according to the circumstances, the subject matter and the background, but the Court must determine in the last resort whether the Convention requirements have been complied with. Since the Convention is first and foremost a system for the protection of human rights, the Court must however have regard to the changing conditions in Contracting States and respond, for example, to any emerging consensus as to the standards to be achieved (see Konstantin Markin, cited above, § 126).

57. According to the Court’s established case-law since Marckx, cited above, the distinction established for inheritance purposes between children “born outside marriage” and “legitimate” children has raised an issue under Article 8 of the Convention taken alone (see Johnston and Others v. Ireland, 18 December 1986, Series A no. 112) and under Article 14 of the Convention taken in conjunction with Article 8 (see Vermeire v. Belgium, 29 November 1991, Series A no. 214‑C, and Brauer v. Germany, no. 3545/04, 28 May 2009) and Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 (see Inze v. Austria, 28 October 1987, Series A no. 126; Mazurek, cited above; and Merger and Cros, cited above). The Court has extended this case-law to voluntary dispositions by confirming the prohibition on discrimination where testamentary dispositions are concerned (see Pla and Puncernau v. Andorra, no. 69498/01, ECHR 2004‑VIII). Accordingly, as early as 1979, in Marckx, the Court held that restrictions on children’s inheritance rights on grounds of birth were incompatible with the Convention. It has constantly reiterated this fundamental principle, establishing the prohibition of discrimination on grounds of a child’s birth “outside marriage” as a standard of protection of European public order.

58. The Court also observes that common ground between the member States of the Council of Europe regarding the importance of equal treatment of children born within and children born outside marriage has been established for a long time, which has, moreover, led to a uniform approach today by the national legislatures on the subject – the principle of equality eliminating the very concepts of legitimate children and children born outside marriage – and to social and legal developments definitively endorsing the objective of achieving equality between children (see paragraphs 28, 34 and 35 above).

59. Accordingly, very weighty reasons have to be advanced before a distinction on grounds of birth outside marriage can be regarded as compatible with the Convention (see Inze, cited above, § 41; Camp and Bourimi v. the Netherlands, no. 28369/95, § 38, ECHR 2000‑X; and Brauer, cited above§ 40).

60. The Court is not in principle required to settle disputes of a purely private nature. That being said, in exercising the European supervision incumbent on it, it cannot remain passive where a national court’s interpretation of a legal act, be it a testamentary disposition, a private contract, a public document, a statutory provision or an administrative practice appears unreasonable, arbitrary or blatantly inconsistent with the prohibition of discrimination established by Article 14 and more broadly with the principles underlying the Convention (see Larkos v. Cyprus [GC], no. 29515/95, §§ 30-31, ECHR 1999‑I; Pla and Puncernau, cited above, § 59; and Karaman v. Turkey, no. 6489/03, § 30, 15 January 2008).

(b) Application in the present case

(i) Whether there was a difference in treatment on grounds of birth outside marriage

61. It is not in dispute in the present case that the applicant was deprived of a reserved portion and definitively placed in a different situation from that of the legitimate children regarding inheritance of their mother’s estate. He was precluded from obtaining an abatement of the inter vivos division from which he had been excluded and a reserved portion on grounds of his status as a child “born of adultery”.

62. That difference in treatment between the applicant and his half-brother and half-sister derives from section 25(2) of the 2001 Law, which restricts application of the new inheritance rights of children “born of adultery” to successions opened prior to 4 December 2001 that have not given rise to division before that date (see paragraph 30 above). In interpreting the transitional provision concerned, the Court of Cassation considered that division for inheritance purposes had taken place in 1994, at the time of the applicant’s mother’s death (see paragraph 23 above), in line with long-standing case-law authority to the effect that in respect of inter vivos divisions the death of the donor triggers both the opening of the succession and the division (see paragraph 24 above). A legitimate child who had been omitted from the inter vivos division or not yet conceived when the deed was signed would not have been precluded from obtaining his or her reserved portion or share of the estate in accordance with Articles 1077-1 and 1077-2 of the Civil Code (see paragraph 25 above). It is therefore not disputed that the only reason for the difference in treatment suffered by the applicant was the fact that he had been born outside marriage.

63. The Court reiterates that its role is not to rule on which interpretation of the domestic legislation is the most correct, but to determine whether the manner in which that legislation has been applied has infringed the rights secured to the applicant under Article 14 of the Convention (see, among many other authorities and mutatis mutandisPadovani v. Italy, 26 February 1993, § 24, Series A no. 257‑B, and Pla and Puncernau, cited above, § 46). In the instant case its task is thus to establish whether there was objective and reasonable justification for the difference in treatment in question, which had its basis in a provision of domestic law.

(ii) Justification for the difference in treatment

(α) Pursuit of a legitimate aim

64. The Government did not advance any further justification for discriminating between legitimate children and children “born of adultery”. The Court notes that the French State agreed to amend its legislation following the Court’s judgment in the case of Mazurek, cited above, and reformed the rules of inheritance law by repealing all the discriminatory provisions relating to children “born of adultery” less than two years after the judgment had been delivered. Moreover, it welcomes this measure bringing French law into line with the Convention principle of non-discrimination.

65. However, according to the Government, it was not possible to undermine rights acquired by third parties – in the instant case by the other heirs – and that justified restricting the retroactive effect of the 2001 Law to those successions that were already open on the date of its publication and had not given rise to division by that date. The transitional provisions had accordingly been enacted in order to safeguard peaceful family relations by securing the rights acquired by beneficiaries where the estate had already been divided.

66. The Court is not convinced that denying the inheritance rights of one or more of its members can contribute to strengthening peaceful relations within a family. However, it accepts that the protection of acquired rights can serve the interests of legal certainty, an underlying value of the Convention (see Brumărescu v. Romania [GC], no. 28342/95, § 61, ECHR 1999‑VII; Beian v. Romania (no. 1), no. 30658/05, § 39, ECHR 2007‑V (extracts); Nejdet Şahin and Perihan Şahin v. Turkey [GC], no. 13279/05, §§ 56-57, 20 October 2011; and Albu and Others v. Romania, nos. 34796/09 and 63 other cases, § 34, 10 May 2012). Accordingly, with regard to a succession accepted by a child “born of adultery” when it was opened, in 1993, and liquidated in 1996, it has held that the Court of Cassation’s ruling of inadmissibility on the ground that there had already been division, which precluded the applicant from benefiting from the new rights, under the transitional provisions of the 2001 Law, was in accordance with the principle of legal certainty as reiterated in Marckx. Indeed “a judicial body cannot be required to set aside a freely accepted division in the light of a judgment of the Court delivered after the said division” (see E.S. v. France (dec.), no. 49714/06, 10 February 2009). The Court concludes that the concern to ensure the stability of completed inheritance arrangements, which was an overriding requirement in the opinion of the legislature and the court dealing with the case, constitutes a legitimate aim capable of justifying the difference in treatment in the present case. However, the difference in treatment must have been proportionate to that aim.

(β) Proportionality between the means employed and the aim pursued

67. The Court observes that in the present case, subject to the statutory right to bring an action for abatement, the applicant’s half-brother and half‑sister obtained property rights on the basis of the inter vivos division of 1970 by virtue of which Mrs M.’s estate passed to them on her death in July 1994. On that basis this case is distinguishable from those of Mazurek and Merger and Cros, cited above, in which the estate had not yet passed to the beneficiaries.

68. However, the Court reiterates that “protecting the ‘legitimate expectation’ of the deceased and their families must be subordinate to the imperative of equal treatment between children born outside and children born within marriage” (see Brauer, cited above, § 43). In that connection it considers that the applicant’s half-brother and half-sister knew – or should have known – that their rights were liable to be challenged. At the time of their mother’s death in 1994 there was a statutory five-year time-period for bringing an action for abatement of an inter vivos division. The legitimate heirs should therefore have known that their half-brother had until 1999 to claim his share in the estate and that such an action was capable of calling into question not the division as such, but the extent of the rights of each of the descendants. Moreover, the action for abatement that the applicant did finally bring in 1998 was pending before the national courts at the time of delivery of the judgment in Mazurek, which declared that inequality of inheritance rights on grounds of birth was incompatible with the Convention, and at the time of publication of the 2001 Law, which executed that judgment by incorporating the principles established therein into French law. Lastly, the applicant was not a descendant whose existence was unknown to them, as he had been recognised as their mother’s “illegitimate” son in a judgment delivered in 1983 (see paragraph 12 above; see, mutatis mutandisCamp and Bourimi, cited above, § 39). That was sufficient to arouse justified doubts as to whether the estate had actually passed on Mrs M.’s death in 1994 (see the conclusions of the advocate-general, paragraph 22 above).

69. The Court observes on that point that, according to the Government, the specific nature of inter vivos divisions precluded any calling into question of an existing legal situation – in this case the division effected in 1970 and subsequently definitively implemented on the estate-owner’s death – notwithstanding the legal proceedings under way (see paragraphs 40 and 41 above). The applicant challenged that submission (see paragraph 46 above). In the particular circumstances of the case, in which European case-law and the national legislative reforms showed a clear tendency towards eliminating all discrimination regarding the inheritance rights of children born outside marriage, the Court considers that the action brought by the applicant before the domestic courts in 1998 and dismissed in 2007 is a weighty factor when examining the proportionality of the difference in treatment (see paragraphs 22 and 68 above, and paragraph 72 below). The fact that that action was still pending in 2001 could not but relativise the expectation of Mrs M.’s other heirs that they would succeed in establishing undisputed rights to her estate.

70. Accordingly, in the light of the foregoing, the Court considers that the legitimate aim of protecting the inheritance rights of the applicant’s half-brother and half-sister was not sufficiently weighty to override the claim by the applicant to a share in his mother’s estate.

71. Moreover, it would appear that, even in the eyes of the national authorities, the expectations of heirs who are the beneficiaries of an inter vivos division are not to be protected in all circumstances. Indeed, if the same action for an abatement of the inter vivos division had been brought at the same time by another legitimate child, born at a later date or wilfully excluded from the division, it would not have been declared inadmissible.

72. In that connection the Court questions the decision of the national court, in 2007 – years after the Marckx and Mazurek judgments cited above – to apply the principle of protection of legal certainty differently according to whether it was asserted against a legitimate child or a child “born of adultery”. It also notes that the Court of Cassation did not address the applicant’s principal ground of appeal relating to an infringement of the principle of non-discrimination as guaranteed by Article 14 of the Convention. The Court has previously held that where an applicant’s pleas relate to the “rights and freedoms” guaranteed by the Convention the courts are required to examine them with particular rigour and care and that this is a corollary of the principle of subsidiarity (see Wagner and J.M.W.L. v. Luxembourg, no. 76240/01, § 96, 28 June 2007, and Magnin v. France (dec.), no. 26219/08, 10 May 2012).

(γ) Conclusion

73. In the light of all the aforementioned considerations, the Court concludes that there was no reasonable relationship of proportionality between the means employed and the legitimate aim pursued. There was therefore no objective and reasonable justification for the difference in treatment regarding the applicant. Accordingly, there has been a violation of Article 14 of the Convention taken in conjunction with Article 1 of Protocol No. 1.

74. This conclusion does not call into question the right of States to enact transitional provisions where they adopt a legislative reform with a view to complying with their obligations under Article 46 § 1 of the Convention (see, for example, Antoni v. the Czech Republic, no. 18010/06, 25 November 2010; Compagnie des gaz de pétrole Primagaz v. France, no. 29613/08, § 18, 21 December 2010; Mork v. Germany, nos. 31047/04 and 43386/08, §§ 28 to 30 and 54, 9 June 2011; and Taron v. Germany, (dec.), no. 53126/07, 29 May 2012).

75. However, whilst the essentially declaratory nature of the Court’s judgments leaves it up to the State to choose the means by which to erase the consequences of the violation (see Marckx, cited above, § 58, and Verein gegen Tierfabriken Schweiz (VgT) v. Switzerland (no. 2) [GC], no. 32772/02, § 61, ECHR 2009), it should at the same time be pointed out that the adoption of general measures requires the State concerned to prevent, with diligence, further violations similar to those found in the Court’s judgments (see, for example, Salah v. the Netherlands, no. 8196/02, § 77, ECHR 2006‑IX (extracts). This imposes an obligation on the domestic courts to ensure, in conformity with their constitutional order and having regard to the principle of legal certainty, the full effect of the Convention standards, as interpreted by the Court. This was not done in the present case, however.


76. The applicant complained, on the same grounds as those relied on above in connection with the right to peaceful enjoyment of possessions, of unjustified discrimination infringing his right to respect for his private and family life guaranteed by Article 8 of the Convention, which provides:

“1. Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life ...

2. There shall be no interference by a public authority with the exercise of this right except such as is in accordance with the law and is necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security, public safety or the economic well-being of the country, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.”

A. Chamber judgment

77. As in the Mazurek judgment, the Chamber did not consider it necessary to examine this question separately, as no distinct arguments had been submitted (see paragraph 60 of the Chamber judgment).

B. The parties’ submissions

78. The applicant made no observation under Article 8 of the Convention.

79. The Government submitted, as their main argument, that there had been no interference in the present case. Questions concerning inheritance on intestacy could fall within the scope of Article 8 but that provision did not guarantee a right to inherit. A decision not to call into question a legal situation acquired in 1970 was not an interference with the applicant’s right to respect for his family life.

80. If, however, the Court were to consider that there had been interference, this had been prescribed by law, namely, the 1972 Law prohibiting heirs to a reserved portion of the estate from exercising those rights to the detriment of gifts granted prior to 1972. It had pursued a legitimate aim, namely, guaranteeing peaceful family relations by securing long-standing rights. Relying on the Court’s judgment in Marckx, the Government submitted that it would be contrary to the principle of legal certainty to set aside a division implemented several years (1972 Law) or even several decades (2001 Law) before the legislative and jurisprudential changes amending the inheritance rules applicable to children “born of adultery”. Lastly, that interference had been proportionate because the implementation of the impugned provisions by the domestic courts was limited both in time and in respect of the voluntary dispositions concerned. The Government concluded that the transitional provisions, as interpreted by the domestic courts, were in conformity with the decision in Mazurek and with the Convention. The 2001 Law, in particular, provided for application of the new provisions with regard to the time factor, taking account of acquired situations that it would be undesirable from a social point of view – and unfeasible in certain cases – to call into question. The Government stressed the margin of appreciation available to the State when balancing the competing interests.

C. The Court’s assessment

81. Having regard to the Court’s conclusions regarding Article 14 of the Convention taken in conjunction with Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 (see paragraph 73 above), the Court considers that it is not necessary to examine separately whether there has been a violation of that provision read in conjunction with Article 8 of the Convention.


82. Under Article 41 of the Convention

“If the Court finds that there has been a violation of the Convention or the Protocols thereto, and if the internal law of the High Contracting Party concerned allows only partial reparation to be made, the Court shall, if necessary, afford just satisfaction to the injured party.”

83. The applicant claimed EUR 128,550.75, which is the share of the estate that would have been paid to him if he had been treated as having equal rights to his half-brother and half-sister, plus interest. The applicant also claimed compensation for non-pecuniary damage which he assessed at EUR 30,000. Lastly, the applicant assessed at EUR 20,946 the costs and expenses incurred before the domestic courts and before the Court.

84. The Government submitted that the finding of a violation would be adequate compensation for the pecuniary loss suffered by the applicant. Any monetary compensation awarded for non-pecuniary damage could only be symbolic. With regard to costs and expenses, the Government considered that the award of an aggregate sum of EUR 10,000 would be appropriate.

85. In the circumstances of the present case the Court finds that the question of the application of Article 41 of the Convention is not ready for decision. Consequently, it will reserve the question in its entirety and fix the subsequent procedure, bearing in mind the possibility of an agreement being reached between the respondent State and the applicant (Rule 75 § 1 of the Rules of Court). The Court gives the parties three months for that purpose.


1. Holds that there has been a violation of Article 14 of the Convention taken in conjunction with Article 1 of Protocol No.1;

2. Holds that there is no need to examine separately the complaint under Article 14 of the Convention taken in conjunction with Article 8;

3. Holds that the question of the application of Article 41 of the Convention is not ready for decision;


a) reserves the said question in its entirety;

b) invites the Government and the applicant to submit, within three months from the date of notification of this judgment, their written observations on the matter and, in particular, to notify the Court of any agreement that they may reach;

c) reserves the further procedure and delegates to the President of the Grand Chamber the power to fix the same if need be.

Done in French and English, and delivered at a public hearing in the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on 7 February 2013.

Johan Callewaert                                  Josep Casadevall
 Deputy to the Registrar                        Président


In accordance with Article 45 § 2 of the Convention and Rule 74 § 2 of the Rules of Court, the following separate opinions are annexed to this judgment:

(a) Concurring opinion of Judge Popović joined by Judge Gyulumyan ;

(b) Concurring opinion of Judge Pinto de Albuquerque.




I think that the Court failed to specify in paragraph 75 of the judgment what the obligations of member States are in terms of ensuring the full effect of Convention standards in the light of the general obligation of member States to comply with judgments of the Court. To my mind, an analysis of the relevant case-law leaves no doubt as regards the scope of the obligation.

It is true that the State is entitled to choose appropriate general measures under the supervision of the Committee of Ministers, by the adoption of which it will prevent further violations of the Convention provisions. The Court nevertheless held in Vermeire v. Belgium (29 November 1991, § 26, Series A no. 214‑C) as follows: “The freedom of choice allowed to a State as to the means of fulfilling its obligations [under Art. 46] cannot allow it to suspend the application of the Convention while waiting for such a reform to be completed.” In Verein gegen Tierfabriken Schweiz (VgT) v. Switzerland (no. 2) ([GC], no. 32772/02, § 37, ECHR 2009) the Court confirmed its endorsement of the obligation of the States to perform treaties in good faith. This applies to the Convention as well.

The Court reiterated its stance on the issue in Dumitru Popescu v. Romania (no. 2) (no. 71525/01, § 103, 26 April 2007), as well as in Verein gegen Tierfabriken, (cited above, § 61). In Dumitru Popescu the Court stated, with reference to its ruling in Vermeire, cited above, that the duties of a national judge included ensuring the full effect of the Convention provisions by considering them superior to and giving them precedence over any contrary provision of the domestic legislation. In Verein gegen Tierfabriken the Court revisited its previous jurisprudence and confirmed that the High Contracting Parties to the Convention undertook to abide by the final judgments of the Court in any case to which they were parties.

The Court’s firm and repeated stance on the obligation of member States to comply with its judgments is also in line with the recommendation of the Committee of Ministers, which is competent to supervise the execution of judgments. The Committee of Ministers, in their Recommendation (2004)6, highlighted the fact that the Convention had now become an integral part of the domestic legal order of the member States.

For those reasons I find that it was indeed the principle of legal certainty which should have led the domestic judiciary to comply with the Convention rules even in the absence of immediate action by the legislature.



The Fabris case raises the substantive question of discrimination before the law regarding the inheritance rights of children born out of wedlock. In addition to the question of the principle of equality before the law, the case deals with two other questions of cardinal importance for the system of protection of human rights in Europe, namely, the retroactive effect of the Court’s judgments and the Court’s competence to control the execution of its own judgments by the national authorities. I agree with the finding of a violation of Article 14 of the Convention in conjunction with Article 1 of Protocol No. 1, but with all due respect I disagree with the reasoning of the judgment for the reasons that follow.

The direct and erga omnes effect of the Court’s judgments

At first sight the Convention provides that the effects of the Court’s judgments are restricted to the parties to the case, that is, the applicant or applicants and the respondent State or States. This first reading is misleading, however, and a correct construction of Article 46 requires it to be read jointly with Article 1. In the light of these provisions read together, the Court’s judgments have a direct and erga omnes effect[1].

In fact, the Court formulated the erga omnes effect of its judgments when it affirmed, in Ireland v. the United Kingdom, that the Court’s judgments served to elucidate, safeguard and develop the rules instituted by the Convention[2]. Thus, the Court has on many occasions refused to strike out a case, even though the applicant had sought to withdraw his or her application, because it considered that the case raised questions of a general character affecting the observance of the Convention. The same underlying general interest justified the introduction of the concept of “potential victim[3]” and the practice of third-party intervention[4]. The “maintenance and further realization of human rights and fundamental freedoms” in the Council of Europe and the “achievement of greater unity between its members” indeed call for this broad understanding of the Court’s mission, not only in regard to the conditions for admissibility of applications to the Court and the striking out of applications, but also to the effects of its judgments. The collective nature of the Court’s input logically impacts on the erga omnes nature of its output. States Parties not involved in the proceedings must not turn a blind eye to the authoritative interpretation of the Convention made by the Court, which is the final instance invested with that power[5]. If they were to do so, either wilfully or negligently, they would be at variance with their own Convention engagements as interpreted by the Court, and thus fail to show the attentive commitment to the fulfillment of treaty obligations which is called for by the principle of good faith in performing a treaty. However, if the States Parties abide by the standards set in the Court’s case-law, even when they have not been involved in the particular disputes in respect of which the case-law was established, they not only avoid future findings of a violation, but also anticipate the implementation of the rights and freedoms foreseen in the Convention. This proactive approach by the States Parties is also required by a rigorous application of the principle of subsidiarity. The full implementation of the Convention at national level requires States Parties to take all measures necessary to redress, and preferably to prevent, violations. Failure to comply with the Court’s case-law, even by States not party to the disputes in respect of which this has been established, would run counter to the aforementioned obligation to act effectively, promptly and in a preventative way in order to secure to everyone the rights and freedoms of the Convention[6]. These developments have culminated in the recognition of the Convention as a “constitutional instrument of European public order[7]” and therefore of the Court as “Europe’s Constitutional Court[8]”. Hence, all bodies and representatives of any public authority of the respondent State, at all levels of its organisation (national, federal, regional or local), are directly bound by the Court’s judgments and therefore, to use the phrase coined by the Brighton Declaration, “all laws and policies should be formulated, and all State officials should discharge their responsibilities, in a way that gives full effect to the Convention”. In this context, the Court being tasked with the power to interpret and apply the Convention through final and binding judgments (Article 19 of the Convention), the direct and erga omnes effect of the Court’s judgments may not be restricted by the States Parties. Only the Court itself can determine a restriction of the effects of its judgments[9].

The Court’s competence to control the execution of its own judgments

The Court’s initial policy of refraining from issuing consequential orders has given way to a broad policy of directions and even orders to the respondent States regarding how to execute the judgment. The Court’s judgments are no longer purely declaratory, but prescriptive[10]. In view of the increasingly prescriptive nature of the Court’s judgments, and consequently of the growing dual facet of the States Parties’ obligation to comply with the Court’s judgments as an obligation of result and means, the Court’s control of the application of Article 46 of the Convention is crucial[11].

Human rights treaties should be interpreted in a way which is most protective of the rights and freedoms which they foresee[12]. In the light of this principle, it is evident that the jurisdictional nature of the Court would be dangerously at risk if the Court did not react to infringements of its judgments and, even worse, if the final word on the execution of its judgments were de facto dependent on the will of the first addressees of the judgments themselves: the Governments. The entire system of human rights protection would be sacrificed on the altar of politics, the Court’s judgments being downgraded to provisional statements on disputes in need of a subsequent political satisfecit to be effective. The applicant’s victory at the Human Rights Building would be a Pyrrhic one, the respondent State having a second chance to fight the case in the Palais de l’Europe. Human rights would then be a deceptive mirage in Europe. To ensure that human rights do not become a mere mirage, the most protective interpretation of the Convention’s rights and freedoms is required: to guarantee real, not virtual, independence of the judicial power and an effet utile, not apparent, of the rights and freedoms of the Convention, it is indispensable that the Court be vested with the implied power to oversee the execution of its judgments, and, if need be, to contradict a decision of the Committee of Ministers in this regard[13].

International law and practice have long acknowledged the “implied-powers doctrine”, according to which international organisations not only have the powers which are explicitly foreseen in their founding texts, but also such powers as are necessary for the most efficient exercise of their tasks. Applied to the present case, this doctrine requires that international tribunals and adjudication bodies be implicitly vested with the power to supervise the execution of their judgments when this is necessary for the discharge of their functions[14]. In the European legal framework of human rights, the Court’s power to supervise the execution of its judgments is implied in its duty to ensure compliance with States Parties’ obligations under the Convention and its power to decide any question regarding the application of the Convention (Article 19 in conjunction with Article 32).

Protocol No. 14 was a step in the right direction, but still did not fully enshrine this implied power. The Protocol provides for an enlargement of the Court’s power to control the execution phase: the Court can interpret its own judgments and decide that a respondent State has not complied with them when problems arise during the execution process. The explicit recognition in Protocol No. 14 that these important powers vest in the Court does not conceal the fact that they are dependent on a request by the Committee of Ministers, that is, by the States Parties. If the same powers to interpret the Court’s judgments and determine that the respondent State had not complied with them were not conferred on the Court when the initiative belonged to the injured party, not only would the injured party be placed in a position of inferiority with regard to the respondent Government, but, worse still, the respondent State could “block” the effects of the Court’s judgments at the level of the Committee of Ministers, the Court being powerless to oppose any political “blockage” during the execution phase[15]. In the event of failure of the aforementioned supervisory mechanism of the Committee of Ministers, the injured party’s only effective legal avenue by which to address an incorrect interpretation of or non-compliance with a Court’s judgment remains access to the Court itself. Faced with some regrettable cases of clear non-compliance with its judgments, the Court has affirmed its power to censure such non-compliance. It could not have done otherwise. This was the only way to protect the Court’s authority and the Convention’s legal force. The danger of denial of the authority of the Court’s judgments and the concomitant deprivation of the legal force of the Convention were wisely avoided by the enlightening judgment in the case of Verein gegen Tierfabriken Schweiz (VgT) (no. 2)[16]. With a firm statement of the Court’s power to oversee the infringement of Article 46 of the Convention, Emre (no. 2) applied the crowning touch to that approach[17]. In the crystal-clear and decisive wording of paragraph 75, the Court censured the respondent State’s conduct after the first Emre judgment. Furthermore, the Court affirmed in straightforward terms what would have been the “most natural execution” of the first Emre judgment: nullification with “immediate effect” of the impugned measure of expulsion from the national territory. In this context, the finding of a violation of Article 46 was a logically necessary consequence of the reasoning[18].

In sum, the Court not only assists the execution process in a number of ways, for example by itself providing guidance as to the proper execution measures, it also bears the ultimate responsibility for the long-term effectiveness of the entire system of protection of human rights in Europe by overseeing the compliance of the execution process with Article 46. The exercise of the Court’s competence to supervise the execution of its own judgments prevails over a contrary decision of the Committee of MinistersIf the Court is not bound by a decision of the Committee to close the execution proceedings, a fortiori it is not estopped on grounds of lis pendens from examining the issue of execution of its judgments.

The application of Mazurek in the instant case

The present case tests the material and temporal effects of Mazurek[19], inasmuch as it raises the question of the applicability of the 2000 judgment to a succession opened in 1994 in France. The retroactive effect of the Court’s judgments calls into question the foreseeability of judicial activity[20]. Hence, legal certainty favours the prospective effect of judgments. Nevertheless, the full implementation of the rights and freedoms protected by the Convention may require that a Court’s judgment be applied retroactively, that is to say, to facts submitted in a new application which have occurred prior to the date when the judgment became final[21]. In the instant case, the applicant had a legitimate expectation of being counted among the inheritors of his mother’s estate from 24 November 1983, the date on which his filiation was established, until his mother’s death on 28 July 1994. On the day of his mother’s death, the applicant’s legitimate expectation condensed into an acquired right to his reserved portion of his mother’s opened succession[22]. Although the inter-vivos gift in 1970 had the effect of transferring property to the donees, this did not become a division of the donor’s estate for inheritance purposes until the date of her death. By that time, the applicant’s filiation had already been established and an event prior to the opening of his mother’s succession – the inter-vivos division – could not deprive him of his right to obtain his reserved portion[23]. To argue otherwise would be tantamount to disregarding the filiation established in 1983 and depriving of all useful effect the abatement action brought by the applicant in due time[24]. In other words, the establishment of the applicant’s maternal filiation in 1983 vested inheritance rights in him at the opening of his mother’s succession which fall within the scope of Article 1 of Protocol No. 1.

The Law of 3 December 2001 provided that successions opened on 4 December 2001 would be distributed according to the principle of equality of children born in and out of wedlock, save in cases where division of the estate had taken place prior to that date. This exception was applied by the Court of Cassation in the instant case. In the light of Mazurek, this transitional rule of the 2001 Law cannot stand. The choice made by the national legislature by means of the transitional provisions still differentiates, without any plausible reason, between children born in and children born out of wedlock[25]. In other words, this Law runs counter to Mazurek, which had censured all discriminatory treatment regarding inheritance rights of children born out of wedlock. Hence, the Court should have distanced itself from Resolution ResDH(2005)25, adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 25 April 2005, and from Resolution CM/ResDH(2010)191, adopted on 2 December 2010, according to which the respondent State had satisfactorily implemented the Mazurek judgment in its domestic legal order[26].

As the legislative framework was deficient, the domestic courts should have applied Mazurek retroactively to Mrs M.’s succession. Since Mrs M.’s succession was not definitively closed at the time Mazurek became final, on account of a timely action for abatement brought by an heir with a right to a reserved portion who had been excluded from the inter-vivos division, the courts should have considered that Mazurek prevailed over the transitional provisions of the 2001 Law and those of the 1972 Law, giving precedence to the Convention and acknowledging the applicant’s right to inherit his reserved portion of his mother’s estate[27].

The legacy of Fabris

Just as Loizidou brought full recognition of the Court as “Europe’s Constitutional Court”, whose task could not be endangered by States Parties exercising their right of reservation, Fabris reaffirms the constitutional force of the Court’s judgments and the Court’s jurisdiction to verify whether a State Party has complied with the obligations imposed on it by one of the Court’s judgments. This force, which has been steadily strengthened by the Court’s and the Committee of Ministers’ practice, as has been demonstrated, is certainly not called into question by the unfortunate sentence included in paragraph 75 of the present judgment which says “in conformity with their constitutional orders and having regard to the principle of legal certainty”. That sentence apparently limits the States Parties’ obligation to give full effect to Convention standards as interpreted by the Court to their “conformity with their constitutional order”. If it is understood as implicit authorisation for a fully-fledged, unrestrictive filtering mechanism of the domestic constitutionality of the Court’s judgments, this sentence would simply annihilate decades of construction of the European human rights system, empty the Convention of its legal force and reduce the Court to the position of an annex to domestic constitutional courts. Moreover, it would be a blow to Article 27 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, in so far as it would allow a State Party to the Convention to invoke the provisions of its constitutional law as justification for its failure to perform a treaty. The Court’s judgments’ validity and efficacy do not depend on a fiat of national constitutional courts[28]. Hence, the reference to the “conformity with their constitutional orders” is nothing but an anodyne reference to the principle of the safeguard for existing human rights foreseen in Article 53.

In this context, the additional reference to the principle of legal certainty is no less problematic. Domestic courts cannot annul, restrict or delay the effect of the Court’s judgments on the grounds that they threaten the principle of legal certainty. If they could, this would allow for a pick-and-choose application of the Court’s judgments by domestic courts, with the risk of having forty-seven different implementations of the same judgment. Thus, the reference to the principle of legal certainty, in addition to being a reminder of the Marckx rationale[29], is also an injunction to domestic courts to comply strictly, without any margin of discretion, with the Court’s judgments. Any discretionary conduct of the domestic courts while implementing the judgments of the Court would call into question the principle of legal certainty.


Having regard to the direct and erga omnes applicability of Mazurek in the respondent State and its retroactive applicability to the division of Mrs M.’s estate, considering the Court’s competence to oversee the execution of Mazurek by the respondent State and applying the principles of equality before the law and non-discrimination between children born in and out of wedlock, I find that the respondent State did not satisfactorily implement the Mazurek judgment in the present case and therefore breached Article 14 in conjunction with Article 1 of Protocol No 1.

[1]. In Vermeire v. Belgium, 29 November 1991, § 26, Series A no. 214‑C, the Court explicitly reasoned that it could not reject in 1991, with respect to a succession which had taken effect on 22 July 1980, complaints identical to those which it had upheld on 13 June 1979 in Marckx v. Belgium, 13 June 1979, Series A no. 31. The failure by the Belgian legislature to implement Marckx at the national level did not absolve the respondent State of its international obligation to prevent future breaches of the Convention as a result of the same deficient inheritance law, having regard to the fact that the courts were also bound by the Convention as interpreted by the Court. Thus, the Court recognised the stare decisis force of Marckx, which had already settled the issue raised by the applicant in Vermeire.

[2]Ireland v. the United Kingdom, 18 January 1978, § 239, Series A no. 25, and in even clearer terms, Karner v. Austria, no. 40016/98, § 26, ECHR 2003-IX.

[3]. See, for example, Marckx, cited above, § 27; Johnston and Others v. Ireland, 18 December 1986, § 42, Series A no. 112; and Sejdić and Finci v. Bosnia and Herzegovina [GC], nos. 27996/06 and 34836/06, § 29, ECHR 2009.

[4]. Opinion on the implementation of the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights, adopted by the Venice Commission at its 53rd Plenary Session, 2002, paras. 86-87.

[5]. The Brighton Declaration, para. 10.

[6]. In his “Memorandum to the States with a view to preparing the Interlaken Conference”, 3 July 2009, the President of the Court himself stressed this idea: “It is no longer acceptable that States fail to draw the consequences as early as possible of a judgment finding a violation by another State when the same problem exists in their own legal system. The binding effect of interpretation by the Court goes beyond res judicata in the strict sense. Such a development would go hand in hand with the possibility for citizens to invoke the Convention directly in domestic law (‘direct effect’) and the notion of ownership of the Convention by the States.” This idea was enshrined in point 4 (c) of the Interlaken Declaration and has been the States Parties’ practice (Venice Commission Opinion, cited above, para. 32).

[7]Loizidou v. Turkey (preliminary objections), 23 March 1995, § 75, Series A no. 310, and Court’s Opinion on the Reform of the control system of the ECHR, 4 September 1992, para. I (5).

[8]. To quote the expression of former Presidents Ryssdal, “Vers une Cour constitutionelle européenne”, in Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, II, 1993, p. 20, and Wildhaber, “Un avenir constitutionnel pour la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme?”, in RUDH, 2002, p. 1.

[9]. Hence, the German Federal Constitutional Court judgment of 14 October 2004, 2 BvR 1481/04, para. 47, and the Italian Constitutional Court judgment no. 311 of 26 November 2009 are problematic, in so far as they allow non-implementation of the Court’s judgments, in full or in part, on grounds of domestic unconstitutionality (see below). 

[10]. See, among many other authorities, Belvedere Alberghiera S.r.l. v. Italy, no. 31524/96, § 69, ECHR 2000‑VI; Fatullayev v. Azerbaijan, no. 40984/07, § 177, 22 April 2010; and Sejdovic v. Italy [GC], no. 56581/00, § 126, ECHR 2006‑II, and obviously all the “pilot” and “quasi-pilot” judgments. In fact, this policy shows that judgments should be based on a principled, rather than a casuistic, approach to the legal issues at stake in order to provide the clarity, precision and foreseeability needed for national authorities to fully understand the repercussions of the Court’s choices (see the Parliamentary Assembly Resolution 1226 (2000) of 28 September 2000, and the Venice Commission Opinion, cited above, paras. 56‑58). Obviously, the more the case-law is attached to the specific circumstances of the case, the less interpretative value it has, the bigger the risk of inconsistency in the case-law, and the less guidance it provides to States Parties in general and the respondent State in particular. True jurisdictio can only be achieved when a court makes the effort to rise above the contingent factors of the individual case and formulate general standards.

[11]In Olsson v. Sweden (no. 2), 27 November 1992, § 94, Series A no. 250, the Court was faced with the persistent failure by the national authorities to allow contacts between the applicants and their children in spite of a previous judgment of the Court in favour of the applicants. The Court held that “the facts and circumstances underlying the applicants’ complaint under Article 53 ... are essentially the same as those which were considered above under Article 8, in respect of which no violation was found” and concluded that “no separate issue arises under Article 53”. Thus, the Court left open the possibility that there might be circumstances under which a complaint under former Article 53 (now Article 46 § 1) of the Convention could be examined. The answer to the question left open by Olsson (no. 2) calls for a teleological interpretation of the Convention.

[12]. Wemhoff v. Germany, 27 June 1968, § 8, Series A no. 7, and following a long tradition of the Inter-American Court, Ricardo Canese v. Paraguay, 31 August 2004, Series C No. 111, para. 181. This principle is based on Article 31 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, which provides for a teleological interpretation of international law.

[13]. See Judge Martens’s arguments in “Individual complaints under Article 53 of the European Convention on Human Rights”, in “The dynamics of the protection of human rights in Europe: Essays in Honour of Henry G. Schermers”, Lawson and de Blois (eds.), vol. III, London, 1994, pp. 262, 274 and 285.

[14]. For the formulation of this consolidated doctrine see Reparation for injuries suffered in the service of the United Nations, Advisory Opinion: ICJ Reports 1949, p. 180, and specifically on the implied powers of an international court, see Factory at Chorzów (Germ. v. Pol.), 1927, PCIJ, Series A, No. 9 (July 26), pp. 21-22, Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States of America), Merits, Judgment, ICJ Reports 1986, p. 142, and LaGrand (Germany v. United States of America), Judgment, ICJ Reports 2001, p. 485, and IACHR, Baena-Ricardo and Others v. Panama, judgment on competence, 28 November 2003, Series C, no. 104, paras. 72, 114 and 132.

[15]. See the remarks of former President Costa, warning about the “risk of blocking the situation” at the political stage, in his separate opinion in Assanidze v. Georgia [GC], no. 71503/01, ECHR 2004-II. Several ways of circumventing the effects of the Court’s judgments, such as delaying tactics in fulfilling them or the lodging of a Convention derogation after the finding of a violation, have proven how real this risk is. Ultimately, the risk of “self-amnesty” is not far off. The qualified majority of two-thirds of the Governments’ representatives entitled to sit on the Committee required to launch interpretation and infringement proceedings, the limited fact-finding and data-collection powers of the Committee, namely, the lack of on-site visits, hearings of witnesses and other means of assessing the real effects of norms enacted and measures taken, and the imbalance between the injured party’s and the Government’s position in the execution proceedings before the Committee, aggravate this risk.

[16]. Verein gegen Tierfabriken Schweiz (VgT) v. Switzerland (no. 2) [GC], no. 32772/02, § 65, ECHR 2009. The cornerstone of the Grand Chamber’s judgment was the Court’s assumption of its inherent (implied) competence to examine the domestic authorities’ conduct after the first Verein gegen Tierfabriken judgment, with the crucial argument that if the Court were unable to examine it, it would escape all scrutiny under the Convention. Thus, the rationale of Verein gegen Tierfabriken Schweiz (VgT) (no. 2) covers not only the actions of national authorities that conflict with the Court’s judgment, but a fortiori also omissions by national authorities where they are required by a judgment of the Court to take measures to terminate a violation of the Convention. The importance of this position is further enhanced by the fact that the Court did not refrain from contradicting the Committee of Ministers Resolution ResDH(2003)125 terminating its supervision of the execution of the first Verein gegen Tierfabriken judgment. See also Wasserman v. Russia (no. 2), no. 21071/05, § 37, 10 April, 2008, and Ivanţoc and Others v. Moldova and Russia, no. 23687/05, §§ 86 and 95-96, 15 November 2011.

[17]. See Emre v. Switzerland (no. 2), no. 5056/10, 11 October 2011. The respondent State had expelled the applicant for an indeterminate period of time, which the Court found disproportionate. The Federal Court maintained the expulsion order, but reduced the period to ten years. The question put by the Court in paragraph 68 of Emre (no. 2) – namely, whether by reducing the period of the applicant’s expulsion to ten years the Federal Court had complied with the conclusions and spirit of the Court’s previous judgment of 2008 – signals the intention of the Court to treat the second complaint as true infringement proceedings.

[18]. See Emre (no. 2), cited above, § 43, and for its implementation see Committee of Ministers Resolution CM/ResDH(2012)139.

[19]Mazurek v. France, no. 34406/97, ECHR 2000-II.

[20]. It is true that the Convention must be applied according to present-day conditions. Since the Court does not endorse a strictly literal reading or historical interpretation of the Convention, its judgments do not set out to determine the original meaning of the Convention provisions. Accordingly, the canon of evolutive interpretation of the Convention favours the non-retroactive applicability of the Court’s judgments. The principle of legal certainty strengthens this conclusion (see Marckx, cited above, § 58).

[21]. In Merger and Cros v. France, no. 68864/01, § 33, 22 December 2004, the Court applied the principle of equal inheritance rights in respect of a succession which had been opened on 12 March 1986. In short, the Court applied Mazurek retroactively to a succession which had been opened before the date the judgment became final. Thus, all successions already opened and the respective divisions of estates pending in France at the time Mazurek became final – and not only the one affecting Mr Mazurek – should have been dealt with according to the principle of equality of children born in and out of wedlock. Wherever, after 1 February 2000, the estate of the deceased person had not yet been definitively divided and it was still possible to apply Mazurek and thereby secure to children born out of wedlock an equal share in the estate, that should have been done. This conclusion gained even more force after the Merger and Cros judgment.

[22]. Comparative law shows that the “opening of the succession” occurs on the date of the estate-owner’s death and that this date is often used as the decisive starting point in the context of transitional provisions in the province of succession law (see Article 8 of the Hague Convention on the Conflict of Laws relating to the Forms of Testamentary Dispositions, and the report on the draft Convention, where it is stated that “This is the solution most frequently adopted in comparative law.” (Actes et documents de la IXe session, III, p. 27). That is also the case in France.

[23]. Thus, I find paragraphs 52-55 of the judgment insufficient for three reasons. First, they do not identify the “right” to which the applicant was entitled and which has been denied him; second, they do not clarify when the applicant acquired that right and the moment from which it was enforceable under domestic law; third, they do not distinguish the applicant’s legal position in regard to his mother’s estate before and after her death.

[24]. Regardless of the well-known discussion of the nature of an inter-vivos division as a “pre-succession” (présuccession) or an “anticipated succession” (anticipation successorale), the fact is that the applicant was deprived of any share for the sole reason that he was not a party to a deed from which the donors had knowingly excluded him.

[25]. I cannot assume that there is a special interest in ensuring “peaceful family relations” in a succession where children born out of wedlock are involved. Neither can I agree that the scope of the exception is temporally and substantively limited. But even assuming the alleged limited nature of the exception, this argument could never justify the fact that these transitional rules perpetuate and multiply inequalities which punish a child born out of wedlock for the behaviour of his or her parent. Children simply should not bear the consequences of their parents’ acts.

[26]. Accordingly, I do not find it rigorously exact to state, as in paragraph 68 of the judgment, that the Law of 3 December 2001 “executed that judgment by incorporating the principles established therein into French law”. This general evaluation neglects the problematic nature of the transitional rules of the Law. The problem was also avoided in the Committee of Ministers Resolution ResDH(2005)25, which omits any reference to the 2001 transitional rules.

[27]. To be more precise, it should be noted that Marckx itself had laid down a principle applicable to all States Parties to the Convention, including the respondent State in the Fabris case. It is a fact that at the time of Mrs M.’s death and the claim for his reserved portion of his mother’s estate from the notary in 1994 as well as at the time of the initiation by Mr Fabris of an action for abatement before the French courts in 1998, the French authorities already had knowledge of the principle of non-discrimination regarding the inheritance rights of children born out of wedlock that had been established many years earlier, in Marckx in 1979, and reaffirmed in Inze in 1987 and Vermeire in 1991, and applied directly by Supreme Courts, such as the Hoog Raad and the Luxembourg Court of Cassation in their remarkable judgments of 13 June 1979 and 17 January 1985 respectively. Accordingly, the principle of good faith in fulfilling treaty obligations should have prompted the French authorities to deal with the applicant’s claim in a non-discriminatory manner. After Mazurek became final in 2000, the international obligation of the respondent State to avoid future violations of the Convention was reinforced, since it was not only bound by the principle of good faith, but also by the national erga omnes effect of Mazurek.

[28]. See Treatment of Polish Nationals and Other Persons of Polish Origin or Speech in Danzig Territory, Advisory Opinion, 1932, PCIJ, Series A/B, No. 44 (Feb. 4), p. 24 (“a State cannot adduce as against another State its own Constitution with a view to evading obligations incumbent upon it under international law or treaties in force.”) and Applicability of the Obligation to Arbitrate under Section 21 of the United Nations Headquarters Agreement of 26 June 1947, Advisory Opinion, ICJ Reports 1988, pp. 34 and 35, and Dumitru Popescu v. Romania (no. 2), no. 71525/01, § 103, 26 April 2007, and for the States Parties’ acceptance of this understanding see, Resolution DH (95) 211 of 11 September 1995, Resolution DH (96) 368 of 26 June 1996, and Resolution DH (96) 150 of 15 May 1996. A fortiori, the overriding authority of international obligations over domestic law, including constitutional law, is also valid in the field of international human rights law, in view of the nature of human rights as a matter not reserved to the domestic jurisdiction of States (Article 2 § 7 of the United Nations Charter) and the fact that human rights treaties not only bind  States Parties, but also recognise rights and freedoms of citizens within the jurisdiction of the States Parties (Article 1 of the Convention). The conclusion is inescapable: without prejudice to Article 15 of the Convention, no domestic provision, including constitutional provisions, may limit or derogate from any of the rights and freedoms set forth in the Convention as interpreted by the Court. Domestic courts, and constitutional courts at their apex, are not precluded from providing a higher degree of protection of the individual’s freedoms and rights (Article 53), which means that the Convention standards may be set aside only where the domestic provisions provide for better protection of the applicant’s claim.

[29]. Based on “the principle of legal certainty, which is necessarily inherent in the law of the Convention”, the Court “may dispense States from questioning legal acts or situations that antedate judgments of the Court declaring domestic legislation incompatible with the Convention” (see Marckx, cited above, § 58, and Henryk Urban and Ryszard Urban v. Poland, no. 23614/08, § 65, 30 November 2010).

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Presuda je dostupna u javnoj bazi sudske prakse ovde
Član P1-1 | DIC | Grudić protiv Srbije
Presuda je povezana sa više presuda Upravnog suda kojima se poništavaju rešenja Republičkog Fonda za penzijsko i invalidsko osiguranje, i predmeti vraćaju na ponovno odlučivanje.\r\nU predmetu II-2 U. 10340/19, od 29.9.2022. godine, žalba je izjavljena protiv rešenja Fonda PIO, službe Direkcije u Prištini, kojim je odbijen njegov zahtev za uspostavljanje isplate invalidske penzije. U tužbi podnetoj Upravnom sudu 25.06.2019. godine, tužilac osporava zakonitost rešenja tuženog organa, zbog povrede pravila postupka, nepotpuno i netačno utvrđenog činjeničnog stanja, kao i zbog pogrešne primene materijalnog prava. Između ostalog ukazuje na presudu Evropskog suda za lјudska prava – Grudić protiv Srbije, predstavka br. 31925/08 od 17.04.2012. godine, da mu je penzija koju je uredno primao bez ikakvog zakonskog osnova i bez donošenja odluke obustavlјena. Sa ovih i ostalih razloga bliže nevedenim u tužbi predlaže da Sud uvaži tužbu, poništi osporeno rešenje i dozvoli tužiocu uspostavlјanje isplate penzije ili da predmet vrati tuženom organu na ponovno odlučivanje.\r\nPresuda je dostupna u javnoj bazi sudske prakse ovde
Član P1-1 | DIC | Grudić protiv Srbije
Presuda se navodi u presudi Gž 2695/2019 od 04.04.2019. godine Apelacionog suda u Beogradu, kojom se odbija kžalba tuženog i potvrđuje presuda Prvog osnovnog suda u Beogradu P 8696/2016 od 12.03.2018. godine, ispravlјena rešenjem istog suda P 8696/2016 od 04.02.2019. godine, u prvom i drugom stavu izreke, presuda preinačuje u delu trećeg stava izreke tako što se obavezuje tuženi da tužiocu, na ime naknade štete zbog manje isplaćene penzije, isplati za mart mesec 2013. sa zakonskom zateznom kamatom dok se u prostalom delu stava trećeg izreke i stavu četvrtom odbija i potvrđuje navedena presuda.

Neosnovano se žalbom tužioca osporava ocena prigovora zastarelosti s pozivom na praksu Evropskog suda za lјudska prava i zauzeti stav u predmetu istog činjeničnog i pravnog osnova, Grudić protiv Srbije (presuda od 17.04.2012. godine), da zbog povrede neotuđivog prava na imovinu zagarantovanog Evropskom konvencijom o zaštiti lјudskih prava i osnovnih sloboda, podnosioci prestavke imaju pravo na sve iznose neprimlјene penzije od 1999. godine, dakle, bez obzira na zastarelost. Naime pitanje trogodišnjeg roka zastarelosti iz člana 376. ZOO nije postavlјeno u predmetu Grudić, a reč je o zakonskom roku zastarelosti čije postojanje samo po sebi nije nesaglasno sa Konvencijom i Protokolom uz nju, jer je reč o roku koji teži legitimnom cilјu, obezbeđenju pravne sigurnosti, a koji se, u odsustvu dokaza, ne može smatrati proizvolјno primenjivanim od strane sudova, niti da bi ovaj rok mogao biti neproporcionalno kratak prema posebnim okolnostima slučaja nezakonite obustave isplate penzija kao stečenog prava (presuda Evropskog suda za lјudska prava, predmet Zarif Skenderi i drugi protiv Srbije, Predstavka broj 15090/08, presuda od 04. jula 2017. godine, stav 97 i 100)

Presuda je dostupna u javnoj bazi sudske prakse ovde
Član P1-1 | DIC | Grudić protiv Srbije
Presuda se navodi u presudi Gž 4378/2018 od 04.07. 2018. godine Apelacionog suda u Beogradu, kojom se odbija kao neosnovana žalba tužilјe AA u parnici protiv Republičkog fonda za penzijsko i invalidsko osiguranje i potvrđuje presuda Prvog osnovnog suda u Beogradu P broj 2370/15 od 07.03.2018. godine u stavu trećem izreke presude, dok se presuda u u stavu drugom i četvrtom izreke ukida i predmet u tom delu vraća prvostepenom sudu na ponovno suđenje.

Prema utvrđenom činjeničnom stanju, rešenjem tuženog RF PIO Filijala Peć od 27.10.1993. godine, tužilјi je priznato pravo na najniži iznos porodične penzije počev od 01.06.1992. godine. Tužilјi je penzija isplaćivana do 01.07.1999. godine, nakon čega joj tuženi više ne isplaćuje penziju. Nalazom i mišlјenjem sudskog veštaka je utvrđen ukupan iznos neisplaćenih penzija za period od 01. juna 1999. godine do penzije za mart 2017. godine u punom mesečnom iznosu bez umanjenja, jer podataka o eventualno izvršenim isplatama penzije tužilјi u spornom periodu od 01.06.1999. godine zaklјučno sa penzijom za mart 2017. godine u spisu nema. Na osnovu ovako utvrđenog činjeničnog stanja prvostepeni sud je, ceneći istaknuti prigovor zastarelosti potraživanja, pravilno zaklјučio da je zahtev tužilјe za isplatu penzija za period počev od juna 1999. godine zaklјučno sa decembrom 2011. godine zastareo. Ovo stoga što je isplata penzija tužilјi uskraćena protivno odredbama Zakona o penzijskom i invalidskom osiguranju, pa je tako tuženi naneo štetu za koju odgovara u smislu člana 172 Zakona o obligacionim odnosima. Naknada tako prouzrokovane štete zastareva sukcesivno tako da od dospelosti svakog mesečnog obroka penzije teče subjektivni rok zastarelosti potraživanja propisan odredbom člana 376 Zakona o obligacionim odnosima. Kako je tužba podneta dana 13.02.2015. godine, to su zastarela sva potraživanja neisplaćenih penzija tužilјe zaklјučno sa isplatom penzija za mesec decembar 2011. godine, zbog čega je u ovom delu zahtev tužilјe neosnovan, kako je to pravilno prvostepeni sud našao.

Prilikom odlučivanja prvostepeni sud je imao u vidu i pravno shvatanje izraženo u presudi Evropskog suda za lјudska prava u predmetu Grudić protiv Republike Srbije predstavka broj 3192/08 od 17.04.2012. godine, stav 2 tačka 77 do 83, ali da se navedenom presudom ESLjP kojom se nalaže državi rešenja tzv. “Kosovskih penzija” ne suspenduje primena pravila o zastarelosti potraživanja (rešenje VKS Rev. 862/15 od 24.02.2016. godine sentenca utvrđena na sednici Građanskog odelјenja 31.05.2016. godine).Ovo stoga što je trogodišnji rok zastarelosti pitanje koje nije postavlјeno u predmetu Grudić protiv Srbije, a navedeni rok je predviđen članom 376 ZOO i kao takav zakonit, a teži i legitimnom cilјu obezbeđenja pravne sigurnosti i zaštiti potencijalnih tuženih od zastarelosti potraživanja, koja bi mogla teško da se izvrše.

Presuda je dostupna u javnoj bazi sudske prakse ovde
Član P1-1 | DIC | Grudić protiv Srbije
Presuda je povezana sa rešenjem Rev 5528/2018 od 12.07.2019. godine, Vrhovnog kasacionog suda, kojim se odbacuje kao nedozvolјena revizija tužioca izjavlјena protiv presude Apelacionog suda u Beogradu Gž 2720/18 od 05.09.2018. godine.

Presudom Prvog osnovnog suda u Beogradu P 8836/14 od 06.02.2018. godine, stavom prvim izreke, odbijen je kao neosnovan prigovor apsolutne nenadležnosti suda. Stavom drugim izreke, dozvolјeno je preinačenje tužbe kao u podnesku od 14.03.2016. godine. Stavom trećim izreke, delimično je usvojen tužbeni zahtev tužioca i obavezan tuženi da mu na ime neisplaćenih penzija, za period od 01.04.2011. godine do 31.01.2016. godine, isplati iznos od 540.765,43 dinara i to pojedinačne mesečne iznose sa zakonskom zateznom kamatom počev od dospelosti svakog iznosa pa do isplate, sve bliže navedeno u tom stavu izreke. Stavom četvrtim izreke, odbijen je kao neosnovan tužbeni zahtev tužioca kojim je tražio da se obaveže tuženi da mu na ime neisplaćenih mesečnih iznosa pripadajuće penzije, za period od 01.04.2011. godine do 31.01.2016. godine, isplati pojedinačne mesečne iznose razlike od iznosa dosuđenih stavom trećim izreke do traženih iznosa, sa zakonskom zateznom kamatom od dospelosti svakog iznosa razlike, pa do isplate, sve bliže navedeno u tom stavu izreke. Stavom petim izreke, odbijen je kao neosnovan tužbeni zahtev tužioca kojim je tražio da se obaveže tuženi da mu na ime neisplaćenih mesečnih iznosa pripadajuće penzije, za period od 15.07.1998. godine do 31.03.2011. godine, isplati pojedinačne mesečne iznose, sa zakonskom zateznom kamatom od dospelosti svakog iznosa do isplate, sve bliže navedeno u tom stavu izreke. Stavom šestim izreke, obavezan je tuženi da tužiocu na ime naknade troškova parničnog postupka isplati iznos od 245.164,00 dinara sa zakonskom zateznom kamatom počev od dana izvršnosti do isplate. Stavom sedmim izreke, odbijen je zahtev tužioca za isplatu zakonske zatezne kamate na dosuđeni iznos troškova postupka počev od dana presuđenja do izvršnosti.

Presudom Apelacionog suda u Beogradu Gž 2720/18 od 05.09.2018. godine, stavom prvim izreke, odbijene su kao neosnovane žalbe parničnih stranaka i potvrđena presuda Prvog osnovnog suda u Beogradu P 8836/14 od 06.02.2018. godine, u stavovima prvom, trećem, četvrtom i petom izreke. Stavom drugim izreke, preinačeno je rešenje o troškovima postupka sadržano u stavu šestom i sedmom izreke prvostepene presude. Stavom trećim izreke, odbijen je zahtev tužioca za naknadu troškova drugostepenog postupka.

Rešenje je dostupno u javnoj bazi sudske prakse ovde
Član P1-1 | DIC | Kin-Stib i Majkić protiv Srbije
U presudi broj Pž 8224/16 od 20.06.2018. godine Privredni apelacioni sud doneo je odluku da se nastavlјa postupak u ovoj pravnoj stvari, prekinut rešenjem ovog suda Pž 7254/15 od 03.11.2016. godine, odbija žalba trećetuženog kao neosnovana i potvrđuju rešenja sadržana u stavu I i II izreke presude Privrednog suda u Beogradu 48 P 42/14 od 08.05.2015. godine, koja se preinačava u stavu 3 tako da se odbija zahtev tužioca „KIN STIB" S.p.r.l. 555 AV Caisse d Epagne, Kinshasa, DR Kongo kojim je tražio da se utvrdi da pravo tužioca da za obavlјanje dedelatnosti priređivanja igara na sreću koristi prostorije Hotela „Kontinental“ u Beogradu u roku od pet godina od dana otvaranja igračnice, koje je pravnosnažno utvrđeno Odlukom Spolјnotrgovinske arbitraže pri Privrednoj komori Jugoslavije broj T-9/95 od 10.04.1996. godine, kao imovinsko pravo, postoji i posle zaklјučenja Ugovora o prodaji Hotela „Kontinental" u Beogradu od 29.04.2008. godine, overenog u Prvom opštinskim sudu u Beogradu pod Ov. br. 2221/08 od 29.04.2008. godine, a što su drugotuženi i trećetuženi dužni da priznaju i da trpe.

Presudom Evropskog suda za lјudska prava u Strazburu od 30.03.2010. godine, donete u predmetu ovde tužioca i gospodina AA, kao podnosilaca predstavke, protiv Republike Srbije, utvrđeno da je došlo do povrede čl.1. Protokola broj 1 u vezi sa delimičnim neizvršenjem arbitražne odluke-Odluke Spolјnotrgovinske Arbitraže i Rešenja o izvršenju TS 1914/96 od 07.06.2006. godine, dok je preostali deo predstavke proglašen nedopuštenim.

Presudom Evropskog suda za lјudska u predmetu Preduzeće „KIN STIB" i AA protiv Srbije od 20.04.2010. godine, koja je doneta po predstavci broj 12312/05 i koja je postala pravnosnažna dana 04.10.2011. godine utvrđeno da nije moguće izvršenje arbitražne odluke u delu kojim je obavezan drugotuženi da tužiocu dozvoli da predmetni kazino vrati u posed i da delotvorno obavlјa posao u periodu od 5 godina, odnosno pravo tužioca na uvođenje u posed, kao i na naknadu svih vidova štete, već je pravnosnažno odlučivano u postupku pred Evropskim sudom za lјudska prava i da je u pitanju presuđena stvar, a da je na osnovu člana 36 Zakona o igrama na sreću, tužiocu onemogućeno uvođenje u posed kazina u hotelu Kontinental ističući da tužilac nije dokazao da su ga tuženi drugog i trećeg reda lišili zakonite državine kazina Hotel Kontinental. Drugotuženi je osporio zahtev tužioca ističući prigovor nedostatka pasivne legitimacije, jer nije potpisnik ugovora o prodaji metodom javnog tendera, dok je trećetuženi takođe osporio zahtev tužioca u celini ističući da se nikada nijedna obaveza u bilo kom postupku koji je označen nije ticala trećetuženog i da trećetuženom arbitraža nije nametala nikakve obaveze, niti je trećetuženi univerzalni sukcesor ili pravni sledbenik drugotuženog koji još uvek postoji kao pravno lice, te da trećetuženi nije kupio privredno društvo drugotuženog, već samo njegovu imovinu, za iznos koji je uplaćen u korist drugotuženog. Kod tako utvrđenog činjeničnog stanja, prvostepeni sud je pravilno primenio Zakon o parničnom postupku, kada je dozvolio preinačenje tužbe rešenjem od 27.03.2015. godine.

U presudi se navodi da u odnosu na istaknuti prigovor presuđene stvari, takođe pravilno je prvostepeni sud primenio Zakon o parničnom postupku kada je isti odbio. Ovo stoga što je Odlukom Evropskog suda za lјudska prava u Strazburu od 30.03.2010. godine, u postupku tužioca i gospodina AA protiv Republike Srbije, utvrđeno je da je došlo do povrede prava tužioca i to delimičnim neizvršenjem Odluke Spolјnotrgovinske Arbitraže i Rešenja o izvršenju TS u Beogradu 1914/96 od 07.06.2006. godine. Navedenom Odlukom Evropskog suda nije odlučivano da li pravo tužioca iz navedenog izvršnog postupka postoji i nakon zaklјučenja Ugovora o prodaji između tuženih, kao ni da li je sa drugotuženog kao prodavca na trećetuženog kao kupca, prešla i obaveza da tužilac ostvari svoje imovinsko pravo utvrđeno pravnosnažnom Odlukom Spolјnotrgovinske arbitraže pri Privrednoj komori Jugoslavije broj T9/95 od 10.04.1996. godine, a što predstavlјa predmet spora u ovom postupku. Pravilno prvostepeni sud zaklјučuje da Evropski sud za lјudska prava nije rešavao pravni odnos između ovde tužioca i tuženih, pa stoga istaknuti prigovor presuđene stvari od strane prvotuženog, u smislu odredbi čl. 359. ZPP, nije osnovan.

Presuda je dostupna u javnoj bazi sudske prakse ovde
Član P1-1 | DIC | Kostić protiv Srbije
Presuda se poziva u tužbi koju je tužilac podneo Upravnom sudu, a koja je odbijena presudom Upravnog suda 1U 1821/11 od 20.09.2013. godine. \r\nPredmet se tiče zaključka građevinskog inspektora Opštinske uprave Stari grad.\r\nPresuda je dostupna u javnoj bazi sudske prakse na ovde
Član P1-1 | DIC | Lavrenchov protiv Češke
Presuda je povezana sa rešenjem Rž g 1/2017 od 27. 02. 2017., Apelacionog suda u Novom Sadu, kojim se žalba predlagača odbija kao neosnovana i potvrđuje rešenje Višeg suda u Novom Sadu R4p.21/2016 od 23.02.2016. godine, koje se odnosi na spor čiji je predmet zahtev za iselјenje i zahtev za naknadu štete.

Rešenje je dostupno u javnoj bazi sudske prakse ovde
Član P1-1 | DIC | Lavrenchov protiv Češke
Presuda je povezana sa rešenjem R4r-16/16 od 20.07.2016., Apelacionog suda u Novom Sadu, kojim se odbija prigovor predlagača da se utvrdi da mu je povređeno pravo na suđenje u razumnom roku Osnovnog suda u Novom Sadu posl. br. P1.2213/2014 i Apelacionog suda u Novom Sadu posl. br. Gž1.2548/15 i da se naloži sudiji izvestiocu da prouči predmet, iznese isti na sednicu veća, a veću da donese odluku po žalbi predlagača u tom sporu. Inicijalni predmet se odnosi na radni spor vođen pred Osnovnim sudom u Novom Sadu, posl. br. P1 2213/2014

Rešenje je dostupno u javnoj bazi sudske prakse ovde
Član P1-1 | DIC | Lavrenchov protiv Češke
Presuda je povezana sa rešenjem R4g 72/15 od 23.06.2015., Apelacionog suda u Novom Sadu, kojim se utvrđuje da je predlagaču S. B. iz R., povređeno prava na suđenje u razumnom roku, u postupku pred Osnovnim sudom u Rumi 2P.627/14 (ranije oznake P.163/10 Osnovnog suda u Sremskoj Mitrovici Sudska jedinica u Rumi).

Rešenje je dostupno u javnoj bazi sudske prakse ovde
Član P1-1 | DIC | Lelas protiv Hrvatske
Presuda je povezana sa presudom Rev 530/2019 od 28.02.2019. godine, Vrhovnog kasacionog suda, kojom se kao neosnovana odbija revizija tužene izjavlјena protiv presude Apelacionog suda u Nišu Gž 2063/18 od 23.05.2018. godine.

Presudom Višeg suda u Vranju P 2845/16 od 15.01.2018. godine, stavom prvim izreke, utvrđeno da je zaklјučkom Vlade Republike Srbije broj 401-161/2008-1 od 17.01.2008. godine povređeno načelo jednakih prava i obaveza, čime je izvršena diskriminacija na osnovu mesta prebivališta tužioca kao ratnog vojnog rezerviste sa teritorije opštine koja nije navedena u označenom zaklјučku Vlade Republike Srbije od 17.01.2008. godine. Stavom drugim izreke, utvrđeno je da je tužba tužioca povučena u delu koji se odnosi na potraživanje po osnovu naknade nematerijalne štete. Stavom trećim izreke, obavezana je tužena da tužiocu na ime troškova parničnog postupka isplati iznos od 45.800,00 dinara sa zakonskom zateznom kamatom od izvršnosti presude do isplate.
Presudom Apelacionog suda u Nišu Gž 2063/18 od 23.05.2018. godine odbijena je kao neosnovana žalba tužene i potvrđena prvostepena presuda u stavovima prvom i trećem izreke.

Presuda je dostupna u javnoj bazi sudske prakse ovde

Član P1-1 | DIC | Lelas protiv Hrvatske
Presuda je povezana sa rešenjem Gž1 6847/2012 od 03.04.2013. godine, Apelacionog suda u Beogradu, kojim se ukida presuda Osnovnog suda u Smederevu P1.br.664/11 od 02.10.2012. godine, u stavu petom izreke i predmet u tom delu vraća istom sudu na ponovno suđenje.

Presudom Osnovnog suda u Smederevu P1.br.664/11 od 02.10.2012. godine, stavom prvim izreke, obavezan je tuženi da plati tužiocu razliku zarade za april, maj, jun 2008. godine sa pripadajućom zakonskom zateznom kamatom na pojedinačne mesečne iznose kao u stavu prvom izreke, dok je stavom drugim izreke obavezana tužena da tužiocu plati na ime neisplaćenog regresa za 2008. godinu iznos od 10.000,00 dinara sa zakonskom zateznom kamatom počev od 01.01.2009. godine do isplate, na ime neisplaćenog regresa za 2009. godinu iznos od 10.000,00 dinara sa zakonskom zateznom kamatom počev od 01.01.2010. godine do isplate. Stavom trećim izreke obavezan je tuženi da plati tužiocu neisplaćenu zaradu za januar, februar, mart i april 2011. godine u iznosima i sa zakonskom zateznom kamatom na pojedinačne mesečne iznose kao u stavu trećem izreke. Stavom četvrtim izreke obavezan je tuženi da plati tužiocu dnevnicu u iznosu od 3.932,00 dinara sa zakonskom zateznom kamatom počev od 10.01.2009. godine do isplate. Stavom petim izreke odbijen je kao neosnovan tužbeni zahtev tužioca da se obaveže tuženi da plati tužiocu na ime neisplaćenog regresa za 2006. godinu iznos od 6.000,00 dinara i na ime neisplaćenog regresa za 2007. godinu iznos od 10.000,00 dinara. Stavom šestim izreke obavezan je tuženi da plati tužiocu na ime troškova parničnog postupka iznos od 74.852,00 dinara. Prvostepeni sud je odbio tužbeni zahtev za regres za 2006 i 2007 godinu jer sporazum iz 2009 godine ne govori o regresu, pa je potraživanje zastarelo.

Protiv ove presude, u stavu petom izreke, žalbu je blagovremeno izjavio tužilac zbog bitnih povreda odredaba parničnog postupka, pogrešno i nepotpuno utvrđenog činjeničnog stanja i pogrešne primene materijalnog prava.

Imajući u vidu napred utvrđeno činjenično stanje prvostepeni sud je zaklјučio da tužbeni zahtev tužioca neosnovan u delu da se obaveže tuženi da plati tužiocu na ime neisplaćenog regresa za 2006. godinu iznos od 6.000,00 dinara i na ime neisplaćenog regresa za 2007. godinu iznos od 10.000,00 dinara neosnovan, jer je potraživanje tužioca u ovom delu zastarelo i isto nije obuhvaćeno sporazumom od 09.04.2009. godine. Žalba ukazuje da je zastupnik tuženog svojim obećanjem doveo do prolongiranja podnošenja tužbe. Za slučaj da je tužiocu zastupnik saopštio da će mu regres za 2006. i 2007. godinu biti isplaćen, tada bi se on pouzdao u dobroj veri u izjavu zastupnika, pa to ne bi moglo ostati bez uticaja na prekid zastarelosti, odnosno na odricanje od zastarelosti ako je rok istekao (presuda Evropskog suda za lјudska prava Lelas protiv Hrvatske).

Rešenje je dostupno u javnoj bazi sudske prakse ovde

Član P1-1 | DIC | Milosav Ilić protiv Srbije
Ova Odluka Evropskog suda veoma je važna s obzirom na veliki broj predstavki koje se odnose na devizne depozite položene kod Dafiment banke.

Evropski sud za lјudska prava je smatrao u skladu sa ranije donetom presudom Molnar Gabor protiv Srbije, da je predmetno zakonodavstvo (Zakon o izmirenju obaveza po osnovu devizne štednje građana, Sl. list SRJ br. 59/98, 44/99 i 53/01; Zakon o regulisanju javnog duga Savezne Republike Jugoslavije po osnovu devizne štednje građana, Sl. list SRJ br. 36/02 i Zakon o regulisanju javnog duga Savezne Republike Jugoslavije po ugovorima o deviznim depozitima građana oročenim kod Dafiment banke AD, Beograd, u likvidaciji......, Sl. list SRJ br. 36/02) kojim se ograničava mogućnost isplate položenih deviznih sredstava, u skladu sa članom 1. Protokola br. 1. odnosno da je postojao zakonit cilј kome je država težila, te da su preduzete mere bile u skladu sa ekonomskom situacijom, velikim brojem štediša i potrebom da se očuva likvidnost države.

Sud je cenio i činjenicu da je podnosilac predstavke preuzeo i određeni rizik time što je zaklјučio ugovor o štednji koji predviđa očigledno visoke kamate, te da se moglo očekivati da se ceo sistem uruši i onemogući mu da dobije uložena sredstva kao i inicijalno ugovorenu kamatu.

U pogledu Srpsko-moravske banke i nemogućnosti podnosioca predstavke da izvrši pravosnažnu presudu donetu 1994. godine, glavni argument države je bio da je predstavka nedopuštena ratione temporis imajući u vidu da su se sve relevantne činjenice desile mnogo pre stupanja Konvencije na snagu u odnosu na tuženu državu. Iako je Sud u mnogo presuda ranije donetih (npr. Aćimović protiv Hrvatske, Blečić protiv Hrvatske) smatrao potrebnim da razmotri argumentaciju koja se odnosi na vremensku nadležnost Suda, u predmetnom slučaju je zaklјučio da „čak i ako se pretpostavi da su pritužbe podnosioca predstavke dopuštene ratione temporis, Sud smatra da su u svakom slučaju nedopuštene ratione personae“s obzirom da predmetna Srpsko-moravska banka nikada nije bila „ovlašćena banka“ niti su ikada sredstva položena kod nje konvertovana u javni dug.
Član P1-1 | DIC | MLADOST TURIST A.D. protiv Hrvatske
Rešenjem broj PŽ 6086/19 21.11.2019. godine Privredni apelacioni sud ukinuo je rešenje Privrednog suda u Somboru P Br. 169/18 od 03.10.2019.godine i predmet vratio prvostepenom sudu na dalјi postupak i odlučivanje.

Protiv navedenog rešenja, žalbu je blagovremeno izjavio tuženi –protivtužilac zbog bitne povrede odredaba parničnog postupka i pogrešne primene materijalnog prava, ukazujući na stav Vrhovnog suda Srbije iz 2004. godine, prema kome se Aneks G - Sporazuma o sukcesiji treba direktno primeniti, kao sastavni deo pravnog sistema Republike Srbije, a što je potvrđeno i u odluci Privrednog apelacionog suda PŽ Br. 4222/12 od 03.03.2016. godine. Zaklјučenje bilateralnog sporazuma u skladu sa Aneksom G - Sporazuma o sukcesiji nije neophodno. Takođe ni odluka Evropskog suda za lјudska prava, doneta po prestavci Privrednog društva „MLADOST TURIST“ AD, ne može biti razlog za prekid postupka. U smislu žalbenih navoda, predloženo je da se pobijano rešenje ukine i predmet vrati na ponovni postupak.

Prvostepeni sud, polazeći od Zakona o potvrđivanju Sporazuma o pitanjima sukcesiji, člana 2. Priloga - G Sporazuma i člana 4. istog akta, zaklјučuje da ima mesta prekidu obe parnice. Kako takav ili sličan sporazum do sada nije zaklјučen između država sukcesora, odnosno Republike Hrvatske i Republike Srbije, prvostepeni sud dalјe zaklјučuje da bez zaklјučenja dodatnog sporazuma koji bi konkretizovao njegove odredbe je bilo nužno prekinuti postupak, dok države sukcesori ne postupe u skladu sa članom 4. Priloga G - Sporazuma o pitanjima sukcesije. Na takav stav navodi prvostepeni sud da ukazuje i odluka Evropskog suda za lјudska prava od 30.01.2018. godine, doneta po zahtevu br. 73035/14 koji je uputio „MLADOST TURIST“ AD protiv Republike Hrvatske, a u kojoj Evropski sud za lјudska prava podržava stav Republike Hrvatske o nemogućnosti neposredne primene Sporazuma o pitanjima sukcesije, bez zaklјučenja bilateralnog sporazuma ili drugih mera radi implementacije sporazuma, koji bi omogućio primenu člana 2. Aneksa G - Sporazuma o pitanjima sukcesije. Prvostepeni sud se u pobijanoj odluci poziva na odluku Evropskog suda za lјudska prava od 30.01.2018. godine, po predstavci „MLADOST TURIST“ AD protiv Republike Hrvatske, te s tim u vezi treba istaći da je nakon donošenja navedene presude Evropskog suda za lјudska prava, došlo do promene sudske prakse u Republici Srbiji.

Rešenje je dostupno u javnoj bazi sudske prakse ovde
Član P1-1 | DIC | MLADOST TURIST A.D. protiv Hrvatske
Presudom broj PŽ 6322/18 od 12.12.2018. godine Privredni apelacioni sud odbio je kao neosnovane žalbe tužioca i potvrtio presudau Privrednog suda u Beogradu P 6123/16 od 24.09.2018. godine, ispravlјenu rešenjem P 6123/16 od 24.10.2018. godine i dopunskim rešenjem istog suda P 6123/16 od 14.11.2018. godine.

U svojoj presudi Privredni apelacioni sud se poziva na odluku Evropskog suda za lјudska prava "Mladost turist" protiv Hrvatske.

Presuda je dostupna u javnoj bazi sudske prakse ovde
Član P1-1 | DIC | MLADOST TURIST A.D. protiv Hrvatske
Presudom broj GŽ-1265/20 od 27.05.2021. godine Apelacioni sud u Kragujevcu odbio je kao neosnovanu žalbu tuženog Stečajna masa „ĐĐ“ DD … i potvrdio presudu Osnovnog suda u Čačku 1P.br.1356/18 od 16.12.2019. godine

U svojoj presudi Apelacioni sud u Kragujevcu se poziva na odluku Evropskog suda za lјudska prava "Mladost turist" protiv Hrvatske.

Presuda je dostupna na javnoj stranici Apelacionog suda u Kragujevcu ovde
Član P1-1 | DIC | Nešić protiv Crne Gore
Presuda je povezana sa presudom Gž 2609/18/2018 od 13.12.2018. Apelacionog suda u Beogradu, kojom se kao neosnovana odbija žalba tužene i potvrđuje presuda Osnovnog sua u Lazarevcu P 707/15 od 07.02.2018. godine u stavu prvom, delu stava trećeg koji je izvršeno prebijanje potraživanja i obavezana tužena da tužilјama isplati presudom određeniiznos, u parnici tužilaca AA1 do AA3,protiv tužene Gradske opštine Lazarevac, radi naknade štete.

Presuda je dostupna u javnoj bazi sudske prakse ovde

Član P1-1 | DIC | Tehnogradnja DOO protiv Srbije
Presuda je navedena u presudi Gž 9376/2018 od 13.06.2019. godine Apelacionog suda u Beogradu, kojom se odbija kao neosnovana žalba tužioca i potvrđuje presuda Višeg suda u Beogradu P. br. 4261/17 od 25.06.2018. godine.

Presudom Višeg suda u Beogradu P. br. 4261/17 od 25.06.2018. godine stavom prvim izreke odbijen je tužbeni zahtev tužioca kojim je tražio da se obaveže tužena da mu na ime naknade materijalne štete isplati iznos od 12.089.792,46 dinara, sa zakonskom zateznom kamatom počev od 06.07.2015. godine do isplate.

Prema činjeničnom stanju utvrđenom u prvostepenom postupku tužilac je dana 31.03.2014. godine, zaklјučio ugovor o pružanju pravne pomoći i zastupanju sa HI "AA", kao vlastodavcem, na osnovu kog ugovora je tužilac kao punomoćnik preuzeo obavezu da pruža advokatske usluge vlastodavcu kroz pravne savete, konsultacije, zastupanja i odbrane pred sudovima i svim drugim organima vlasti, dok je se sa druge strane vlastodavac obavezao da tužiocu za to plaća paušalno mesečnu naknadu u iznosu od 2.000,00 evra neto uz uvećanje za visinu poreza na usluge u dinarskoj protivvrednosti po kursu važećem na dan plaćanja svakog 01-og do 10-og u mesecu za prethodni mesec, kao i da mu isplati iznos dosuđenih i naplaćenih troškova po svakom predmetu u iznosu koji vlastodavac realizuje uz umanjenje za iznos materijalnih troškova koje u toku postupka snosio sam vlastodavac i koji pripadaju vlastodavcu. Ugovor je zaklјučen na neodređeno vreme, sa početkom važenja od 01.04.2004. godine.

Vlastodavac po osnovu navedenog ugovora HI "AA", bilo je društveno preduzeće, a “AA1” d.o.o., bio je kupac 70% društvenog kapitala navedenog preduzeća, na osnovu ugovora o prodaji društvenog kapitala metodom javnog tendera koji je zaklјučen dana 13.01.2004. godine. Agencija za privatizaciju obavestila je preduzeće HI "AA" i “AA1” d.o.o., dopisom od 01.07.2005. godine, da se ugovor o prodaji društvenog kapitala javnim tenderom smatra raskinutim zbog neispunjenja istekom naknadno ostavlјenog roka, zbog čega je Agencija u skladu sa odredbom člana 41a stav 2 Zakona o privatizaciji, donela odluku o prenosu kapitala Preduzeća HI “AA”, Akcijskom fondu.

Tužilac AA, po osnovu ugovora o pružanju pravne pomoći i zastupanju, preduzimao je pružanje advokatskih usluga HI “AA” a.d., zaklјučno sa julom 2006. godine, ali kako mu naknada nije isplaćena, tužilac je pokrenuo parnični postupak koji je ončan donošenjem presude Osnovnog suda u Kruševcu P. br. 884/12 od 13.02.2014. godine, kojim je usvojen njegov zahtev i obavezan tuženi HI “AA” a.d., da tužiocu na ime duga isplati iznos od 4.914.652,80 dinara, sa zakonskom zateznom kamatom počev od 01.08.2006. godine do isplate, kao i da mu na ime troškova parničnog postupka isplati iznos od 1.064.834,00 dinara. Ova presuda potvrđena je presudom Apelacionog suda u Kragujevcu Gž.br. 3567/16 od 13.12.2016. godine.

Žalbeni navod tužioca da je ugovor o prodaji društvenog kapitala od 13.01.2004. godine, raskinut retroaktivnom primenom člana 41a stav 2 Zakona o privatizaciji, je osnovan, ali nije od uticaja na drugačiju odluku suda, s obzirom da je i član 41a Zakona o privatizaciji), koji je važio u vreme zaklјučenja ugovora, predviđao mogućnost raskida ugovora zbog neispunjenja (neplaćanje rate ugovorene cene u ugovorenom roku).

Suprotno žalbenim navodima tužioca, pravilno je prvostepeni sud prilikom donošenja odluke imao u vidu presudu Evropskog suda za lјudska prava u Strazburu od 14.03.2017. godine u predmetu “Tehnogradnja” d.o.o., protiv Srbije (predstavka br. 35081/10 i 68117/13), kada je našao da činjenice koje je sud razmatrao u tom postupku, nisu identične činjenicama iznetim od strane tužioca u ovoj parnici, s obzirom da je u tom postupku sud našao da je došlo do povrede člana 6 stav 1 Konvencije i člana 1 Protokola 1 u vezi sa neizvršavanjem pravnosnažnih odluka domaćih sudova, s obrazloženjem da preduzeće – dužnik nije moglo “istovremeno biti podvrgnuto stečajnom i izvršnom postupku”. Tužilac, prema sopstvenim navodima, nije ni pokretao izvršni postupak, niti je mogao da ga pokrene jer je vodio parnični postupak koji je pravnosnažno okončan donošenjem presude Apelacionog suda u Kragujevcu Gž. br. 3567/16 od 13.12.2016. godine, pa se na njega navedena presuda i stav izražen u njoj ne može primeniti.

Presuda je dostupna u javnoj bazi sudske prakse ovde
Član P1-1 | DIC | Yaylali protiv Srbije
Presuda je povezana sa presudom Gabrić protiv Hrvatske (9702/04) od 05.02.2009. koju je doneo Evropski sud za ljudska prava, u kontekstu jednakog sagledavanja srazmernosti izrečene sankcije.
Član P1-1 | DIC | Zarifa Skenderi protiv Srbije
Odluka se navodi u presudi Gž 2695/2019 od 04.04.2019. godine Apelacionog suda u Beogradu, kojom se odbija kžalba tuženog i potvrđuje presuda Prvog osnovnog suda u Beogradu P 8696/2016 od 12.03.2018. godine, ispravlјena rešenjem istog suda P 8696/2016 od 04.02.2019. godine, u prvom i drugom stavu izreke, presuda preinačuje u delu trećeg stava izreke tako što se obavezuje tuženi da tužiocu, na ime naknade štete zbog manje isplaćene penzije, isplati za mart mesec 2013. sa zakonskom zateznom kamatom dok se u prostalom delu stava trećeg izreke i stavu četvrtom odbija i potvrđuje navedena presuda.

Neosnovano se žalbom tužioca osporava ocena prigovora zastarelosti s pozivom na praksu Evropskog suda za lјudska prava i zauzeti stav u predmetu istog činjeničnog i pravnog osnova, Grudić protiv Srbije (presuda od 17.04.2012. godine), da zbog povrede neotuđivog prava na imovinu zagarantovanog Evropskom konvencijom o zaštiti lјudskih prava i osnovnih sloboda, podnosioci prestavke imaju pravo na sve iznose neprimlјene penzije od 1999. godine, dakle, bez obzira na zastarelost. Naime pitanje trogodišnjeg roka zastarelosti iz člana 376. ZOO nije postavlјeno u predmetu Grudić, a reč je o zakonskom roku zastarelosti čije postojanje samo po sebi nije nesaglasno sa Konvencijom i Protokolom uz nju, jer je reč o roku koji teži legitimnom cilјu, obezbeđenju pravne sigurnosti, a koji se, u odsustvu dokaza, ne može smatrati proizvolјno primenjivanim od strane sudova, niti da bi ovaj rok mogao biti neproporcionalno kratak prema posebnim okolnostima slučaja nezakonite obustave isplate penzija kao stečenog prava (presuda Evropskog suda za lјudska prava, predmet Zarif Skenderi i drugi protiv Srbije, Predstavka broj 15090/08, presuda od 04. jula 2017. godine, stav 97 i 100)

Presuda je dostupna u javnoj bazi sudske prakse ovde
Član P1-1 | DIC | Đokić protiv Bosne i Hercegovine
Presuda je povezana sa presudom Gž 1864/19 od 20.06.2019. Apelacionog suda u Beogradu, kojom se odbija kao neosnovana žalba tužilaca i potvrđuje presuda Osnovnog suda u Smederevu P broj 875/18 od 03.10.2018.godine u parnici tužilaca AA do AA2 protiv tuženog BB radi iselјenja.

Presuda je dostupna u javnoj bazi sudske prakse ovde
Član P1-1 | DIC | Đokić protiv Bosne i Hercegovine
Presuda je povezana sa presudom Gž 1838/10 od 17.02.2010. Apelacionog suda u Beogradu, kojom se odbija kao neosnovana žalba tužilјe i potvrđuje presuda Prvog opštinskog suda u Beogradu P.br.3724/05 od 30.05.2007.godine.

Presudom Prvog opštinskog suda u Beogradu P.br.3724/05 od 30.05.2007.godine, odbijen je tužbeni zahtev kojim je tužilјa, Republika Srbije, Ministarstvo odbrane, tražila da se naloži tuženoj B.B. da deo dvorišne zgrade na katastarskoj parceli broj __ KO __, koji se nalazi u dnu dvorišta gledano sa ulice desno do stana koji je od tužilјe otkupio VV, ispražnjen od lica i stvari preda u državinu tužilјi, kao i zahtev tužilјe za naknadu troškova parničnog postupka.

Presuda je dostupna u javnoj bazi sudske prakse ovde
Član P1-1-1 | DIC | Iatridis protiv Grčke
Podnosilac predstavke ima pravo na naknadu troškova samo u onoj meri u kojoj je pokazano da su ti troškovi zaista i neophodno nastali i da su razumni u pogledu iznosa, jeste premisa na osnovu koje je Veliko veće ESLJP zauzelo stav u pogledu pravičnog zadovoljenja u presudi Iatridis protiv Grčke, broj 31107/96, tačka 54.

Ovaj stav je naveden u brojnim presudama koje su usledile kod kojih je Sud razmatrao pravično zadovoljnenje usled izgubljene dobiit.